
Bill Maher Making Sense

It seems as if the last few times I've heard Bill Maher he has brought some truth to the table. Maybe Bill hasn't strayed as far as I once thought. I used to LOVE Politically Incorrect back in my college days but, for some reason he seemed to have strayed over the years, heading over to la-la-liberal-land.

I digress.

This time, Bill Maher is speaking with Charlie Rose and brings up issues about Islam that need to be heard. The issues with homosexuals being beheaded and  women not being treated equal and forced to wear burkas are those that should be a concern for all of us. This is not a benign religion where people have choices.

Sure perhaps Christians are a bunch of hypocrites. I understand but, we do not treat women as second class systematically nor does Christianity advocate women to be tortured or covered up. While I may see Christians leery of supporting homosexual marriage, or supporting the idea that being gay is innate (not learned), I have yet to see one stone a gay man or lesbian to death because of the person's sexuality. If treating women in a respectful manner is important and treating homosexuals with dignity is important, how can the left in this country possibly make any excuses for Islam? How much more of these atrocities must we see before we call a spade a spade?

Thank you, Bill!


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