Well, I watched most of this trash [Obama's speech] but, in between feeding a one year old, feeding myself, picking up things in between, I really didn't get all that much of a chance to focus on our socialist leader's words.
I did manage to catch the part where he said he wanted more troops in Afghanistan and how this is needed to protect the US and it's citizens. I was actually shocked that he seemed to have finally "got it" about why sometimes you have to fight.
Then, without fail, Obama decides it's a good idea to give the enemy a time table of 18 months. What a genius he is!
I especially loved the part where he pointed out all the great things the US has done in the world to help other countries but, then followed those statements up with some crap about how he wants to move forward in getting rid of all nuclear weapons, where no country, including our own, would have these weapons. He said that we can't solve anything with "arms races." Funny Obama, isn't that EXACTLY how the US has been able to help ourselves and other countries in the past?
You can't send troops to die over something and not fully back them. This is a half-ass attempt to do what everyone with a small amount of neurons could figure out but, also a strategy that will ultimately embolden our enemies.
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