
Creeper Weiner

Anthony Weiner is caught again with his pants down and more sexting with the ladies. This revelation however seems to not deter Weiner in his bid for mayor. He thinks a simple apology is good enough.

The wife is still standing by him. Maybe she's got her own extracurricular activities.

Mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner admitted today he had another extended, raunchy online sexual relationship with a young woman — just months after resigning in disgrace from Congress in a sexting scandal. 
But he won't be dropping out of the race. And his wife, Huma Abedin, is standing by him.
“Anthony Weiner is up to his old tricks again. I've been in contact with a young woman who wishes to remain Anonymous. She was lured by Anthony Weiner post scandal via Facebook. They had a relationship for six months and she believed they were in love,” the Website said. 
“Anthony Weiner like a true sex predator promised Anonymous many things like a job at Politico and a condo in Chicago (a place they could meet up and have sex). The relationship consisted of Anthony Weiner and Anonymous sending sexually explicit pictures of each other and having sexual conversations via phone. The best part was Anthony used an alias this time thinking this would protect him.”
This guy is a true creep. He obviously has no intention of changing his ways, which will only continue to place him in a position where he can be bribed. His desired role for being a mayor is far above his skill level and his lack of morality will only serve as a major obstacle in office.

See Texts here.


Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Detail Role of Justice Department in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests | Judicial Watch

Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Detail Role of Justice Department in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests | Judicial Watch

Document: DOJ Community Relations Service was deployed to Sanford, FL, “to provide technical assistance for the preparation of possible marches and rallies related to the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old African American male.”

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has obtained documents in response to local, state, and federal records requests revealing that a little-known unit of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Community Relations Service (CRS), was deployed to Sanford, FL, following the Trayvon Martin shooting to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman.

Click link above for more.


O'Mara Speaks -- Corrupt Prosecution

Now that the trial is over, everyone is reflecting on the events that eventually led up to the trial. The fact is, this trial should have never occurred. The arrest of Zimmerman should not have occurred.

The prosecution deliberately hid evidence, which was confirmed by Ben Kruidbos who testified that the state was aware of cell phone information back in January. The defense did not become privy to this evidence until June.

Judge Nelson was equally disturbing in her repeated refusal to allow the defense a continuance in order to have time to make sense of the information that was withheld. This is unheard of and prejudicial. Perhaps she knew the state did not have a case to begin with and her actions were merely for show to allow the public to believe she was supporting the prosecution -- just acting out the PC narrative. This doesn't excuse her outrageous behavior but it might explain it.

Angela Corey bypassed a grand jury in order to arrest Zimmerman and prosecute him. Now, how is it we still have people who think this action was justified in anyway? If this had been an action against a black person, these same Zimmerman haters would be screaming from the rooftops about how unfair and corrupt the prosecution was. Yet, in the eyes of Zimmerman haters, this action is welcomed with full approval. In fact, there is an undertone that seems to be telling Americans that blacks should be given extra or special rights. The government should be more lenient towards blacks in general, while simultaneously being hostile towards whites or Hispanics. It is the bigotry found in low expectations that the liberal ideology has created a black culture that feels above the law and now supports government action that reflects racial supremacy.

Without a doubt many blacks have taken great efforts into ignoring this trial, ignoring the facts that were revealed, and have refused to accept that George is actually telling the truth. They identify with Trayvon because he reflects their inner attitude that it does not matter what a black person does; it should be perfectly legal to attack a white person and how dare anyone defend themselves from said attack. They might not admit this outright but the fact is they are still repeating lies and by now many have to realize how wrong they are however, the collective mind and ego that is rooted in hateful emotion refuses to reconcile the facts of this case. If they can just continue to pretend that George is a liar by hanging onto every little word and displaying their hyper-literal thought process than surly they can continue to convince themselves he is guilty.

No reasonable person looking at this case objectively can possibly arrive at the conclusion that George acted in an inappropriate way.


Sum Ting Wong

I heard this the other day on the radio but, I did not quite catch the whole story so I figured I'd look it up.

Apparently, KTVU from the Bay Area was reporting names of pilots who were on the Asiana Flight 214. It was obviously a prank, but the reporter read the names as if she were not paying attention.

A little bit of a Ron Burgundy moment.

Captain Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk, Bang Ding Ow
Translation: Captain! Something wrong, we too low, holy f*** BANG! DING OW!

Rachel Jeantel Gets In Her 15 Minutes

Rachel Jeantel did her first interview post trial with CNN. 

As you can see, she has been carefully scripted. She tells us that Trayvon was calm. She denies using drugs and that Trayvon used marijuana but it only made him hungry -- I guess she forgot about paranoid.
Anyway, tell me what you think. 

The Truth About George Zimmerman

I found an excellent video to share with you. Please watch and share with those that still hell bent on calling George a killer/murder.

I enjoy this video since it gives a very objective view of the case, not a ton of bias and emotional hyperbole.

One day, the same people who are calling Zimmerman guilty will be denying they ever did and laughing at those that think he's guilty. It will take time but it WILL happen.


O'Mara Tells the Media What's Up

After the verdict of NOT guilty for George Zimmerman, O'Mara and West speak with the press. The following clip is a must see. G-d Bless these men. They fought for justice and won. A very special thank you to this jury of all women -- wow! I am impressed that not only did they take the time to go over the evidence thoroughly, they gave me faith in women, faith in this county's justice system, and they helped an innocent man get the justice he deserved.

O'Mara is amazing. He accurately points out the media's negligent actions in taking a story and running with it in such a way that demonized George, making him the most hated man in America. Not only did the justice system, with the help of Angela Corey (who completely disregarded the need for a grand jury), and other scheme artists, work to destroy an innocent man, the media played along and enabled the corruption.

There is a reason we have the laws that we do. It is a shame that history has taught many nothing.


Zimmerman --- NOT Guilty!!!

I was unable to watch the verdict live, I just recently found out that Zimmerman was found NOT guilty!

I jumped in the air and cheered and then I cried. I could not help but cry, "This country is not over! There is still justice in our court system!"

What a wonderful day it has become.

G-d Bless George and his family. I pray you will be able to find some peace in your lives after all you have endured.

G-d Bless the Martin family as well. I am sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine losing a child. I pray that you will one day find peace as well and understand why George did what he had to do.

G-d Bless America!!!!

Zimmerman Verdict ...While We're Waiting Let's Remember Al Sharpton

As we wait for the jury to make the correct decision in the George Zimmerman case, I'd like to remind everyone about our country's resident racist Al Sharpton.

It appears as though Sharpton is once again lying and telling the public that he never rushed to judgement concerning the actions of George Zimmerman.

Might I remind dear Al of the speech he gave in Sanford where he clearly says that Zimmerman shot Trayvon in cold blood.

Sounds exactly similar to that of a Hitler speech complete with an aggressive audience that is easily influenced with emotional displays of hate.



MSNBC is pushing back against Fox News host Sean Hannity, who last night accused MSNBC host the Rev. Al Sharpton of "rushing to judgment" in the case of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman who shot and killed Trayvon Martin. 
"MSNBC would like to set the record straight following some misinformation presented by Fox News during the interview with George Zimmerman last night," MSNBC wrote in a statement sent to POLITICO. "Reverend Al Sharpton never 'rushed to judgment,' as stated by Mr. Hannity. Reverend Sharpton repeatedly called for calm and for a more thorough investigation in the wake of the tragic events. Ultimately, the authorities agreed an arrest was warranted."
Click on that link and read the sheep talk about how Fox News is lying. Watch that video. Does that sound like someone who didn't rush to judgement? Does that sound like a calm man? Last I checked when your telling an audience that a man murdered someone in cold blood that IS indeed rushing to judgement. Telling officials they will receive backlash is a threat, not calling for calm and investigation.

Fox News lies? It's a shame how the libs in this country are still in the dark. Still lost without facts. STILL repeating lies for years and years. STILL believing that dems actually care about them and their communities. STILL. Really? REALLY? -- as O'Mara would say.

Wake up. After all of the hate Al Sharpton has spewed over the years repeatedly, I cannot understand how people have STILL not caught on. Dear heavens, Dear Lord, please wake these people up. I pray fervently.

Zimmerman Lawyers Were Once Supporters Of Judge Who Has Knocked Them About Florida Courtroom | The Smoking Gun

Zimmerman Lawyers Were Once Supporters Of Judge Who Has Knocked Them About Florida Courtroom | The Smoking Gun


Zimmerman Trial Continues -- Reasonable vs. The Irrational

Last Friday the prosecution for the George Zimmerman trial rested their case but not before they called Sybrina, Trayvon's mother, stating that the screams she heard on the 911 call were that of her son, and the medical examiner, Dr. Shiping Bao who basically offered us nothing; the torch was passed on to the defense to begin their side.

I have provided links below for the sources used in this article as well as interesting articles I have found that may or may not be included this article's content. 


Daryl Parks is Nuts

In a recent interview with Daryl Parks, Daryl reveals that Trayvon Martin may have taken the first punch but, that's okay because he was being followed by George Zimmerman. Furthermore, he believe that George is the one who was beating up Trayvon, it doesn't matter that no injuries were found. He also seems to think that somehow George should have hung in there because the police were coming and his injuries weren't all that bad.

Absolutely unbelievable. This man is an idiot. Trayvon was a loser by all accounts and for people to parade him and his actions as normal or give them justification is nothing short of pathetic.


Zimmerman Trial - The State's Case is Imploding

First I need to make a correction to what I have previously stated before. I have wnritten elsewhere about the button but I did go back and add an update to my previous post to state that I was wrong about the button and that is why I am posting the photo here for you.


Message to Trayvon Supporters Who Are Always Bringing Up Racism Part II

This is a continuation from part 1.

Trayvon was shot in a racially mixed neighborhood; George Zimmerman lived in that neighborhood. The very idea that George singled out Trayvon solely on race is completely absurd. Obviously he would except to see a black person walking in his neighborhood. Stop kidding yourself. It's obvious Trayvon was singled out because he wasn't acting right. He was acting weird and I challenge you to watch the video of him in the 7 Eleven.

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