After yesterday's health care summit, the message Obama is sending to the American people is, they are moving forward. It matters not much what Republicans think or, that the majority of American's seem to be against them now; they are determined to pass something.
It's pretty obvious this wasn't about compromise. The Republican's do not want to pass through a 2700-page bill, that clearly no one has read, that includes massive government take over. They want to start over and write something much simpler.
This article on the AP, expresses the same ideas that the AP stories have been saying all week concerning this issue.
Obama's plan would require most Americans to get health insurance, while providing subsidies for many in the form of a new tax credit. It would set up a competitive insurance market for small businesses and people buying coverage on their own. Other changes include addressing a coverage gap in the Medicare prescription benefit and setting up a new long-term-care insurance program. The plan would be funded through Medicare cuts and tax increases.
How will this set up a competitive insurance market for small businesses, when insurance companies cannot compete in all states? Where is their proof for saying such a ridiculous thing? The problem with insurance is that it's NOT competitive at all. The market is not open and, if it's not open, then you truly do not have competition.
Medicare "cuts" and "tax increases"? This is going to be good, why? This doesn't make sense. Why does it have to be set up as a "new" long term care? Why do they have to change anything over? This just makes things more complicated. We already have medicare and it's going down the toilet. Calling it another name isn't going to fix anything. They need to fix what we have not, create more problems.
It's cause we finally have the votes. And Smilin' Joe Biden gets to cast the tiebreaker. Just like Cheney did multiple times (Tax cuts, Medicare Part D etc).
Ahhh you forget about the health-care exchange. That hasn't been wiped from the bill.
Plus will add some more shit on later, a couple elections down the road.
We'll hit harder later. Entitlement programs never die.
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