Those of you that have known me long enough, know that I hold Katie Couric in a very special place in my black heart. This woman knows how to drive me absolutely insane with rage, by simply appearing on tv. Her left bias is typical, most conservatives are accepting of the liberal slant that comes with all the alphabet channels but, Katie has her very own snarky, nasty, adolescent view of the world, that is a brand all her own.
When Katie is interviewing someone from the opposing side, she actually believes the viewer will think she is fair and unbiased, while consistently delivering her snide, condescending tone. Some people see Katie as a woman's voice in the news, someone they are proud to watch, and then there's the other part of the population, that is not incarcerated or in a mental ward, that see her for the fraud she truly is.
Perhaps if Katie just came out and said she was not a journalist, that she was just a commentator, I might have a tiny bit of respect for her. Instead her approach to journalistic reporting is questioning people, and looking for a "gotcha moment" that will put her back into the spotlight.
I almost feel sorry for Katie when she is interviewing someone that has much more intellectual power. Let's watch her struggle, just for fun. This video is from 3 years ago, I believe. Watch her try her best to get Condoleeza Rice in a "gotcha moment" and fail miserably.
You'd think Katie might learn her lesson when dealing with folks who are clearly smarter than her. Watch this recent interview. Condi tramples Katie!
I'd like to personally thank Condolezza (because, I know she totally reads my blog, right?), for articulating this viewpoint so well. Like many typical liberals, Katie struggles so hard to "get it." She is so narrow-minded and, fixated on the silly, "Bush lied, people died" mantra, that she can't figure out that it couldn't be further from the truth. This interview is a complete embarrassment for Katie. Too bad she probably will never learn.
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