It amazes me that people in Hollywood always seem to be on top of certain issues that are by their very definition, anti-American. They seem to support many policies that run contrary to what they represent. They lash out at the very wealthy for not paying their "fair share" in taxes, yet they themselves have ever-growing bank accounts, VIP privileges, and no one, and I mean NO ONE is stopping them from sending in more money to the government. In fact, some of them have even been busted for avoiding taxes. They jump on environmental causes while they themselves jet around the world. Like any good liberal they also love to use children, women, and minorities in order to show how truly wonderful they are. For them just feeling a certain way is what makes them better, more open-minded, and enlightened.
Let's not pretend that conservatives are not hypocrites either. I am just as guilty as anyone but, I certainly do not consider myself better than anyone just because of my views. One of the many reasons I am no longer liberal comes from the realization that I truly am no better than anyone else. As a liberal, I was drunk with the idea that I was superior to all those simple-minded, intolerant people who didn't think like I did. You see the problem isn't so much that someone is a hypocrite. The problem is liberals have a way of taking hypocrite to a new level.
Unlike liberals, conservatives do not fool themselves into thinking they are going to change people though absurd and lofty causes. We know we have trouble changing in our own lives which is ultimately the only power we actually have. We know we are not going to save the environment simply by driving a Prius and lecturing others. We know we are not going to solve economic problems by insisting on making the rich pay more because the rich are the people who provide jobs, donate to charity, and ultimately pump the most money into the economy ensuring that the poor have jobs and can rise above their circumstances through hard work and spiritual growth. We know that objects like guns do not posses power but the people who control them do and any problems we have with objects are the result of our culture and not the objects themselves. We are also sinners and we struggle just like everyone else but that doesn't stop us from understanding that there is an ideal and that striving for higher standards ultimately helps us as well as those around us. When we fail, we don't just accept the idea that our failures mean we should turn toward moral relativity or lash out at others for our own poor choices.
It is my estimation that many liberals especially those in Hollywood may very well have genuine interest in helping fellow man but, they fail to understand basic fundamentals about life and the psychology of humans. They ignore very basic concepts that should be obvious to them. For example the recognition of incentive driving people to succeed. Most celebrities are celebrities because they make effort to be one by engaging themselves in the entertainment business. They work tirelessly on movie sets, inside music studios, and actively seek out connections in order to market themselves. They do this for many reasons that include fame, money, and power. These incentives are what drive them to produce, create, and improve their craft. Ultimately their goals are based on personal interest. This is the same for everyone yet the Hollywood liberal seems to think the rest of us should do things for the greater good and ignore our own self interest.
Recently we have witnessed even more oddly detached behavior from the liberal elite in Hollywood. The one issue that ALL Americans should agree on is the basic, natural, G-d-given right of people being allowed to protect themselves. The same Hollywood elite who are protected around the clock by body guards carrying guns are now telling the American people that we need to advocate for more gun laws and more restrictions concerning who can and cannot protect themselves.
Fortunately not everyone on the left feels this way. This gun control advocacy originates mostly from those on the far left and those who are emotionally motivated. These are people who live in a world of paranoia and have an irrational fear of objects, in this case, guns.
A perfect example displaying ignorance and an inability to connect information into logical patterns comes from Michael Moore (shocker, I know):
Three things, according to Moore, make America unique in its violence: poverty, “fear/racism,” and the “me society.”
“We're an awfully fearful country considering that, unlike most nations, we've never been invaded,” he said. “Why on earth would we need 300 million guns in our homes?”
Of course a logical person would be able to conclude that we haven't been invaded because of our guns. Not Moore. While he is actively protected by people armed with guns, he expects the rest of us to surrender our right of protection to common thugs that threaten us with violence. In many cases, people are constantly surrounded by the threat of violence from others using guns to commit crimes.
The fact is, those people living in tinsel town are worse than those on the left who are just emotional. They repeatedly star in movies that promote violence, are protected by guns, and then turn around and lecture others who want to protect themselves. For whatever reason, they just assume that all gun ownership of others results in crime and not prevention of crime.
So, let's send a message back to them. YOU give up your armed protection, YOU give up all the profit you receive from movies that depict gun violence, and then we'll talk about gun control.
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