
Sean Hannity Interviews George Zimmerman

There are other places to see the full interview but I thought just isolating the audio would be much more powerful. I find Zimmerman to be very calm and melancholy. He seems fairly depressed in my opinion and who wouldn't be, considering what he has gone through?

His story has not changed and I feel as though this interview may have been a good thing for him in the sense that it allowed him to try and engage the public that has been so relentlessly judgmental upon him. Hopefully it helped him on a personal level. However, those same people that do not like him are not likely to change their minds about him or what happened that night. Some people are much more comfortable basing their opinions on emotions rather than logic or facts.

I pray for justice. I can't imagine being the target of such hatred over self-defense. Our rights to defend ourselves, our lives, and our communities have been called into question concerning this case and that should never have happened. The people against Zimmerman seem to suggest that people have no right to question suspicious characters in their neighborhoods. I guess living in fear of everyone the way many of them do is considered "freedom" to them? No thank you.

Did this interview help or hurt Zimmerman?


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