For some reason the Obama administration has been interested in treating terrorists like actual citizens, by providing them with all the rights of a regular citizen. This has been evident in their support of advocating their trials to be held in civilian courts, as opposed to military trials.
It seems as though some sanity is infiltrating the administration, as they seem to be hesitant on going full force with this belief. They do, in fact, seem to be considering a military trial for people who are from Guantanamo Bay. This includes the mastermind of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Click on the title of this post for the full article being reported on the AP.
So, maybe there is some sanity coming from the White House. Let's hope so. These terrorists are NOT citizens. They should be treated as enemies of the Union.
I understand that we [US government], want to be looked upon as the better force here. I get that but, bottom line, these people are sworn enemies of this country. They do not, under any circumstance, deserve to be treated as if they are citizens of this nation. Any action taken otherwise, is just insanity.
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