Since, I do live in Nebraska, I figured I should write a little bit about Ben Nelson.
I've never been a huge fan of Ben Nelson but, I respect him. He's been in Nebraska politics for as long as I can remember. I am completely disappointed in him agreeing to go with this health care bill. He just sold out. He was fighting for certain language concerning the issue of abortion and, in the end, he folded like a cheap suit.
So, now the rest of the country will be paying for our Medicade. In the end, it's just moving things around. We'll all be paying dearly for the consequences of a health care bill getting passed. Most of the changes won't take place till 2014, securing Obama's re-election, and this is drawing a lot of criticism.
There was nothing partisan about this bill. The democrats are ramming this down our throats! It is an absolute shame that Senator Nelson stabbed this state in the back! (Click title for article.)
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