Sometimes I put up fake headlines, just to mix things up a bit but, this title is actually true. Documents were leaked concerning the current charges against Assange and, he is mad about it.
So, let me get this straight, it's not okay to leak information about Assange, because it could effect his trial but, it's okay to leak top secret, stolen documents from governments?
Ugh, I'm confused.
JULIAN Assange, the man behind WikiLeaks, today launched a wide ranging series of attacks on both his enemies and allies as he defended his public and private conduct.
In his first UK newspaper interview since releasing hundreds of secret diplomatic cables last month, Mr Assange told The Times he predicts the US will face reprisals if it attempts to extradite him on conspiracy charges.
He accused his media partners at The Guardian newspaper, which worked with him to make the embarrassing leaks public, of unfairly tarnishing him by revealing damaging details of the sex assault allegations he faces in Sweden.
Speaking from the English mansion where he is confined on bail, the 39-year-old Australian said that the decision to publish incriminating police files about him was "disgusting". The Guardian had previously used him as its source for hundreds of leaked US embassy cables.
Mr Assange is understood to be particularly angry with a senior reporter at the paper and former friend for "selectively publishing" incriminating sections of the police report, although The Guardian made clear that the WikiLeaks founder was given several days to respond.
Mr Assange claimed the newspaper received leaked documents from Swedish authorities or "other intelligence agencies" intent on jeopardising his defence.
"The leak was clearly designed to undermine my bail application," he said. "Someone in authority clearly intended to keep Julian in prison."
He denied allegations of sexual assault and said that the allegations by two Swedish women he met in August "came from nowhere".
Right. He's innocent. Uh-uh.
Click title of post for full article.
I agree, I agree, I AGREE!!! This guy is a dirtbag, not at all patriotic to any nations soveriegnty... He is a pathetic human being, intent on undermining the confidential, secret & top secret documents our country relies on to keep us safe and secure. He will no doubtedly be going to hell in my opinion. He is a disgrace to the media he claims to be a part of. Well internet media only I believe. I will look because of my curiousity, but never devulge any of the levels of security. I had a secret security clearance during my time in the U.S. Air Force. On the same note, my older brother was in the Navy, and his clearance was above Top Secret!!! which was pretty impressive to me seeings as he never graduated high school and went in the Navy after being booted from Air Force delayed enlistment for not graduating. I used to tell him I didn't feel safe with the oxymoron, a non-graduate being in charge of Navy Intelligience. I did not get much flak about it....LOL
but anyways, I digress....
Julian Assange will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the LAW. Hopefully to be tried for Treason in Australia, and maybe extradite his ass to America for the same, death penalty conviction!!!
Censoring comments that don't follow your own agenda? who are you? shall I find out?
can't believe you censor comments that don't match your agenda, WHAT A TOOL...I'm gonna find out your email and look you up on facebook
Ohh, you already show your facebook haha
I think he's a true hero for our time, I think the generation of losers that have let governments and corporations work closely together in secret, in the aims of poisoning children in 3rd world countries to test drugs, or poisoning its own citizens with growth hormones (that the UK and Canada have both stated cause cancer and have outlawed in their countries) and allowing Fox news to lie about it, and I do mean 'LIE' about it; There was a case brought against them, and that case was lost by former employees on the grounds that 'it is not illegal to lie in the news', so since then milk in America has been polluted by growth hormones harmful to humans.
The education system in America must be atrocious, for you to miss every similarity between the Nazi party of Germany stripping civil liberties away and its strategies in achieving its goals, and the recent ongoings in the USA over the last few years.
Patriotic behaviour is standing up for the rights and liberties that our troops fought for against people like the Nazi's, I guess, since you've fought so many wars against countries to make your capitalist beliefs work, stripping natural resources, sweat shops in 3rd world nations, propping up dictators, hell, Even the ownership of rain water in one country. The US military goes all over the world and fights wars for the profits of private corporations, and you can search everything I've mentioned and you'll get well documented cases. America is corrupt, Assange is against Corruption.
Sure, incriminating him in the press, by releasing what he's accused of in a way that implies he did it, isn't fair. It's a form of character assassination, the Guardian in fairness just wanted a tabloid story of a celeb court case, but, I'm not very concerned with Julian Assange and his legal problems.
I'm much more interested in why the US told Sadam it's okay to invade Kuwait before the first gulf war, and thats a fact your diplomats told him when he said he was going to invade Kuwait that "the affairs of the middle east do not concern them" < Ron Paul a congress man from Texas even brought that up, and another war in the Gulf after, first for terrorists, then for WMD, then to spread democracy, but really for US corporations Oil interests. How many of your citizens and your kids need to go off and die in some foreign desert, for Oil company profits....
I respect your article, and you're entitled to your opinion; but there is much bigger and much more scandalous things to write about; How about the internet security firm HBgary that Anonymous hacked after they threatened to release names of anonymous members, then on their computers was found detailed plots to discredit Wikileaks using very dirty tricks, and other strategies they use to discredit and slander/attack people.
"Julian Assange will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the LAW. Hopefully to be tried for Treason in Australia" It is not treason for me as a UK citizen or for Assange to release any secret US documents, unless the USA owns our countries and we all know that ain't true, you can't even own 2 primitive middle eastern countries.
Sorry, I do believe in the great potential of the US but you've got the wrong idea of freedom, if corporations make all the laws, decisions and control all the infomation.
Peace, cause with America it's unlikely.
A loving Red coat (The bloody English for you uneducated few)
February 27, 2011 7:32 PM
You clearly are confused, being unable to diseminate the obvious difference between global political affairs which expose a plethora of issues vital to our collective public interest and ad hominem smears on a private individual's dealings which serve only to further an insidious agenda and jeapordise the legitimacy of the upcoming case.
Your presumption on Assange's innocence or otherwise run roughshod over your assertions that this 'leak' is benevolent. You just dosproved your own argument.
If I was to play Devil's advocate and suggest Assange HAD behaved illegally and the case fell apart because of the media intrusion into the case would you feel vindicated then? Does the rule of law pay no dividends to achieving your aim of ruining a presumed 'enemy' to your freedoms? A fair trial is a fair trial, Leaks that compromise THAT justice are not for the greater good, regardless of wether the leak fits or upsets your agenda.
I don't think you've thought this one through.
What are you talking about? Censoring comments?
For someone being so nasty and making accusations that aren't even true ---you post Anonymous? Really?
So, it's okay for him to accept stolen property and put other people at risk but, it's not okay when documents are leaked about him?
I don't think YOU'VE through this through at all.
Talk about a double standard. He's slime. What comes around goes around.
If it's not okay when it pertains to him, then how can he possibly argue what he's done is correct? He can't.
You're gonna look me up on Facebook and do what exactly? Something wrong with you? Forget to take your meds?
Only a coward hides behinds an anonymous post while calling someone else out and threatening them. You people are thugs that like to harass people, your opposition. It is not good enough for you to debate them politely in the forum you have to find them and stake them out, find their emails to send them hate messages and then take over their Facebook walls with your messages. You like to destroy people's lives only when you don't agree with them. You destroy nations because you have no concept of loyalty except to some cult-like man you almost worship. History has seen your type before you are Nazi thugs, you are the new Brown Shirts of the 21st Century.
- Mike Mazzeo, The Free World Blog
Thank you! Seriously...I have NO idea what the hell this Anonymous is talking about. I didn't censor any comments. So, you what? You have to hunt someone down and threaten them? Really? Well, I'm not hiding, like you clearly are. What's the point in freaking out like that? Unbelievable.
I'd just like to add, it's MY blog. Even if I were censoring comments...that's MY business and not yours. Get your own damn blog, if you don't like it. Unlike liberals, I allow people to post whatever. I don't allow SPAM and porno. So, if you posted that, YES, I deleted it.
Plus, this post is 2 months old. Get a grip!
Lol. Stupid Christian Rightist writing about content to which she has no grasp of.
Wow, what an insightful comment.
Typical liberal. Can't follow logic, has to march in lock-step with the MSM because, they can't think for themselves.
Go back to your pasture, they're missing a sheep.
Oh, and "Anonymous"(LOL!), I found you post. I even posted it for you.
See, when you post something FIVE times, it goes to SPAM automatically. Idiot.
Yawn, this false dichotomy is not really condusive to anyone's understanding.
I'll clarify my post.
1)State 'secrets' that may endanger the citizenry deserve scrutiny from any government's employers (Any governments, no just the whitehouse - cablegate had sod all to do withg anti-Americanism, it was about exposing GLOBAL policies that were in place and were detrimental to global citizens. There's no point in hiding behind a tattered flag).
2) You're speculation as to Assange's guilt or innocence regardig the Sweden case only PROVES what he is suggesting - that leaking trial details before a case is heard obviously DOES sway opinion and sets the forum for an inadmissable court case.
That neither proves his innocence or guilt, it simply makes due proccess unobtainable.
This is neither a victory for those who admire Assange or those who dislike wikileaks.
The whole issue is an exercise is misdirection and character defamation....
Even if he did engage in sex with a split condom in Sweden, it'd not affect my opinion on wikileaks. Just as it shouldn't affect yours.
In your fiendishly reactionary swallowing up of the partyline rhetoric you are neglecting the implications and absolute decimation of your own nation's first amendment rights.
I'm no even American and I've more concern for your constitution than you.
Furthermore, capital punishment is about as un-christian as you can get.
(I'm not the anonymous who had comments removed/reinstated btw nor am I anonymous, I'm just a lazy cow.)
You are a lazy cow. I can tell because, apparently you have great deal of issues being able to read and comprehend. At this point, I'm wondering if you even bothered READING this post.
How dare you question anyone's Christianity or their relationship with G-d. Clearly you ALSO have a huge misunderstanding of the Bible and the types of judgments you are commanded to make, and those you are forbidden to make. It's always the liberal that knows NOTHING about the Bible that tries to demonize Christians. Could you be MORE predictable?
Yes, apparently you are.
Just who the hell do you think you even are? Oh, that's a right, you're not even an American and, you wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for America, yet you support the enemies of this country because, you're a backstabber. With friends like you, who needs enemies, right?
Clearly, you really don't know anything about this country. So, I'm not sure where you come off thinking that you do. This is absolutely pathetic! LMAO!
This whole subject is clearly above your head. No one is "swallowing a party line," other then YOURSELF, so stop projecting yourself and your behavior onto others. It makes you look silly.
I don't know where you get these silly notions from but, again you don't know anything about this country. Stick with what you know--- living off your government, eating, and watching telly. Soak up some more of that propaganda and be a good little socialist solider. In the meantime, you should stay out of political discussion and save that for the big boys and girls.
Anonymous I suggest you look up the laws regarding Treason, Espionage, Sedition and other Treason-like offenses. They are not considered Free Speech. They are not protected by the First Amendment or by the common law definition. It goes against basic common sense and self-preservation. Because doing and saying stuff that deliberately harms the nation is a crime. Giving aid and comfort to the enemy is Treason. Espionage is obtaining classified or secret document or information, that would be harmful to the nation if released, and leaking them to the enemy. Every nation since the beginning of civil laws has made this a crime to do so. Any nation that allows Espionage to go on and make it a legal right to do so in committing suicide and will not last very long as a nation.
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