According to the Huffington Post, the whole thing was started as part of a campaign against child abuse. As one user wrote:
“From now until December 7, change your profile picture to a cartoon character from your childhood. The objective of this is not to see any human faces on Facebook but an invasion of memories for the fight against Violence to Children. Remember we were kids too :D.”
Let me just say, I'm not trying to "boo hoo" here or anything but, I was a victim child abuse; I also happen to know many other children that were victims of child abuse. Getting thrown down the stairs, pushed against walls, getting choked, doesn't exactly remind me of a cartoon.
Let me also say, what I went through was merely a FRACTION of what other children I knew had to grow up with. I was very lucky. I had a dad that went to counseling. I'm not trying to come across as feeling sorry for myself; I don't. I do know that many children are NOT as lucky as I was. It's a living nightmare being beat up on a daily basis, feeling as though no one cares, no one loves you, no one will believe you...
Something tells me that cartoons aren't exactly something children think about when their parents are kicking the crap out of them. Yeah, that's not what I thought about either.
If you want to help, the best thing you can do is make sure that the county you live in offers help to children, when the police are called. THIS is the single most important thing and fortunately for me, I lived in a county that didn't put up with child abuse. Raise awareness in schools, telling children to come forward. That's how you help out with child abuse.
Changing your avatar to a cartoon character for a few days, then doing nothing else, is sort of disgusting.
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