Okay, so Palin wrote some "notes" on her hand at the Tea Party. I think we've all see this or, at least heard about it by now.
Here's my take. Okay, I like Sarah Palin. I do. I think she's a great woman and, someone to look up to and admire. She seems to have great values, a family that has it's problems but, who's doesn't? She's like the rest of us. She gives a nice appeal of an everyday house wife, career mom type. She is also a whole hell of a lot better than Biden. My goodness.
Now, don't get me wrong, we all have flaws. The people we elect into positions of power are not perfect either but, they need to be people we can trust. I trust Palin over Biden any day, and still do.
However; had this been a democrat, us conservatives/Republicans would be freaking out, laughing our butts off about this, and you know it. Come on! This was a dumb thing to do. All she had to do was carry out a note card. Lot's of people do that. People always take notes. She could have made a great joke about it. "I don't have the luxury of a teleprompter but, I do have paper and a pen!" No one would have faulted her for keeping a few notes but, writing them on her hand? Umm...I think most of us stopped doing that in high school.
So, let's just admit it was dumb and move on. I mean, anyone that would chose Biden over Palin, those guys have enough problems; let them have their laughs, join in. In the meantime...
...we can have ours.
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