
Happy New Year!

I want to say Happy New Year to everyone! Thank you for making 2009 such an awesome year for me. I can't wait to start the New Year of 2010!

I look forward to a fresh start and a real change in our government! Yes, indeed there IS hope!

I know it's very easy to get caught up in all the bad stories that are going on but, when it's all said and done, we all need to focus on ourselves, making our lives of value, and instilling those strong values into our children. If we can focus on supporting and not defeating, we surely can change the course of our country.

No election has ever been won from a desire to beat the other guy. That's what happened in 2008. We just didn't want Obama and what we got was a RINO like McCain running. We have to come together like we did for Bush; we have to focus on SUPPORTING! Let's support people who can not only reflect the majority and our values but, people who we can actually be proud of.

This is going to be a great year! Keep your thoughts positive. Rid your lives of toxic people. Don't allow negativity in your lives. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Put a smile on your face, try to help someone each day, spend time with your family, and be active!

G-d Bless you all!

With Love,


Florida Freak Calls 911 To Get A Ride To a Bar

Gregory J. Oras called police three times with a story about how he had been beaten, had a bloody nose, bleeding ears, and people shooting him.

It turns out, none of this was true, he was actually looking for a ride to a bar.

He was promptly arrested. Shocker.

Click title for full story.

al-Qaida Hideout Raided By Yemeni Forces

A gun battle ensued after Yemeni forces raided an al-Qaida hideout. The raid occurred because the government of Yemen had vowed to eliminate the group responsible for the Christmas bombing attempt.

A statement from the government indicated that at least one militant, who they suspected was behind the bombing attempt, was arrested and in custody.

It was Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, that told authorities that he received intructions and training from al-Qaida located in Yemen.

Before Wednesday's attack, more than 60 of al-Qaida's militants were killed by Yemen forces with the help of US intelligence.

You can click on the title to be taken to the full article for more details.

I am interested in what they will find out from this man that was arrested, if they find anything out at all. Hopefully, this isn't a dog and pony show.

A Rare Blue Moon To Start Off The New Year

Blue has nothing to do with the color, it simply means the second full moon to occur with in a month.

Occurring once every 19 years, on New Years Eve, folks in the United States will be able to see the blue moon in the sky, to start off 2010.

Click on the title for the full article.


Yemen Investigates Nigerian Terrorist

Click the title to read the latest coming from Yemen concerning al-Qaida with Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.


Obama Vows To Protect Americans - To Bad He Released Them From Gitmo

Obama has been on vacation and was on vacation during this last terror attack. However, he did manage to tell the American people that we should be reassured that he will protect us.

You can see the previous posts that I have to get more details on the attack itself. You can also click on the title to get the story that is currently running on the AP.

Is it surprising anyone that the press isn't hounding the crap out of Obama for being on vacation? After all, anytime Bush went on vacation, it seemed as if the world had ended! How dare he take a vacation! Well, what's good for the goose....

It turns out that this Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is being held in a federal prison. Excuse me? Why is he not being held by the military? They are actually going to have a hearing to see if they can get his DNA?! What? Take it! I don't understand how Obama is vowing to protect us yet, treating someone like this with kid gloves. I'm not saying we should behead the guy on a webcam. Seriously, I'm not advocating that but, I am saying this guy needs to be interrogated behind closed doors, and with whatever equipment is deemed necessary to get information out of this man. Not sitting in a federal prison, protected by OUR constitution! Our constitution doesn't protect sworn enemies, who are claiming to work for terrorists intending to destroy this country.

Oh, there will be a review and they are going to find out why a guy with no visa, on a watch list, was able to board a flight with liquids!?!?! How on earth did this happen?! Who is working at these airports? Someone on the inside let this man on the plane. Couldn't that be a possibility?

I guess we'll just have to see how this plays out. I don't trust Obama or his administration. I just don't. I'm afraid that the only people that are going to be punished are the folks that love this country, not the ones that want to kill in the name of some virgin-handing out god.

So, the latest to this story is that the men who were behind this plot, were released from Gitmo! This is insane! If this is true, Obama is going to have some major explaining to do.

Click this article title to read the full story -

Men believed behind airplane plot were freed from Gitmo


Security Reviews After Airline Attack

Northwest Flight 253, heading to Detroit, is the flight that was under attack on Friday, Dec. 25.

Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, was able to bring aboard a two-part concoction of PETN and possibly a glycol-based liquid explosive. Fortunately, there was some kind of malfunction that occurred that didn't allow for a full detonation.

According to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, flying is "very, very safe."

You can click on the title to read the entire article.

In November, Abdulmutallab had been placed in a database of more than 500,000 names of people suspected of terrorist ties. But officials say there was not enough information about his terror activity that would have placed him on a watch list that could have kept him from flying. Officials said he came to the attention of U.S. intelligence last month when his father, a prominent Nigerian banker, reported to the American Embassy in Nigeria about his son's increasingly extremist views.

It is clear that the enemies of this country are not at all deterred when it comes to the security this nation currently has in place.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs announced a review of air safety on two broad fronts, saying the government will investigate its systems for placing suspicious travelers on watch lists and for detecting explosives before passengers board flights.

I'm all for a review but, it's the people running the government that I don't trust. Sure, there will be more searching but, of who? More old ladies? More white men? When is someone going to stand up and say, "Hey, we need to racially profile!" To me, of what I've witnessed, it doesn't seem as though we are concerned about actually safety as much as we are not hurting anyone's feelings, or offending other cultures.


Al-Qaida Link In Failed Plane Attack

Flight 253 with 278 passengers and 11 crew members, on it's way to Detroit, experienced an attempted terrorist attack to explode a plane. The man, who was subdued by at least one passenger, was identified by authorities as Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab. He is a Nigerian man who has said to be under orders of al-Qaida.

The people on the plane were traveling for about 20 minutes when, a popping noise was heard and smoke was observed. That is when a man crawled over to him to restrain him.

You can click the title for the full story that is being reported on the AP.

I cannot believe that there are people in this country that don't believe terrorism is a threat to this country.


Franken The Hot Head

Even though freshman Senator Franken (D)/(socialist scum), from MN, it seems, has been trying to get a nice, hardworking image of being a good senator, he's been reported, as of late, as still having a "hot-head."

No?!?! Really?!?!

You can click the title to read the full article but, apparently it's being reported that Franken has gone after some aides that work for the GOP. He even interrupted Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn) during his speech on the Senate floor, not allowing him to finish his argument.

It amazes me how this slime got into office in the first place. That election was so tight! How did he even get ONE vote, let alone more than half of his constituents?! I don't understand what has happened to the people of this country, that they would think this man, who is nothing but a blow-hard, an unoriginal, spineless pig, would ever be able to lift himself high enough to write valuable legislation. It's NOT his nature to be a public servant. His nature is being a clown and having a foolish, elementary school-type outlook on life. Personally, I'd of had a lot more respect for him had he just continued to write his class-D books that he was writing before i.g. Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations.

What's with the name "Al" anyway? Al Gore, Al Franken, Al Queida...hmmm? Something to ponder.


MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan

Every once in awhile you run across someone in the media who is just as confused and frustrated as the American people.

Thanks to a friend on Facebook (Sidney), who posted this interesting clip of Dylan Ratigan, from MSNBC of all places, we get to see Mr. Ratigan "explode" at Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL). In this clip, Mr. Ratigan is pretty furious with Ms. Schultz and points out how the only thing that this health care bill seems to be benefiting, are the insurance companies, as their stocks are moving up.

Watch for yourself.


Obama Lied In Copenhagen

Cuba's foreign minister called President Barack Obama an "imperial and arrogant" liar Monday for his conduct at the U.N. climate conference, a reflection of the communist island's increasingly fiery verbal attacks on the U.S. government. (click title to read more)


Senator Ben Nelson

Since, I do live in Nebraska, I figured I should write a little bit about Ben Nelson.

I've never been a huge fan of Ben Nelson but, I respect him. He's been in Nebraska politics for as long as I can remember. I am completely disappointed in him agreeing to go with this health care bill. He just sold out. He was fighting for certain language concerning the issue of abortion and, in the end, he folded like a cheap suit.

So, now the rest of the country will be paying for our Medicade. In the end, it's just moving things around. We'll all be paying dearly for the consequences of a health care bill getting passed. Most of the changes won't take place till 2014, securing Obama's re-election, and this is drawing a lot of criticism.

There was nothing partisan about this bill. The democrats are ramming this down our throats! It is an absolute shame that Senator Nelson stabbed this state in the back! (Click title for article.)



Fruit Will Be Thrown At You, You'll Be Shouted Down, If You Dare Question Global Warming

Phelim McAleer was on Neil Cavuto today and had fruit tossed at him. Why did this happen, you ask? He questioned global warming. He wanted to talk about the emails surrounding Climategate. He was shouted down by a bunch of brainwashed morons. See for yourself!

These people disgust me. What are they so afraid of that they have to shut people up like this? Why would they treat someone so terrible for asking questions, when they themselves would be furious if anyone were to do this to them?

These are the same folks that go around preaching freedom of speech but, really, it's only when you agree with them.


Energy Efficient Traffic Lights Can't Melt Snow

Since the installation of the miraculous energy efficient traffic light, several cities are reporting traffic accidents because, these new lights can't melt snow. The lights are being glazed over from snow and ice; drivers cannot see the lights. In the most extreme case, one death occurred.

Illinois authorities said that during a storm in April, 34-year-old Lisa Richter could see she had a green light and began making a left turn. A driver coming from the opposite direction did not realize the stoplight was obscured by snow and plowed into Richter's vehicle, killing her.

The only thing cities can really do is have the ice and snow scraped off by hand and, this is quite a bit of labor.

If you do run across this, you should treat the intersection as a four way stop, just as you would in a black out.

The irony here is, if we had global warming, the winter storms wouldn't occur! It's as if were damned if we do and damned if we don't. I think we can all agree, saving energy is wonderful but, at what cost? Yes, these new LED lights work for years and should probably be used in areas of the country where winter storms don't occur but, in places like Wisconsin or, Minnesota? No, I think the government should err on the side of safety and bring back the normal lights. It's just common sense!

Click article for full story.


Aerobic Fat Burning Zone Myth

I have a Facebook friend that shared this video and, I wanted to pass it along. I haven't been doing exactly this (as described in the video), but I have been working out in a 10 minute intervals for some time now and, I definitely see faster and better results.

Hope you enjoy.

Uh-Oh! Dems Might Lose Obama, Biden Seats

The Senate seats once held by Biden and Obama are leaning towards Republican nominee's.

Click title for full story.

"Not to steal one of President Obama's favorite words, but in Illinois and Delaware, Republicans have a truly historic opportunity to win both the president and vice president's Senate seats, and we're fortunate to have the strongest possible candidates already in the race," said Brian Walsh, chief spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.


Have I Mentioned How Much I Can't Stand Joy Behar?

I'm not sure why I allow this woman to get under my skin the way she does but, listening to her talk is a combination of fingernails running down a chalk board and, laughing at someone walking out of a restroom with toilet paper sticking out of their pants.

She is so entirely stupid! I can't believe she's on TV. Furthermore, I can't believe The View can actually find people, who make up the audience, that actually listen and believe this woman.

This particular clip from The View is the ladies having a discussion about the recent infidelity issues surrounding Tiger Woods.

At the very beginning of this video clip, Baher says that Tiger, "is not a hypocrite in his personal life." Then, later (20 seconds later), she says, "I'm not talking about personal hypocrisy, I'm talking about societal hypocrisy."

Watch for yourself.

This woman can't even follow her own logic. Basically, it's okay to have an affair, as long as you're a liberal because, at least you're not a hypocrite. Is this woman serious?

First of all, everyone is a hypocrite! No one is immune to this. Liberals are the worst hypocrites because, they can't even see when they are being hypocrites. Sure, conservatives are hypocrites. So? Most of us Christians especially struggle with adhering to our high standards on a daily basis. I know I do but, just because I fall here and there doesn't mean I just "give up" and forget about morals, standards, decency, ect. No, I admit my faults, I acknowledge when I've done wrong and try to fix what I can. I then try to make sure I don't make the same mistake again.

Liberals preach anything they want, do whatever they want, tell others what to do, then when they do something wrong, they blame someone or something else. They don't try to fix anything because, they really don't believe in anything unless, it effects them in a negative way. Then, they change and shift like the wind. They only have principles when it's convenient for them and, are the first to judge anyone that doesn't subscribe to their world view. Then, they have the nerve to say that no one can judge anyone!?!?

Joy Behar is a typical libtard and this video is one of hundreds of clips that shows she doesn't even know what she's saying from one second to the next.

Global Warming Lies

Go ahead and click the title for a great article about how to argue with these morons that still believe Al Gore's BIG LIE about global warming.


If You Waddle....

If you are a person that waddles, walks with a limp, moves slow for whatever various reason, could you please move over to the RIGHT so, that others can pass you? There's nothing more annoying than having to walk directly behind someone because, they insist on walking right down the middle of a hallway, instead of having some common courtesy and moving the hell over! Then, if you're lucky and they DO move, they move to the LEFT?!?! This isn't Europe!

I swear that people who do this are liberals. Yes, I can turn anything into a political conversation! It's just a gift I have. The truth is, I can't imagine the mind of a conservative doing this. Only a liberal would think they are "entitled" to block other people, or annoy the holy crap out of someone just because, they've convinced themselves they are "equal" to everyone.

Here's some bad news, if you waddle, you are NOT equal to anyone that can walk at a normal speed. You are slow and that's the way it is. No one is taking your rights away or, going to treat you different in a court of law. In fact, you might have an advantage because the jury might not believe one who waddles would commit a crime but, I digress....Please, get a clue and quit pissing people off for the sport of it!

I haven't the foggiest clue as to why some waddle but, I do notice that many of these folks don't seem to have a limp (also folks that need to move out of the way), they just appear to be very overweight. They just need to lose some weight. In the meantime, they need to move over so folks who are healthy can move at a normal pace.

Liberals don't think about other people. They only think about themselves and what they want. They won't do anything unless there's recognition of some kind. I have a feeling that many of them would gladly move over if they knew someone would hand them a prize after wards, maybe like a Nobel Peace Prize. Something that shows the world how courteous they are. The truth is, doing things in order to get some praise, isn't doing good at all.

So, here's to the folks that know they are slow for being a fatty or, having a physical issue and know to just go ahead and move over to the right. They know they aren't in a race but, have the decency to get out of the way for folks that want to walk at a regular pace. G-d Bless each and everyone of you!


10 Inches of Global Warming

Today, I had to shovel myself out of my driveway in any hopes of going somewhere tomorrow. It was quite a chore since, about 10 inches of snow covered my entire driveway. It wasn't so bad once I started moving and getting "into the groove" of things.

I actually really like the snow. I'm one of those people that loves all four seasons. Snow, when I was a kid, was amazing. I loved sledding and rolling around as long as I could in the blistering cold when school was closed or, on the weekends.

All these memories of my childhood came flooding back to me as, I was now the adult; I was the one not playing in the snow but, shoveling it. That and Al Gore. I couldn't help but think about Al Gore. Wow. "Why the hell isn't he out here shoveling my driveway?" I thought to myself. He promised me "global warming"! I was actually looking forward to it, even though I do love snow.

The thing about Al Gore that just drives me nuts is that he is a pathological liar and, still people give him attention. The media and celebrities don't seem to be bothered by anything he's clearly lied about. There have been many news stories that I've seen over the years where the media has called him out on his lies and yet, people still give this man respect, as if he knows anything about anything!

When he ran for president, he told the American people he invented the internet. At first, I didn't even believe this. I thought it was a joke. I really, really did. However; one night, watching ABC, yes, ABC...they were doing a montage of him and, played this clip of him saying, "I took the initiative in creating the internet"?!?! Say what?

Also during his campaign, he said things about him being in TX, during the floods, when Bush was governor. This was met by an odd look from George W. Bush and, that was because, Al Gore was NOT there! He's a damn liar! He tried telling people he was going to put our money in a "locked box"...remember that one? Liar! Literally, everything that came out of his mouth was a lie.

This lying continues to this day! With all this hype about his global warming, he took information about the climate, not from the IPCC report itself, he simply read the review, which was flawed and the scientists even said so. He didn't actually read the report because, if he had, he would have known that the report couldn't find anything terribly conclusive. We simply don't have enough data to confirm or deny that human actions are causing any change in our climate. Change has always occurred.

Now that Climategate has exposed emails exchanged between scientists clearly showing a premeditated deception concerning global warming, Al Gore still lies! It makes NO difference what kind of evidence is presented to this dolt, he just can't seem to face or acknowledge truth. It's like a dirty word or something to him.

Click the title for the story.

In a recent interview, Al Gore insists three times that these exchanges were made 10 years ago and even though he didn't read all the emails, it doesn't show anything deceitful.

The truth is, some of the emails are as recent as a month ago and there's NO denying that Phil Jones urged the other scientists to delete their emails.

My goodness Al Gore, how stupid do you think we are!?!? Apparently, many folks are still buying this crap. I call them libtards! Idiots, every single one of them.

Q: There is a sense in these e-mails, though, that data was hidden and hoarded, which is the opposite of the case you make [in your book] about having an open and fair debate.

A: I think it’s been taken wildly out of context. The discussion you’re referring to was about two papers that two of these scientists felt shouldn’t be accepted as part of the IPCC report. Both of them, in fact, were included, referenced, and discussed. So an e-mail exchange more than 10 years ago including somebody’s opinion that a particular study isn’t any good is one thing, but the fact that the study ended up being included and discussed anyway is a more powerful comment on what the result of the scientific process really is.

Health Care Negotiations

According to the article from Reuters, the democrats have reached an agreement about the health care bill. Click title for article.

Democratic Senate sources said the substitute would create a non-profit plan operated by private insurers but administered by the Office of Personnel Management, which supervises health coverage for federal workers.

Of course the democrats use language that suggests they actually believe in "competition" but, I still don't really understand how this is different from a "public option." Even if it's privately run, it will still require a whole lot of monitoring by the government; will it not?

The Senator from my state, NE, Ben Nelson (D), proposed an amendment that would restrict abortions from being covered but, that was shot down. Because of this, Ben Nelson has said he wouldn't support the final bill.

Why would anybody support a plan that would cover abortions? Can we also go ahead and include plastic surgery? Or, how about teeth whitening and orthodontist services? Breast enhancements? I mean, if these idiots want to cover a procedure that is an ELECTIVE procedure, why limit it to killing an innocent? I would much rather pay for a tummy tuck than murdering a baby.

Abortion is a state's issue. Not one that should be forced upon people through the courts, like it currently is. If even Ruth Ginsberg can say this, how can anyone say otherwise? Let the states vote on whether they want to support it but, as far as the government paying for it? Absolutely not. Yes, there are two sides to this. You aren't going to get pro-life folks to ever go along with killing a baby, and why should they? You aren't going to get anti-life folks to believe that abortion is wrong. It's just not going to happen. When you have an issue like this that is so personal, you have to let the people decide for themselves. The government just can't be paying for this! It's elective.

This is just one example of why it's so dangerous to have the government involved in so much of our lives. What I don't understand is when these liberals claim they don't want the government in their bedroom but, they turn around and gladly accept them in all of their medical decisions? I'm not even sure what they mean by the government being in their bedrooms anyway.

In this compromise, Medicare is also expanded. It's fine to expand it but, for goodness sakes, the only way to create competition is to allow insurance companies to sell anywhere they chose. This is so obvious! Why is it that demoncraps can't understand this?! Libtards at their finest.


Another Porn Star? Another Mistress?

Oh boy. I wanted to follow up on this story.

The total number of side dishes for Tiger has elevated to 11! Click title for full story.

It seems he also likes porno stars. This new one is Joslyn James.


1.) Rachel Uchitel. The club hostess was the first of the women to be linked to Woods after the National Enquirer reported that she traveled to Australia to be with Woods during a golf tournament there. So far, she has denied the affair.

2.) Jamie Grubbs. The 24-year-old reality show contestant and cocktail waitress claims she carried on a 31-month-long affair with Woods until his crash last month. She offered a Woods voicemail to prove it.

3.) Kalika Moquin. The 27-year-old club manager from Las Vegas is reported to have had a brief sexual relationship with Woods. She would neither confirm nor deny the report.

4.) Cori Rist. The 31-year-old swimsuit model reportedly met Woods at a Manhattan club last year before they began a sexual relationship that led to Woods flying her out to various secret locations for hook-ups, and her introducing the golfer to her 7-year-old son.

5.) Jamie Jungers. The 26-year-old, who sold her story to a British newspaper, is a former employee of Trashy Girls Lingerie. She said she met Woods in Las Vegas.

6.) Mindy Lawton. The 33-year-old pancake house waitress from Orlando claims she was dumped by Woods in 2007. According to the Post, it was her affair with Woods that was caught on camera by the National Enquirer, when he was snapped dropping her off at her trailer park. The threatening news later led to a Woods Men’s Fitness cover in exchange for the magazine’s silence about the alleged affair, the New York Post reports.

7.) Holly Sampson. The 36-year-old from Los Angeles is a former porn star, who has starred in such films as “OMG, Stop Tickling Me” and “Flying Solo 2.” According to the Sun, she has neither confirmed nor denied her affair with Woods.

8.) Unidentified Alleged Mistress No. 8. A former cocktail waitress from Orlando, Fla. does want to reveal her identity yet, according to her attorney Michael O’Quinn. But this she has said: at the time the affair allegedly began, she was 20 years old and met Woods at the Roxy in Orlando, where she was a VIP server.

9.) Unidentified Alleged Mistress No. 9 is reported to be a “sexy” British TV presenter who was single at the time, but is now married.

10.) Unidentified Alleged Mistress No. 10. is reported in a UK paper to be a “sex-addicted cougar.”

11.) Joslyn James. The star of many, many porn videos was named on the sports blog Deadspin.com as a Tiger regular, but did not respond to the site's call for comment.

I am hoping there's an end to this madness. I'm wondering why a guy like this got married in the first place?

Apparently, Gatorade has dropped Tiger Woods' drink since revelation of his cheating has became public. However; according the article...

Gatorade released a statement Tuesday saying the move to discontinue its "Tiger Focus" drink had nothing to do with the golfer's growing scandal and that the decision was made before Tiger's car crash and allegations of extra marital affairs.


Reid: Against Healthcare, Support Slavery?

Yes, you read that right. Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, decided to open his big old yap again and say that people who are against the Health Care Reform bill are just like folks who supported slavery.

He also decided to add that people against the bill are no different than the folks who were against civil rights and woman's suffrage.

"Instead of joining us on the right side of history, all the Republicans can come up with is, 'slow down, stop everything, let's start over.' If you think you've heard these same excuses before, you're right," Reid said Monday. "When this country belatedly recognized the wrongs of slavery, there were those who dug in their heels and said 'slow down, it's too early, things aren't bad enough.'"

He continued: "When women spoke up for the right to speak up, they wanted to vote, some insisted they simply, slow down, there will be a better day to do that, today isn't quite right.

"When this body was on the verge of guaranteeing equal civil rights to everyone regardless of the color of their skin, some senators resorted to the same filibuster threats that we hear today."

Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are comparing us to folks who support slavery or, were against civil rights? I think it's time for Harry to find himself a nice history book and learn about his OWN party before he opens his big mouth and makes a complete fool out of himself again.

Tiger Woods' Wife Moves Out

Gee? Ya think? I'm not sure what I would do if I found my husband has been having affairs with, by last counts, 9 women?!?! Oh, wait, that did happen with my ex. I left him.

Some men just don't know when to say when.

According to a report, Tiger Woods' wife Elin Nordegren has reportedly moved out of their Windermere mansion -- just after Woods was linked to an alleged seventh mistress, porn star Holly Sampson.

I'm pretty saddened by this story. I don't know thing one about golf but, Tiger has always had a huge following. Everyone knows who this guy is. He's always seemed so "squeaky clean." I guess it shouldn't be surprising that he's not perfect. I mean, who is? It's just insane that this was with SO many women. Seems so disrespectful. Does Tiger really hate women? What's going on?

I'm sure we'll hear even more in the weeks to follow. Click title for full story.


‘You call it Climategate — I Call it E-Mail-Theft-Gate’

Why can't Boxer and these other morons just admit they are wrong? Why can't they just come to terms with the fact that they just don't KNOW exactly what is going on? Why are they so insistent on making such broad statements about global warming? What are they trying to hide?

Click title for video.

It's very obvious that there is something going on amongst the elite when it comes to the issue of "global warming." No scientist in his right mind would ever state for a fact that any of this is an actual fact.

I studied science, I majored in chemistry and math. I know exactly how hypothesis's are derived and how they are studied and observed. There are certainties and uncertainties. All of this is recorded and summarized. The fact is, we just don't have enough information to know for sure.

Many people in the scientific world actually believe the planet has been here for billions of years. So how can any of these same people say we know enough about the climate when, we really only have a small amount of years in comparison where we've recorded actual temperatures? This is all about pure politics.

There is nothing sinister here. It's plain as day for folks with dendrites that are properly working and axons properly firing. This is all about CONTROL. This is about controlling a population of folks who are too stupid to think for themselves. Fortunately, some of us DO have brains. This insanity has got to stop!

Hope For 2010

Wow! Listen to this man!

Congressional Candidate Lieutenant Colonel Allen West

Obama's Speech

Well, I watched most of this trash [Obama's speech] but, in between feeding a one year old, feeding myself, picking up things in between, I really didn't get all that much of a chance to focus on our socialist leader's words.

I did manage to catch the part where he said he wanted more troops in Afghanistan and how this is needed to protect the US and it's citizens. I was actually shocked that he seemed to have finally "got it" about why sometimes you have to fight.

Then, without fail, Obama decides it's a good idea to give the enemy a time table of 18 months. What a genius he is!

I especially loved the part where he pointed out all the great things the US has done in the world to help other countries but, then followed those statements up with some crap about how he wants to move forward in getting rid of all nuclear weapons, where no country, including our own, would have these weapons. He said that we can't solve anything with "arms races." Funny Obama, isn't that EXACTLY how the US has been able to help ourselves and other countries in the past?

You can't send troops to die over something and not fully back them. This is a half-ass attempt to do what everyone with a small amount of neurons could figure out but, also a strategy that will ultimately embolden our enemies.
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