
2012 Who Will Republicans Run Against Obama?

So, I hear my fellow conservatives saying that Obama will only be a one term president. I feel they are correct. However, I can't help but think, "Who? Who are we going to nominate that will be able to beat Obama?"

Yes, it seems as though any mammal will do. I mean Obama is just terrible but, there's a danger in being too confident. Look what happened in the primaries last time. McCain? McCain was the nominee? Huh? I never thought he'd be the nominee. The man is a total RINO as far as most people are concerned. I had much more faith in my party, that we would elect someone with actual conservative values, and someone that was consistent.

The Republican Party has many people I think would be able to beat Obama but, who are these darlings of the right? Who are the ones that are standing out as potential leaders of the free world?

1) Sarah Palin? Well, there are many on the right that love the beauty queen with balls. She has impressed many with her strong values. Still, she's quite the lightening rod. Sure, a female president would be a great achievement for this country but, will she be able to win over enough people to put her in the highest office of the land?

The problem I see with her is she's sort of the Hilary Clinton of the right. Those that like her, love her but, those that hate her...boy oh boy, they hate her. Let's be honest though, the whole "writing on the hand, when you could have just brought out a note card" incident was, childish. I like Sarah, I really do but, presidential material? I'm not feeling it.

2) Mike Huckabee. I'm a Mike fan! This is a man I'm pulling for. I really like him. There's a few issues I'm not too sure of with him but, no one is going to agree with you 100 percent. I think he's likable, he really appears to have some character, he's an actual conservative, and he's clean, meaning I don't know of him associated with anything corrupt.

I would really like to see him run in 2012. I think he'd be great for the country. He's just a stand up kind of man.

3) David Petraeus. Hmmm...I've seen this name tossed around. I'm not too sure about this one. I wasn't impressed by his lack of judgment for having a Rolling Stone reporter follow him around and, do a story about him and the war. I mean, Rolling Stone? Really? Who didn't see that fall out coming from miles away?

Still, he seems to have an overall interesting character about him and, Americans love and respect a man who's been to war and, served his country.

4) Ron Paul. I don't know. Lot's of friends I have like this man but, I'm still up in the air with him. I like the fact that he didn't run as a 3rd party last time. I respect that. Still, not sure I'm in agreement with what appears to be his isolation policies.

5) Mitt Romney. Well, I wasn't too big on him last time, I doubt my feelings are going to change later on. He's a decent guy. I have much respect but, he's too liberal for me. He doesn't seem like he would be good for the party overall but, what do I know?

6) Jeb Bush. I really like Jeb Bush. There's a big problem here. His last name is Bush and unfortunately, he just might not have the ability to win because of it. Could the country be ready for another Bush? The man is conservative. He's a really great politician but, his last name is Bush. Did I already say that?

7) Newt Gingrich. I like Newt. I like his politics and I respect him but, let's face it, his personal life is screwed.

8) What about Paul Ryan? I like this guy a lot. Yes, he's young but, I haven't heard anything bad about him. I love watching him. Okay, okay, I'm a woman....he looks good. More than that, he's conservative. Looks like he voted YES for the automobile industry bailout. Uh-oh but, over all, his record is pretty darn right. I like him.

Okay...add or subtract your nominations below. Let's find someone that will put this country back on track, darnit!


Anonymous said...

Chris Christie!!

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