Well, apparently, I'm a racist. Jimmy Carter told me and it seems like everyday, I am hearing liberal after liberal tell the American people that if you disagree with Obama, you don't disagree with his politics, you just are a hateful racist.
Yet, I don't really care about race. I think it's great we have a half black, half white president in office! In fact, that's the only thing I like about him. However, people still insist that someone like me falls under the class of a teabagger, a racist, and a redneck.
What I find with most white liberals, is that it's almost like a damn trophy for them to have a black friend. Who cares what color your friends are? Why does it even matter? Then, when you see them around black folks, they act totally different. It's a condescending racism! It's bizarre; they treat people almost better than they would if that person were white and you can tell that the blacks are just laughing at how stupid they are...it's embarrassing.
Just treat people how they treat you. End of story. I find I get a lot more respect that way, myself. Some of my black friends don't like my politics but, they know I'm not going to treat them funny, or different because of their race. They know I just don't care what color they are.
For the past several days, I've spent time debating liberals (hence my absence from blog writing), about the topic of health care. I actually had a woman question me as to what "type of Christian" I must be for not wanting health care?
How can the people that claim to be so tolerant, respectful, and never judge, be the absolute first in line to question someone's relationship with their G-d by asking such a horrific question?! Could you imagine if a conservative had asked a liberal such a thing? I think that would have made national news if the tables were reversed.
It just absolutely amazes me that so many people want to hand over to the government decisions, as personal as medical care, when evidence of government failure is all around them, i.g. schools, Post Office, DMV, ect. People complain about these services more than anything yet, somehow, they are going to run health care better?
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