What's established so far is that Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office took no known action when the first red flag about Massa was raised last October. When there was a second red flag in February, though, action by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer was swift. The complaints went to the House ethics committee.
Party leaders can't be blamed for a single member's sexual proclivities. But ignoring them when they involve former and current congressional staff, if not covering them up, is a different matter, and that's what helped sink Republicans in 2006.
According to Pelosi aides, the Massa aide never mentioned groping, propositioning or other sexual misconduct. Still, the speaker's office has refused to say what - if any - action was taken.
Just a few excerpts from the article. I love how the dems always have a double standard. G-d forbid if a Republican do something wrong but, if a demoncrap does the exact same thing, it should be forgiven and forgotten.
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