
Why I Hate Unions

Yep, I said it. I hate unions. I suppose not all unions are equal but, in my experience, I am not impressed with them or how they operate. I suppose one could argue that at one time they were necessary for improved working conditions and decent wages but, the unions have slowly become more disgusting and exploitative -- a mirror image of what they originally were made to fight against.

My father was a welder for 20 plus years. The company he worked for had required him to be in a union. Now, there were times when they allowed for workers to opt out of the union but, when he tried that, he was threatened, and not just personally, his family, and damage to his vehicle if he didn't reconsider and be a member of the union. So, my dad went back to the union, paying dues for "protection" that never seemed to occur.

Every time negotiations for a new contract occurred, the union would dig their heels in, demanding more and more in benefits and wages. My father had admitted that his job just wasn't worth any more and, he was willing to work for the same wage. Not his union co-workers. Nope, they would rather everyone be out of a job and suffer for months on end. Strike! Strike! Strike! Of course, when you're on strike, you can basically forget about finding a job elsewhere because, they know if you get called back, you'll go back. There were times when my dad got lucky and found a job in between but, usually my mom had to take up a second job.

These were periods of stress in my life. When the mother is mad, the whole family suffers. I could go on and on but, it's in the past and I'm not trying to air out too much dirty laundry here. The point is, in the end, most of the time, his salary was rarely raised, or if it was it was only by a small amount.

The union was hell bent on making things stressful for everyone. They were supposed to pay my dad in between but, it was usually a nightmare trying to get any payment out of the union, even though that's what the payment of dues was for. Who knows what they were doing with all the money they were getting? Oh, that's right; they were paying all the money to the president and vice president of the union. See, the guys at the top were all getting paid, so it made no difference that the folks on the bottom were losing. They were on paid vacation. They didn't want to go back to work. Why do that when you can suck up all the union funds first?

Sure enough, when they didn't have the money to pay the guys at the top, the union would agree to the contract. Isn't that great?

It just kills me when these unions dig their heels in because, they want more and more but, their product becomes less and less quality. Such is the case in WI. What are these people thinking? They make almost 100,000 dollars a year to work for what? 180 days a year? How crazy is that? Now they want more? The state is BROKE. They can't pay you anymore.

So, I love this new video that Steven Crowder has. It really says it all. Now, I know the union guy in this video is supposed to be funny but, it's not because, it's an actual portrayal of the typical union president.

Let's not forget the words of Ronald Reagan. He faced union issues while he was in office. The man was wise and had character. It takes a brave person to stand up to union thugs. That's what unions have become --legalized thuggery.


Anonymous said...

My Family worships unions while I can't stand them. Don't like your job? take your skills elsewhere or go into business for yourself. They are put off with Me because I succeded with just a Highschool education and no union.

Tuesday said...

Thank you for your comment. It's a shame what unions have turned into.

Anonymous said...

I live in a "union town" and see the hypocrisy of unions all the time. They claim to "fight for the rights of ALL workers" but then when was the last time you ever saw a union stick up for some poor schmuck making minimum wage with no benefits while his/her union counterpart is making three times as much and benefits?

In fact, unions try their hardest to keep non-union people out as if it is some exclusive country club. How is that sticking up for ALL workers rights?

Union greed and their unrealistic expectations with more and more wage increases, job security, and benefits has led to the downfall of industries to China in the private sector, and governments going into huge debt in the public sector. They won't admit it but it's true and everyone knows it. But do you think they care? Absolutely not. Unions and most union workers are a myopic, and self-absorbed bunch who can't see the big picture. They don't see how their blind short term greed is endangering their own long term livelihoods.

Finally, executive staff of the unions are the worst kind of parasites. A bunch of "fat cats" living high off the avails of their union workers paying out dues. Ever look at the salaries of union execs who in the scheme of things don't do much?

Apalling and disgusting!

Tuesday said...

It makes me mad just thinking about how my father was treated by his union. That is why I had to write this piece.

Thank you for your comment!

Anonymous said...

My Dad had the option to belong to a union or not belong. He chose not to belong. This was in the 60's. When they went on strike he drove through the picket lines each day to work. The union workers threatened him bodily harm if he kept doing this. One day they followed him home with hammers and said they were going to hurt him. I just remember my mom screaming. I was little at the time and didn't really understand what was happening at the time. The man that worked with my Dad did "nothing" all day long. He told my Dad he shouldn't work so hard the union would protect him. The unions are greedy. At one time they were good...now they need to be gone so we can have freedom from control.

Anonymous said...

We have a union steward in our office that makes false accusations, in the form of grievances, about management and myself. I fill in for my boss when she is vacationing. I have complained and get nothing. This has been for years and through several bosses. Is she allowed to put this stuff in print to damage my career? My employer, it appears, is afraid of the union.

Tuesday said...

Yes, employers are indeed afraid of unions. It is like startling a bee hive. Once you get one high ranking official pissed, expect to see your company damaged all over the news and depending on how large or well-known the company, national media can pick up on the story too. NOBODY wants that kind of bad exposure.

Unions had a purpose and I believe in some ways they can be beneficial but just like everything else, only in increments. Unions have become all powerful and exactly what they claim to be against. It's a sad, sad reality.

Anonymous said...

obvious you cant weld.

Tuesday said...

Where did I claim that I did? If you have a point, make it.

Anonymous said...

I worked in 2 different unions & I hated it. HATED it!!! It was all well & good if you were a full time worker, problem is, the places just full on made it a policy of not hiring full time. The full timers had basically just been there a really really long time. But of course, the part timers were forced to be in the union, where we had to pay dues, fees, & get nothing in return. When I say nothing, I don't mean that as a figure of speech, I mean literally nothing. And it wasn't like we were getting a higher wage than non-union workers, so I'd love to know what exactly it was I was paying for.

Tuesday said...

I understand your pain. Unions have turned more into a trap rather than honestly helping people. Thanks for the comment!

historypak said...

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