Why can't Boxer and these other morons just admit they are wrong? Why can't they just come to terms with the fact that they just don't KNOW exactly what is going on? Why are they so insistent on making such broad statements about global warming? What are they trying to hide?
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It's very obvious that there is something going on amongst the elite when it comes to the issue of "global warming." No scientist in his right mind would ever state for a fact that any of this is an actual fact.
I studied science, I majored in chemistry and math. I know exactly how hypothesis's are derived and how they are studied and observed. There are certainties and uncertainties. All of this is recorded and summarized. The fact is, we just don't have enough information to know for sure.
Many people in the scientific world actually believe the planet has been here for billions of years. So how can any of these same people say we know enough about the climate when, we really only have a small amount of years in comparison where we've recorded actual temperatures? This is all about pure politics.
There is nothing sinister here. It's plain as day for folks with dendrites that are properly working and axons properly firing. This is all about CONTROL. This is about controlling a population of folks who are too stupid to think for themselves. Fortunately, some of us DO have brains. This insanity has got to stop!
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