Well, in case you've been living in an underground bunker, you really should watch this video.
Click on the title to go to the video. I couldn't use the embedded link due to size issues.
What I don't understand is, I thought the president was to serve us, the people. What in the world has sent the people in Hollyweird this far over the edge? What on G-d's green earth are they thinking? Demi Moore directed this piece and that bothers me. I knew she wasn't conservative but, I always respected her. She was once the queen of the brat pack, dating all the hotties of the 80's, being her sexy self effortlessly, she always seemed to have a pretty good head on her shoulders, and let's face it, who else could play a stripper and still walk away looking pretty classy? She divorced Bruce Willis but, always seemed to be able to maintain civility for the sake of her children. I really respect that about her. She left Hollywood and came back after her children got older...good for her!
THIS video however, really casts a completely different light upon her. How can she put something together that has such a sick message at the end? For the first part, I thought, "Okay, I guess that's okay...not bad...whatever, that's nice," but, at the end I was simply horrified. Obama is NOT a king and I am NOT his servant and to suggest or, even imply that it's a good thing to pledge to be a servant to Obama is just wrong. That is NOT American at all.
The president is a servant to the PEOPLE! Could you imagine if someone did a video like this for Bush when he was in office? These same people would be screaming about how horrible that was, AND they should! It's amazing how they just simply can't see the irony.
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