Mad World News
So yesterday I run across a story about Rush Limbaugh and how he tipped this waitress $2000 for service.
Merritt Tierce, who is now an author, refers to the generous tips she received from Limbaugh as “blood money” in her debut novel “Love Me Back.” Tierce said she donated most of the money to the TEA Fund, which is a charity that funds abortions for low-income women.
Teirce states:
“It felt like laundering the money in a good way. He’s such an obvious target for any feminist or sane person. It was really bizarre to me that he gave me $2,000, and he’s evil incarnate in some ways.”I ended up posting this on Facebook and some guy started attacking me.
Name redacted:
Tough for you Tea Party to conservatives to respect values over money isn't it.
So only you the chosen ones worshipping Rush Limbaugh can slam the ones you disagree with.... Sounding very communist in your rules of who can say what. I defended this country so even you can speak your opinions. Who the hell do you think you are condemning someone who disagrees with you? This is the United States of America! Not some Quaker take off. The Republican party shoved you full of pro life broken campaign promises for almost 40 years of NOTHING CHANGED and you vote for the same empty promises. You worship Limbaugh the drug addict who announced ALL drug addicts should be put away. The same man who said if Obama was reelected he'd leave the USA. Bow down and honor those double standards you live by.I only bring this up because I want to make clear that I don't care who or where this woman gave her money to. Rush made a choice to give this woman 2 very generous tips and it became HER money; she was free to do whatever she wanted to do with it.
I have a feeling she donated only about five dollars because she sounds like a nasty woman. I don't understand why she wouldn't donate and leave Rush's name out of it. This woman could have been at least respectful enough to a man who gave her the money to help a cause she believes in. No, instead she had to insult him and act like a horrible nasty pig.
I only wish this woman had some more class. It is quite classless to take money and then turn around and donate it to a cause out of spite. When a person donates it should be done out of love and the mouth should be kept closed.
I don't care what this woman does with HER money. That is certainly HER choice and any woman or man is free to give to whomever they CHOSE. There simply was no reason to go further by invoking Rush's name. Obviously she was looking for attention instead of actually giving to a charity that she believed in. Where should the focus be? On the charity she donated to or the person who gave her generous tips?
So to the man who decided to chew me out on my Facebook wall: I guess if being a classless b*tch is a "value" she did a fine job at acting like one.
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