So the left wants to take our guns away so our children will be safe and magically free from harm. They laugh at the notion of having armed guards posted inside of schools. Does this mean that Obama's children will also no longer be protected by armed security guards? Interesting that I don't see this anywhere in the news. I guess what's good for our democrat leaders is not so good for the people they supposedly represent. Until these "leaders" start practicing what they preach, I would appreciate if they would just STFU already with their fake emotion and outrage.
Here's a list of some things the left needs to stand by:
No democrat shall be protected by the government. No guards, no more secret service, no security systems, and no protection for their families. They will have the option to call 911 if they find themselves in trouble.
No private healthcare for the left. They must submit to government care ONLY. They will have no right to appeal decisions made by the government concerning their care. If they are elderly or sickly, they will be required to submit themselves to euthanasia.
NO more rich liberals. All far-lefty libs need to give their excess money to the poor and spread their wealth around. All should immediately write checks to the government in the exact amount of their savings, pension, investments, and anything else that gives them wealth.
All libs need to encourage, if not outright demand that their children be homosexual. They themselves need to engage in homosexual sex as well. It is important for the lib to have first hand knowledge and understanding of what homosexuality is as well as raising homosexual children.
They must engage in limited free speech. Absolutely no jokes, no politically incorrect statements, and absolutely no phrases, speeches, or written materials that could be considered offensive to anyone. If they can't say anything nice, they must force themselves not to say it at all.
No war. No fighting. No violence. All of Hollywood must remove any and all traces of violent films. They shall not be allowed to make any more films that depict using guns or weapons of any kind. All actors who have appeared in any violent films are no longer allowed to receive any type of residual income profiting from these films. If it can be proven that their original profit from these films was used to purchase things like their house or car, they shall be immediately confiscated and given to the poor for housing and transportation. The dems must immediately pull our troops out of every military operation across the globe.
Far lefty's will also be required to give their homes up to the American Indians, after all we did take their land so it should be immediately given back and they must have a smile on their face while doing so.
All females who are liberal must be on birth control and if they happen to conceive they must submit themselves to having an abortion. According to them this is just a small procedure that has no enduring effects. They will have no need for children anyway since they will no longer have homes to house their children.
Liberals who do find homes to live in because they are American Indians, minorities, or some other class of "victim" will be required to live next door to convicted pedophiles and/or other types of rehabilitating felons.
It's time for the left to practice what they preach, no?
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