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Just when you think he's dead and gone, he opens his damn trap again. This time, he starts projecting his own hatred towards blacks.
This is just another example of why liberals have a mental disorder. They can't possibly understand an issue that is presented to them so, they look at the person and, based on something that is outward, something material, they look to something to blame it on. There is no arguing with them, no debating an actual issue. The argument is completely shut down by simply calling people, "racists."
Carter, the embarrassment that he was for this country, you think would learn to keep his mouth shut! Maybe we could respect him but, no, he insists on opening his mouth and giving an opinion about something that he knows nothing about.
The truth is, it's people like Carter that bring up race. THEY are the real racists! No on gives a damn that he's part black...Yes, half black, half white. Did you notice how Carter denied Obama his white heritage?
I just don't understand where this man gets the idea that people are racist because, they don't like a man's policies.
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