
Who is Travis Levi Taylor?

Travis Levi Taylor is from Mannford, Oklahoma. He was recently arrested for making threats to a girl he had previously attended high school with. Her name is Elexis Hennigh, who had befriended Taylor on Facebook earlier last year.

The correspondence between the two began late August of 2010. Taylor was persistent in wanting to set up a dinner date or a lunch date with Elexis. After some time, she had decided that she would go ahead and try to make plans but, when her plans fell through, the messages got more persistent and flat out creepy. 

Finally, a death threat had been made and Elexis went to her mother, who was a police officer. A warrant was obtained and Taylor was arrested. 

What I can tell from the story is that they had found he had downloaded all her pictures that she posted on her Flickr account. He had also taken various photos of her, without her knowledge. Apparently, he admitted that he had plans of killing her and himself. 

In this article: 
According to court documents, Taylor admitted he was planning on killing the Elexis on February 18, 2011, and said he was "going to cut her body into pieces so that he could cook and eat her." 
Court records show deputies recovered three hand saws, one tree limb saw, and five househould kitchen knives from Taylor's home. 
Taylor is being held without bond in the Pawnee County jail.

You can also click the title of this post for another article source to this story. 

Elexis Hennigh has posted a blog that contains all of the correspondence she saved from her and Taylor over the past several months. She also tries to fill in some areas that are missing but, you can see all of them here at this link. Now, you should be warned that the letter at the end is very graphic and disturbing so, if you don't have the stomach for this, do NOT read. Just know that he said some disgusting things that he planned on doing. Also, you must be 18 to view. 

His Facebook page is here. It is open for anyone to comment. This is very rare that someone would set their page up like this. It seems to me to indicate that he wanted people to post about what he was going to do. One of the more disturbing threads can be found here

He has a youtube channel as well. It seems Taylor is an Obama fan. Total shocker, I know, right? You can find his channel here.

***Here is a recent article. 2/24/11 

A mugshot that looks like Jeffery Dahmer. 

Dahmer /wikipedia

So, even if you think you might know someone, you probably don't. Be very careful about what information you put out on your social networking pages. 

Comment below. I will try and update this, if I hear more about this story. 


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what Taylor being an Obama fan has to do with what he's been charged with. Actually, there really isn't any logic to support your statement. This is particularly true because he hasn't even been tried/convicted yet.

I suggest that when making politically oriented comments, you choose your words carefully. Before you know it, liberal websites may be linking to this page and stating that it's not surprising conservatives can't make a clear argument. I know, shocking!

Tuesday said...

LMAO! You do realize you're on a political blog, yes? Oh, the irony of your comment but, hey...thanks for stopping by! :)

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