The democrats seem to be divided about what will be covered in the health care bill they intend to pass. Some democrats are not wanting to support abortion at all while, some are okay with it, while some believe only in cases of rape or incest.
You can read the full article on the AP here.
Bottom line is, the democrats are not at all in agreement here. Not all democrats come from liberal havens like California. Some of them come from the Midwestern states, where democrats cannot afford to be supporting federal dollars going towards the killing of an unborn baby.
I'm not sure that we will ever come to an agreement on the issue of abortion in this country but, the feelings on either side of the issue are strong and intense. To have tax payer's dollars going towards abortion, for whatever reason, is completely immoral. The government should not be allowed to take money from those that are convicted on their stance against abortion and supply abortions with their money. That is forcing people to support something they do not feel is moral.
This is just one of many problems that come into play when the government decides they should put their nose in everyone's business. What about transplants? There are many folks that actually do not believe in transplants. Why should their money pay for others to get transplants, if they have a moral problem with that?
I just can't understand the argument on the other side. Typically, I can see why people believe the way they do but, this one just boggles my mind.
"Liberalism is a mental disorder." Michael Savage
Supak better pipe down a little is he plans on running for Governor (as rumored this all just a stunt to get his name out). I having a felling he won't be Gov. if he doesn't fall in line. And he exaggerating.
Plus Massa is resigning on Monday, so we need one less vote. Nancy "Bonecrusher" Pelosi lol. He had planned on staying on for the rest of his term, but "after talking to the Speaker" he changed his mind LOLLOLOL
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