
Health Care Bill - Part Twelve

Beginning on p. 553

Subtitle J—Improvements to the Medicaid and CHIP Paymen and Access Commission (MACPAC)

This section, from what I am understanding, is saying that this MACPAC will basically review everything the states are doing concerning Medicaid and CHIP, then will make various recommendations towards improving various processes. MACPAC shall work with  Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, or MedPAC. They will share information and carry out their duties. So, basically all this is MORE bureaucracy. People will oversee other people, who are overseeing others and, reports will be made. Utter nonsense!

Subtitle K—Protections for American Indians and Alaska Natives - p. 565

If you're Indian, there will be no cost sharing if you are at or below 300 percent of the poverty line and, you're enrolled through the state exchange. SEC. 2902. ELIMINATION OF SUNSET FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR ALL MEDICARE PART B SERVICES FURNISHED BY CERTAIN INDIAN HOSPITALS AND CLINICS.

Subtitle L—Maternal and Child Health Services This section is somewhat pie-in-the-sky legislation. The idea is to help develop a program that will actually visit children during their early years. The target? Children of poverty, children who may be abused, children from areas of high crime, ect. The government will determine the need for each state and hand out grants.

This all-inclusive program is going to do all sorts of great things. It will improve everything from infant health to school readiness. It's plan is to reduce neglect and abuse. Basically get involved with families and show them how things are supposed to be done!

All this stuff sounds amazingly wonderful. Who could be against something so great? Unfortunately, I'm not sure the government is going to solve all of the woes. What about people being allowed to raise their children the way they see fit? I'm not saying that spankings, for instance, are the best way to handle your child's behavior but, sometimes a spanking may be necessary. I don't know. All families are different. They have their own way.

Of course, we find that the Secretary will be overseeing and providing a model. It also looks like they will set forth a chain of priority. They also include families that are in Armed Forces.

After this description includes a bunch of formalities that will occur with the Secretary and state. They also discuss the budget on p. 593.

...leaving off on p. 595.


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