Since the attack in Norway occurred, the left has been hammering away about how Anders Behring Breivik is a right-wing extremist and a Christian fundamentalist. Of course, even he has said in his manifesto that he is not religious but, this does not stop the media from saying that Islam and terror are not connected. It is their estimation that anyone has an equal chance of becoming a terrorist that attacks innocent people. In fact, many liberals I know have gone so far as to say that there is no Islamic threat; it is all just something cooked up by the media and the right to scare people. I even found someone say that there is no al Qaeda and the only threat is inflicted by the US military bombing the Islamic world.
Of course, we are all entitled to our opinion but when an opinion is based upon lies and complete ignorance of the outside world, or a blatant denial of terror attacks that come from Islam, what then? Are these just different opinions? Opinions from people who live in an imaginary world? Or are these people just deliberately lying to push their agenda? I'm not exactly sure. I want to believe that most people mean well but, they are just selective in the information that they read or absorb.
Unless you are asleep at the wheel, there is no denying the increasingly violent Islamic culture. It is not just the US they are violent towards, it's every country imaginable. Just think of the years they have made war against India, Israel, and many countries in Europe. It goes against all logic when I see these far lefty folks say things about how there is no threat from Islam. What's worse is when ONE attack comes from something other than an Islamic fundamentalist, they seem to be almost happy and excited about hanging everything they believe on one event, as if that somehow disproves any and every argument the other side has been trying to warn about.
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