This dirty fame-whore has done nothing but lie, manipulate, and talk in circles since being exposed to the media. I wanted to take some time to really tear her apart on my blog. Since she obviously has no problem going after George Zimmerman, I'm sure she will have no problems with people criticizing her, right?
First, she made the claim that police blew her off. She repeatedly insisted that she made multiple attempts to contact authorities. We know this isn't true because she was able to give a written statement as well as an oral statement to the police. Officer Serino did go out and interview her and her
Excerpts from Press Conference:
Cutcher: “I called Chris Serrino, left him a message, told him what we saw, what we heard, and that we don’t believe it was self-defense, and to this day (3/16), he has never returned that phone call. I would be happy to provide phone records. I would like for them (SPD)to show me ONE time where they attempted to contact me.” “Multiple people had my phone number and not one person called me back.”
“I don’t want to be on TV, I’m not looking for any recognition, the only reason I came forward is I was getting no response from the Police.”
Selma: “that’s what we told the police (same story), on Friday, five days after this happened”
**at this point Mary Cutcher starts touching Selma and looking at Crump as if she (Selma), had just blown their story of the police never returning their call, haha).**
Cutcher: “She made the statement that we made our recorded statements on Friday, I will add that ummm, like I said, I made multiple phone calls on Monday, after I talked to the one guy that gave me Chris’s number, left a message for Chris, he never called me back, two days later on Wednesday, her number was written on the statement and that’s how he got in touch with HER, I guess protocol (she was the witness after all). She tells me he makes an appointment for Thursday to come in at 9:00 am to take our statements down, he does not show up, he calls us and says, let’s just do it over the phone. So we spoke to him over the phone, and halfway through our statement he says “ok well it sounds like you need to come down to the police department.”
“So, the very next day I took off work early, we made arrangements and went down and did recorded statements.” (They were there at 7:14 PM)
"I believe in their statement yesterday that they said we finally came around to do our statements – not sure of the exact wording, but they made it sound like we were dragging our feet, but after multiple attempts, he never even showed up for the time that we had scheduled. Within 24 hours we did make it to the police department.
“The police weren’t as apt to question me or get details. They didn’t listen and let me talk as long as you did.”
Reporter asks if Cutcher added or took away from the story that she told police:
“I didn’t take away or add anything to the story at all”
“In the initial, I don’t feel like they cared whether we made a statement or not”
At end of questions, Selma INSISTS there were no cries for help, nothing at all, no words, just whimpering and then a shot. Mary is agreeing with her.
Click here for source.
No cries for help?
Click here for Mary's full statement.
Mary claims she didn't hear anyone scream for help but that they thought the person was in trouble? She tells the press she heard a little kid screaming. Then she says that no fight had occurred because she would have heard that. Then Mary says she did hear noises that she can't describe. Her story goes from hearing nothing to hearing a kid in fear of his life.Which is it? If you have listened to the 911 calls you can clearly hear someone screaming for help. It's not whining or whimpering.
The rest of her statement is just her assuming things and insisting that Zimmerman intended to kill Trayvon. It's just her opinion and I guess she considers that enough to determine there was no fight and Trayvon was the one screaming in distress.
The woman is all over the map. She even says in so many words that she thought Zimmerman was helping the boy because in her mind had he been the shooter, he would have ran. Well, yes...that's very true. Thank you, Mary. Just keep talking and burying yourself.
What I do find hilarious is the fact that the more this woman talks, the more she is actually supporting Zimmerman's testimony.
The part where Cutcher says she thought, if he [Zimmerman] were the shooter he would have ran, is the same story she gave in her statement to the police. She is describing a man in shock, not a man trying to hide something. When a person does something that horrible and on purpose, they sure as hell don't want to stick around and wait for authorities. They certainly do not ask someone to call the police.
Gee, a man stands up, is not speaking clearly, appears to be confused, and not communicating effectively, is a pretty good description of a man who is in shock from being repeatedly beaten and forced to defend himself to point where he had to shoot someone.
There is NO way the prosecution is going to use Cutcher's testimony. It proves Zimmerman to be correct. She speaks in her interview about how the "fight" (she didn't see), took place further down the path. Well, yes, Mary it most certainly did because Zimmerman was walking on that path to go back to his truck and at the "T" is where Trayvon APPROACHED Zimmerman. We already know Trayvon was running. Even the supposed girlfriend confirms at some point Trayvon was running. She says he was near where he was staying. If this testimony is true, then it also confirms that Trayvon had to have run back to that "T" section in order for the altercation and shooting to have taken place where it did.
As far as touching his head, that also gives Zimmerman more credibility. When people get their heads beat on, they tend to touch them when the beating stops, much like when you first get an injury anywhere, your hands move to touch it.
The majority of Cutcher's statement is all opinion and her,"I heard the cries of a little boy!" Oh pallleeeeeeeeez lady. You turned on the news and saw those sweet little pics of Trayvon when he was 7 years old and you thought Trayvon was 7 so, you then decided to play drama queen with your statement in order to look like an ass-kisser for blacks.
I mean seriously...we wonder why racism still exists? Really? It's because of these stupid liberal woman who think they are so damn special that they are going to let everyone know how they support minorities and their causes. Does she understand how minorities see people like her? Oh sure they love that she's out in front of the camera supporting their cause but behind closed doors they think she's a kiss-ass.
Kissing ass is what occurs when people fear others. People have to STOP fearing others. Isn't that what this case is all about? Fear. How are we ever going to get over racism when we are always fearing one another and why is the left always the ones ready to call for violence? The New Panthers have called for a bounty on Zimmerman's head and no one in the media says a f@cking word! Are you kidding me? Some major organization (or at least that's what the media wants you to believe), makes a terrorist threat to a US citizen and no word from our government? Is this really happening?
How do these pot-legalizing, hippy, godless, free-loving, liberal-thinking, peace-preaching, marriage-mocking, "tolerant" group of people stand behind calls for a bounty and violence? Notice how it's them doing all the "Bible-thumping" they are always complaining about? They are the first to question your entire Christ-relationship by telling you you're not a good child - that you're not Christian enough. Amazing. Make sure however you never question a negative behavior someone is exhibiting, one that is hurting themselves or others, because that's considered "judging" to them. Last I checked there are different types of judgment and the one we are called on to avoid is the one the Left does CONSTANTLY. These people want to judge the "right" and then allow calls for violence? History shows these types of people go through with their actions. It is the Left that has always supported change through riots and other forms of violence.
Certainly there will be those on the left that will say they do not support The New Panthers whatsoever but, I'm not seeing these "peace-loving" folks calling for the arrest of the people responsible for the terrorist threat. This wasn't even a covert threat like one from a coward in a cave in Afghanistan. This was an open call asking for someone's head on a platter. Someone please tell me why in the world they have not been arrested but Zimmerman was?
Zimmerman didn't show any fear that night because he thought Trayvon ran off. He wasn't thinking, "Oh, this person is going to come back and attack me." Trayvon was not even a criminal at that point. Zimmerman simply noticed something odd and called the non-emergency line. Since he didn't see a crime, it was not an emergency. Of course Zimmerman wanted to law to deal with the situation, that's why he called them.
Since when does Trayvon have a right to walk in the neighborhood but, Zimmerman didn't have a right? How do these people sleep at night?
This story boils down on who you identify with the most and if you do identify yourself better with a troubled, black, 17-year old carrying ingredients for a toxic drink, who was a known frequent marijuana user, then I will tell you directly that you have problems. You have problems that you need to address in your life.
The black leaders who are continually placing blacks into stories that ONLY tell of blacks being a "victim" are HURTING their communities, destroying them even more. We have MANY successful black people in this country. Will someone please explain to me why the media and left-wing, black leaders allow the negative image of black men to continue in this country? Isn't it about damn time we held blacks to the same standard? What kind of sick folks are you on the left? [See Savage- Liberalism is a Mental Disorder]. The point is, there is a problem among blacks who always see themselves as a victim in all situations throughout life. They fear. That is no life to have at all. Blacks need more positive images and better reflections to look at.
Anyway...what was I saying? Oh yeah, this Mary Cutcher will NEVER, EVER go on the stand, unless the state wants to lose and this is always a possibility as well but, conspiracies are just stupid to me. I think they want to win and if they do, Cutcher is a coached witness. She has been encouraged to be inconsistent, giving some people the impression she is telling the truth (because some people will believe anything), and also making it appear as though the state did not do its job by allowing her to testify. Just think, the prosecution doesn't call her, they lose, now the Martin's attorney Crump has another card to play -- the Mary Cutcher testimony. I can hear it now, "They didn't let Cutcher testify! She proves Zimmerman is guilty. The state has miscarried justice once again because we are minorities that whites fear! Let them fear us!"
The Left wants the rest of us to be afraid. They deal in things like intimidation, force, and violence. They teach us to be afraid and this is reinforced by their constant demonstrations of tolerance towards negative and immoral behaviors. We still have racism because of double standards and the perpetual desire to display minorities and other "special groups" as victims, rather than showing off their strengths and capabilities. How are blacks to ever be considered equal if they are not exposed to situations and stimuli that expresses this idea and value?
Blacks should not feel they can easily identify with a troubled young adult who used drugs. This is depressing. What's worse is that those who are supporting Trayvon Martin are being used by others who are not interested in working to change the perceptions of blacks in this country, rather they are determined to undermine the strengthening of the individual with negative feedback that focuses on struggles of an entire race.
If Cutcher is called to the stand, she will be eaten alive and I will definitely watch the trail that day.
In her 911 call:
Dispatcher: What do you mean, it's a black guy? that got shot?
Mary Cutcher: I don't know. Selma! Is it the black guy that got shot? or is he the one ...There's a black guy standing up over him.
No, Mary Cutcher is not going to help the prosecution at all.
Excellent writing. You are absolutely right.
Sorry but all of this hate needs to stop. I know Mary Cutcher not to be a liar, and she is not an ass-kisser. SMH. It is an unfortunate event that everyone went through. I know her to be a strong, smart person who is willing to fight for what she believes in. I am anonymous because I already know you will respond with tons of hate, but just for the record, she is a wonderful honest person. Bottom line a just turned 17 by three weeks boy was shot and murdered. Even if he did approach Zimmerman the last "second" it is WRONG for an Adult to follow and chase down someone for no reason. Trayvon Martin had a right to defend HIMSELF from George Zimmerman. It is all common sense. This case has proven how racist people really are. It is unfortunate, but we have to make a change.
This post is not about hate. I am sticking up for an innocent man who was repeatedly bullied in the media and lied about. I don't like bullies! Mary Cutcher is a BULLY.
Myself and others on the internet took the time to look objectively at the facts of this case, setting aside emotion and bias, and came to an accurate conclusion -- George Zimmerman is innocent.
Mary (who I would gather as a person suffering from borderline personality disorder), is a drama queen, who is drenched in her PC, liberal persona/ego. She allowed her bias to produce absurd conjecture and play into the narrative that George killed in cold-blood and killed a little boy at that! Trayvon was an out of control teen, thrice suspended, left alone, and looking to stomp on a "creepy-ass cracka."
How would you feel if that were you being railroaded like George? Would you like for people to look at things objectively the way I have or would you prefer the likes of Cutcher going around the media, being a drama queen, and setting up a narrative where you are inaccurately being portrayed as evil?
George got out of his truck AFTER Trayvon took off and the two immediately lost each other (see Rachel's testimony). You cannot follow someone you lost. So please stop with the lies. Trayvon was the aggressor, no marks on George's hands and no defensive wounds on Trayvon PROVE this. George was attacked without provocation and if Trayvon was "so scared," he had more than enough time to go home. Let's not forget that it took him 40 minutes to cover a mile -- something that should have taken 10 minutes. Obviously Martin was not just going home.
Mary purposely LIED about the police not contacting her or wanting to speak with her. That is blatantly false anyway you slice it. There is no excuse for the way she acted in the media and she had the nerve to stand with Crump, Martin, and Fulton, trashing the name of an innocent man. That doesn't sound like a "nice" person to me. No, it sounds more like someone who is desperate for approval, attention, and her personal interests -- selfish as can be.
A good witness is one who says what they saw and leaves it at that. It's certainly her right to do what she likes, but she's going to get called out on it. Too bad. She should have thought about that before she went and attacked an innocent man.
I would also like to say, "I called it!" Mary was not called as a witness, as she was not found to be credible in anyway (due to her obvious instability, likely a maternal trait). Had she taken the stand, the defense would have chewed her alive and I would have enjoyed watching every minute of it. Bullies deserve that treatment.
You may like her but if you were George or someone who was objective you would see what the rest of us see -- a lying bully.
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