
Here We Go...More Gun Control Crap

After the bodies have been buried and time has past the democrats will start advocating for gun control...

Wait. I can't even type that and not laugh. 


Sean Hannity Interviews George Zimmerman

There are other places to see the full interview but I thought just isolating the audio would be much more powerful. I find Zimmerman to be very calm and melancholy. He seems fairly depressed in my opinion and who wouldn't be, considering what he has gone through?

His story has not changed and I feel as though this interview may have been a good thing for him in the sense that it allowed him to try and engage the public that has been so relentlessly judgmental upon him. Hopefully it helped him on a personal level. However, those same people that do not like him are not likely to change their minds about him or what happened that night. Some people are much more comfortable basing their opinions on emotions rather than logic or facts.

I pray for justice. I can't imagine being the target of such hatred over self-defense. Our rights to defend ourselves, our lives, and our communities have been called into question concerning this case and that should never have happened. The people against Zimmerman seem to suggest that people have no right to question suspicious characters in their neighborhoods. I guess living in fear of everyone the way many of them do is considered "freedom" to them? No thank you.

Did this interview help or hurt Zimmerman?


Typical Technical Problems

Well, on Wednesday of last week, I fried my motherboard. Thanks to my friend Heather, I now have a temp laptop to work on. I have to say, I'm so blessed that I have a friend willing to lend me her extra laptop! That is truly the Lord watching out for me.

I still have scans to run and updates to finish but, I'm getting caught up on everything now.


Jane Pitt Target of Liberal Tolerance

Recently some comments that Brad Pitt's mother, Jane Pitt, made has Obama fans angry and filled with madness. What else is new? These people are always mad.

Apparently, Mrs. Pitt does not like Obama and decided to tell the truth about him.
“Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney’s opponent, Barack Hussein Obama – a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for years, did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer and is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage.”
Just what exactly is inaccurate about what she wrote? I guess liberals get angry when people speak frankly about their political beliefs. I can understand that. I would be embarrassed too. Just one of many reasons I am no longer liberal.

Click here to read the full letter. 

In fact, liberals get so angry they write stuff like this on Twitter:
“Brad Pitt’s mom, die,” wrote Twitter-poster Sandy Kownacka. 
A tweet from “I Bleed Gaga” echoed similar sentiments, saying, “Brad Pitt’s mom wrote an anti-gay pro-Romney editorial. Kill the b—-.” 
Other comments included, “F— you, brad pitt’s mom, the gay community made your kid a star, you whacko,” and, “Brad Pitt’s mom is a dumb c—.”
Click here for source.

So because she doesn't like Obama nor does she support his policies and beliefs, she deserves to die? How are any of us going to start a conversation if there are people on the left who are so sanctimonious and so self-righteous that they wish and threaten death upon those that do not think like them? I know Christians who are intolerant but, this stuff from the left is much more common and exponentially threatening.

Well, Jane I know many people who support you and stand by you. Have NO fear of these lunatics. They obviously do not have much of a life going after someone who writes a few words telling the truth of their fake"celebrity" politician. Absolutely pathetic behavior by lefties who should be ashamed of themselves for displaying such volatile rhetoric.

Here's to you, Jane Pitt!

Where on earth is that famous son of yours? You'd think a good ol' boy like Brad would come out and stick up for his mamma. I have heard that he is probably too busy arguing with Angelina over Obama as well. She doesn't like him either.


Rare Disclosure - Four Linked to Fast and Furious

As Laura E. Duffy, middle, United States Attorney Southern District of California, speaks James L. Turgal, Jr., right, FBI Special Agent in Charge, and Richard Barlow, Chief of Tucson Sector of U.S. Border Patrol, both listen during a news briefing announcing an indictment on five suspects related to the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, Monday, July 9, 2012, in Tucson, Ariz. A reward of up to $1 million dollars for information leading to the arrest of four fugitives was also announced.

Now that pressure has been applied to Eric Holder, an announcement came of four people who have been linked to the failed operation of Fast and Furious. They are asking for help to capture them.
The announcement comes in the wake of pressure from U.S. House Republicans who led a vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, criticizing the nation's top prosecutor for withholding information related to the probe. 
"We believe it's in the best interest of this ongoing investigation to unseal the case at this point in time and to enlist the assistance of the general publics in both Mexico and the United States," said federal prosecutor Laura Duffy. She said the decision to release the information came independently and would not discuss the recent congressional action against Holder.
Click title of this post for article.
The FBI says it is seeking information related to Jesus Rosario Favela-Astorga, 31, Ivan Soto-Barraza, 34, Heraclio Osorio-Arellanes, 34, and Lionel Portillo-Meza.
 Isn't this interesting?
The FBI, ATF, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection have all denied Freedom of Information Act requests that seek reports and other documents in the investigation of the shooting.
So much for transparency. I would like to know what exactly it is they are hiding from the American people? All this secrecy only makes people more curious and we already know the government messed up. So again, what the hell are they hiding? The only thing I can think of that explains this insistence of secrecy would be that Obama knew about this operation first hand.

So, I'm not really buying the whole, "2nd Amendment Attack" because this would not be the route to go. Plus, conspiracies are so stupid. This is more of a sign of PURE incompetence in this entire administration and the fact that they are incompetent proves that this was no conspiracy.

Holder should just be arrested. I can hear the calls from around the country had this been John Ashcroft.


Zimmerman Case - Mary Cutcher

The prosecution witness, Mary Cutcher has been a thorn in my side since she has declared herself an expert in identifying screams and apparently she also believes a man should be convicted based on her "feelings," not what she actually witnessed (I mean didn't witness).

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