I'm not sure why I allow this woman to get under my skin the way she does but, listening to her talk is a combination of fingernails running down a chalk board and, laughing at someone walking out of a restroom with toilet paper sticking out of their pants.
She is so entirely stupid! I can't believe she's on TV. Furthermore, I can't believe The View can actually find people, who make up the audience, that actually listen and believe this woman.
This particular clip from The View is the ladies having a discussion about the recent infidelity issues surrounding Tiger Woods.
At the very beginning of this video clip, Baher says that Tiger, "is not a hypocrite in his personal life." Then, later (20 seconds later), she says, "I'm not talking about personal hypocrisy, I'm talking about societal hypocrisy."
Watch for yourself.
This woman can't even follow her own logic. Basically, it's okay to have an affair, as long as you're a liberal because, at least you're not a hypocrite. Is this woman serious?
First of all, everyone is a hypocrite! No one is immune to this. Liberals are the worst hypocrites because, they can't even see when they are being hypocrites. Sure, conservatives are hypocrites. So? Most of us Christians especially struggle with adhering to our high standards on a daily basis. I know I do but, just because I fall here and there doesn't mean I just "give up" and forget about morals, standards, decency, ect. No, I admit my faults, I acknowledge when I've done wrong and try to fix what I can. I then try to make sure I don't make the same mistake again.
Liberals preach anything they want, do whatever they want, tell others what to do, then when they do something wrong, they blame someone or something else. They don't try to fix anything because, they really don't believe in anything unless, it effects them in a negative way. Then, they change and shift like the wind. They only have principles when it's convenient for them and, are the first to judge anyone that doesn't subscribe to their world view. Then, they have the nerve to say that no one can judge anyone!?!?
Joy Behar is a typical libtard and this video is one of hundreds of clips that shows she doesn't even know what she's saying from one second to the next.
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