This weekend, Lifetime premiered their rendition of the Jodi Arias' story. I believe they may have been going for a dramatic flair but towards the end and after the vivid portrayal of the murder, it almost became slightly comical. I have hunch they were making fun of Jodi with her absurd excuses and storytelling.
Surprisingly I was impressed with the casting. Tania Raymonde, who plays Jodi actually resembles the real Arias in many ways and nailed the "empty, emotionless looks" that we've come to know from Jodi watching her trial. Jesse Lee Soffer, who plays Travis also resembles the real Travis and came off fairly likable. He seemed to portray the energy one could imagine Travis had, based on what we have been told by his family members and friends.
The movie takes great liberties in changing various parts of the story. Most of the changes didn't seem to disturb the overall storyline -- Jodi is crazy and Travis was not so smart in how he dealt with her.
Perhaps if there was more time to work up better scenes and editing, this could make for a fairly good film. I cannot say this was horrible but it almost comes across as a film that was put together in a hurry.
What's your opinion?