It's not that I don't like the color red. I do. It stands for fire, alertness, it's a radiant color but, I want my blue back!
I've been thinking a lot about all this "red states" and "blue states" business and I just can't help but wonder why the colors are assigned this way now. I remember distinctly, when I was very young, I would watch the elections with my parents on tv and they would put up a map of all the states and I remember a whole map, almost completely BLUE, that represented Reagan! Republicans were blue...not demoncraps.
Red is the color associated with commies and socialists. Blue represents law and order, justice, freedom, a patriot, and raspberry drinks! How the hell did this happen!? Sometime between Bush I and Bush II this changed. Ah-ha! Clinton! That evil scumbag!
Okay, it can't be all Clinton's fault. It's most definitely the media that did this but, why? Well, the same damn reason they took the word "liberal" over. WE are the liberals. If you think about it, if you read the founding father's papers on liberalism and what it meant, you will come to learn that liberalism is about freedom. It's about Laissez Faire economics, limited government, freedom, the chance to pursue happiness without having to cross a bunch of bureaucratic tape, ect.
So, the communists in this country manipulate the language, they take over the word liberal, we do nothing...we take on a new word, "conservative." Fine. I like it. I won't complain but, now they took away our color? No one has even said anything, as far as I know. It's NOT okay.
I want my BLUE back, damnit!
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