From article:
Meanwhile, the self-described moderate on social issues Kirk went rogue on the conservative wing of his own Republican Party when he spoke out Tuesday against the Arizona crackdown on immigration.So, now that he's become a Republican U.S. Senate candidate, I guess it's good that we know he doesn't like the law of the land. What AZ did was simply provide a warning, "hey, we're actually going to start enforcing the law now." Some of these politicians are just incredible. He's also probably another politician that has not read the law anyway.
"I understand the way Arizona citizens feel. But one state acting alone can't solve this problem. This is a core federal responsibility," said Kirk.
Kirk's Democratic opponent Alexi Giannoulias also opposes the Arizona law because he believes it is divisive and encourages racial profiling.
Both Kirk and Giannoulias support versions of comprehensive immigration reform as national policy.
It would appear that report was not accurate. See his comments here:
And on Kirk's own site:
Here's another reporter's take:
The first link you gave me, had the same exact quote as I posted above, along with:
Kirk: "I think the law in one state acting alone which in the end is not effective. This is a core federal responsibility. Especially after 9-11. We think, or I believe, and I think most Americans believe that the federal government should know who is entering the United States. And remember this isn't just a concern with our southern border. The 9-11 attackers came across the Canadian border. This is a Homeland Security issue for the United States ... I think the American people want stronger control of the border and common sense would tell us that only the federal government can do this effectively."
He does not support the bill because, it's one state and not the federal government. That's really the law anyway, the feds aren't enforcing anything.
On his site, he says the same thing, "One state cannot solve this problem alone."
He's dancing around the issue. If you're for closing the border than, just flat out support the bill and SAY so. He's not speaking clearly here.
He should say, "I support the bill, and we need to do more." End of story. Why is he dancing around? All he says is that he, "understands it." I'm still uneasy about him. Maybe I'm wrong.
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