Michael Moore is one of those characters in American politics that whenever you see, you have to question, just how in the hell someone like this got to be so successful? Another question that comes to my mind is-- why does anyone listen to this big wind bag?
It is clear that Moore's logical skills are not beyond that of 2nd grader, as he tries his best to repeat the lie that we purposefully went to war, and our government lied to us. He then blubbers on about his "truth" in his "documentary" film Fahrenheit 9/11. I am wondering if he can please explain why he looped the film to make it look like Bush was just sitting for much more time than he actually did after hearing about the first plane? If it was all about truth, perhaps he could explain why his documentary is filled with lies? That is just ONE example. The movie has been debunked over and over again and, the fact that anyone would take this man seriously just goes to show to the lack of intelligence amongst the common liberal that takes the time to listen and applaud this man for working so hard to be a liar and propagandist.
I'm wondering if he also supports the leaks concerning Assange's court case? Rachel didn't ask him about that, I noticed. It would have been fun to see him twist in the wind and try to rationalize his thoughts, since they lack reason in the first place.
You are spot on Tuesday!!! This guy is a disgrace like Julian ASSange!!! I would deport them as fast as tehy can say Wiki Leaks!!!
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