I want to say Happy New Year to everyone! Thank you for making 2009 such an awesome year for me. I can't wait to start the New Year of 2010!
I look forward to a fresh start and a real change in our government! Yes, indeed there IS hope!
I know it's very easy to get caught up in all the bad stories that are going on but, when it's all said and done, we all need to focus on ourselves, making our lives of value, and instilling those strong values into our children. If we can focus on supporting and not defeating, we surely can change the course of our country.
No election has ever been won from a desire to beat the other guy. That's what happened in 2008. We just didn't want Obama and what we got was a RINO like McCain running. We have to come together like we did for Bush; we have to focus on SUPPORTING! Let's support people who can not only reflect the majority and our values but, people who we can actually be proud of.
This is going to be a great year! Keep your thoughts positive. Rid your lives of toxic people. Don't allow negativity in your lives. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Put a smile on your face, try to help someone each day, spend time with your family, and be active!
G-d Bless you all!
With Love,
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