I don't know much about Rand Paul but, I'm not too fond of Ron Paul, his father. Ron Paul sounds like a quack and, he also doesn't seem to like Israel much, (I have heard that Rand is also against Israel).There's more but, I'll save it for another time.
I know a lot of folks like him and I, personally, love many of those folks but, it's hard to fully support them. On the other hand, just the idea of having a new face in office is rather appealing.
How conservative is he? The 47-year-old Paul - who trounced establishment candidate Trey Grayson in Kentucky's GOP Senate primary Tuesday - wants to abolish the federal departments of education, commerce and energy, as well as the income tax.
...the father of three wants to pull U.S. military forces out of all overseas missions.
With all this, I absolutely agree with but, pulling out all our troops overseas? No. Then again, politicians rarely ever do everything they say they are going to do so, you take some good with some bad.
You can read the full article here.
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