
GOP Remains Skeptical of Obama's Health Care Plan

"This is a clever tactic by the president to try to put the Republicans on the defensive," said John Feehery, a GOP consultant and former congressional aide. "There's a vast ideological gulf" between the two parties on health care, he said, making it likely that the Feb. 25 half-day meeting will be more showmanship than substance.

Click title of post for full article.

"What I want to do is to look at the Republican ideas that are out there," Obama said. "And I want to be very specific. 'How do you guys want to lower costs? How do you guys intend to reform the insurance markets so people with preexisting conditions, for example, can get health care? How do you want to make sure that the 30 million people who don't have health insurance can get it?'"

I guess throwing them in jail is the answer!

I suppose we'll have to wait and see what this is all about but, no one can blame the Republicans for being cautious of Obama; they should be. Does anyone really believe he's planning on listening to Republicans?

Oh, and I love this quote:

"I think the greatest risk for Democrats is passing nothing," said Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va. "There are a lot of things the public may not support in a given moment, but later on, when things have quieted down, they may think of highly."

An overhaul of U.S. health care could fit that description, he said.

So, I guess just push whatever through and damn the people, they'll learn to love it? Astounding.


sans said...

"There are a lot of things the public may not support in a given moment, but later on, when things have quieted down, they may think of highly."

"Really?", one asks of the Congressman from Virginia. "Name one."

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