
Ben Nelson Tells Nebraska He Did The Right Thing

Well, I tried finding the commercial on youtube but, I haven't found it.

It's running currently in NE. It's basically just Mr. Nelson telling us that he compromised. He didn't want to do just nothing but, felt he had do something and he protected Medicare while decreasing the deficit.


Yeah. He says that his vote decreased the deficit. No, really. I'm not kidding. Then, the commercial immediately ends.

No, really he says that the vote decreased the deficit! How? How? Why would you ask, "how"? I have no idea how. None. Absolutely no idea how his vote could have possibly decreased the deficit.


I used to really like Ben Nelson. I didn't agree with him on everything but, a democrat in NE is nothing like the slime of liberal demoncraps you would find in states like CA or NY. No, you could say he's like a Republican from those states. Not to mention, I happen to know some democrats in this state that are involved with politics. They are extremely wonderful, gracious people. (In fact, one of the women I know, was very good friends with my mother. She helped our family in so many ways; we are truly grateful to have her in our lives.) These folks are liberal but, not over-the-top. This last vote however, has made me see Mr. Nelson in a completely different light. I'm very sad to see him sell his vote and even more angry that he goes on tv to defend his position by lying to the people of this state.

Mr. Nelson, I for one, cannot wait for your departure from office. You should be ashamed of yourself.


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