I can't remember what day it was but, I believe that it was on Saturday that I heard part of an interview with a man named Ed Klein, Ted Kennedy's biographer.
Basically, he said that Ted's favorite thing to joke about was Chappaquiddick?!?! I couldn't believe my ears but, the worst was when the woman conducting the interview, Katty Kay (from NPR, of course!), didn't even seem to be bothered by this statement.
What kind of a sick a-hole would joke about this? I don't understand at all. I once again, found myself thinking I was living in a twilight zone.
Well, thank goodness someone led me to this article. I feel much better!
The New Clinton Chronicles
Okay, it's old but, it's still interesting.
I'm not really big on conspiracy stuff but, this has a lot of eye witnesses and first hand information in it. Very enlightening if you don't know much about the Clinton's and who they really are.
I'm not really big on conspiracy stuff but, this has a lot of eye witnesses and first hand information in it. Very enlightening if you don't know much about the Clinton's and who they really are.
Bill Clinton,
Hilary Clinton,
Who are they?
Posted by
Scientists Image the 'Anatomy' of a Molecule (w/ Video)
This is a very cool story about scientists getting an image of a molecule. An atomic force microscope was used to create the image. It looks just like what you'd find drawn out in a chemistry book!
Click the title for the full story and, there's a video too.
Click the title for the full story and, there's a video too.
Posted by
The Obama File
So, I heard about this site. I thought I'd pass it along!
Barack Obama,
cool site,
The Obama File
Posted by
A Damn Good Post!
So, I'm chatting with some libtard on Facebook...oops...he seems like a nice guy, just confused, hence the "tard." So, I posted this to him:
The great part about politics is that it IS a science. I always use this model to help folks...draw a circle, a circle around that, and a circle around that..ect...like a bulls eye. Center-write MATH, that is the core of EVERYTHING, it's universal and everything breaks down to that. Next circle further out, write PHYSICS, this is the study of using math to find values. With physics, you gain knowledge of how to find values you are looking for in the various areas of science. You learn about forces, fulcrums, torques, masses, densities, standards, ect. Then, next, CHEMISTRY...you learn about elements, the atom, entropy, behaviors of compounds, Le Chatlier's principle, interactions, Van Der Walls, steric hinderence (my personal favorite!), Gibbs free energy, organic and inorganic, nomenclature, ect. Next circle, BIOLOGY. You learn about animals and humans, classifications of, interactions, ....etc...from there, you can go almost anywhere, ALL areas of study are related, economics, psychology, POLITICS, sociology, etc. I can even tell you how comedy can be related to math and physics...but, I digress...the point is, there is a flowing logic to all of these areas and once you grasp the underlying LOGIC that follows, you will clearly be able to see, and instantly, that liberalism (as it's defined today), goes against any and all LOGIC. It IS a mental disorder no matter what way you slice it. It follows no facts, no figures, no logic...etc.
The problem I have with people like Obama and his ilk, they HAVE to know this! Many are well educated, going to the best schools in the world. Either they are well intentioned people, who have mental disorders or, they are evil f@cks that KNOW exactly what I've told you and are gaining power through the mass ignorant. Take your pick.
The great part about politics is that it IS a science. I always use this model to help folks...draw a circle, a circle around that, and a circle around that..ect...like a bulls eye. Center-write MATH, that is the core of EVERYTHING, it's universal and everything breaks down to that. Next circle further out, write PHYSICS, this is the study of using math to find values. With physics, you gain knowledge of how to find values you are looking for in the various areas of science. You learn about forces, fulcrums, torques, masses, densities, standards, ect. Then, next, CHEMISTRY...you learn about elements, the atom, entropy, behaviors of compounds, Le Chatlier's principle, interactions, Van Der Walls, steric hinderence (my personal favorite!), Gibbs free energy, organic and inorganic, nomenclature, ect. Next circle, BIOLOGY. You learn about animals and humans, classifications of, interactions, ....etc...from there, you can go almost anywhere, ALL areas of study are related, economics, psychology, POLITICS, sociology, etc. I can even tell you how comedy can be related to math and physics...but, I digress...the point is, there is a flowing logic to all of these areas and once you grasp the underlying LOGIC that follows, you will clearly be able to see, and instantly, that liberalism (as it's defined today), goes against any and all LOGIC. It IS a mental disorder no matter what way you slice it. It follows no facts, no figures, no logic...etc.
The problem I have with people like Obama and his ilk, they HAVE to know this! Many are well educated, going to the best schools in the world. Either they are well intentioned people, who have mental disorders or, they are evil f@cks that KNOW exactly what I've told you and are gaining power through the mass ignorant. Take your pick.
libralism is a mental disorder,
Michael Savage,
Posted by
Ted Kennedy - Dead
Well, we got one down!
I believe that he is at rest but, the next time that scum wakes up, he will meet his maker and unless he asked for forgiveness, he will be paying for the things he did in life, i.g. what he did to Mary Jo, what he did to tear this country apart, how he lied to the American people, and how he hijacked the senate seat in MA for years on end.
It's not that I'm rejoicing, I'm just not sad at all in the slightest. I feel happy.
I believe that he is at rest but, the next time that scum wakes up, he will meet his maker and unless he asked for forgiveness, he will be paying for the things he did in life, i.g. what he did to Mary Jo, what he did to tear this country apart, how he lied to the American people, and how he hijacked the senate seat in MA for years on end.
It's not that I'm rejoicing, I'm just not sad at all in the slightest. I feel happy.
Mary Jo Kopechne,
not sad,
Ted Kennedy
Posted by
Obama Investigates Bush
This is truly a scary story. Obama wants to question the Bush administration? This has to be a joke. That was my first thought, anyway.
He is going to review every executive order ever given.
This morning, I was listening to the radio, 94.1 FM, here in Omaha. I really couldn't believe my ears when the wimpy and lame Molly was covering this story. She's not terribly bad overall but, when it comes to these heavy political issues, you can pretty much guarantee that her opinion will fall under the feminist, commie, weak-minded, weak-willed, pathetic category.
Molly read the story about Obama investigating the Bush administration and some of the tactics that our CIA used after the 9/11 attacks. Then, she ignorantly said that it was a good idea and that "we" as the United States, should have higher standards and should abide by the Gineva Convention.
First of all, the Gineva Conventions do not apply in this case, as the fundamentalists that we are fighting, do not hail from a particular country. Second of all, these radical towel heads are NOT believers in the Gineva Conventions! Does Molly think that beheading unarmed reporters is somehow "okay" under the Gineva Convention? Of course when she was confronted with these facts, she went on to say, "Oh, but we are the better country," and we should have higher standards. What the hell does she think this is, a playground where the teacher will intervene and give a ribbon to the "bigger" country?
We are fighting an enemy here that has no country, no morals, no values, no respect for human life and she wants to talk about being the "better country"? This is the kind of mentality that just PROVES liberals have a mental disorder, (as the GREAT Michael Savage always says)!
This also reminds me of someone who recently quoted to me, from Benjamin Franklin, "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." This is when he was confronted with the fact that the liberals in this country are hell bent on taking away our freedom.
I had to explain that, by "liberty," Franklin was talking about, "personal responsibility." I just love it when liberals take wonderful quotes and turn their context upside down. It just proves that either they are ignorant and know nothing or, they KNOW they can manipulate the meanings and rely on the ignorant. I'm going with the latter.
I truly believe the person I was speaking with just didn't know better and was told something by someone he trusted, maybe a teacher, and didn't have a clue about the actual message.
Let's take your home, you have a yard that surrounds your home, you have the right to walk everywhere you chose. Now, let's say someone comes on your property that you didn't invite. You feel threatened and your first thought is to go inside your home and grab your gun. Do you first pause and think, "Oh, golly gee, I don't want to give up my "liberty" of walking in my yard, that would give this intruder the power and, I really should just be nice and try and talk with this man, even though he's in a ski mask and, I can tell he has a gun." NO! Only an idiotic liberal would think that! Even then, I don't think my liberal friends are THAT stupid.
I don't care what we do. If it means ONE life being saved by the hands of these scum, it's worth it to me! Keep this crap private.
Oh, and for an administration that is all about being transparent, where the hell is this man's birth certificate? Where are his education records? Why has he yet to appoint his cabinet but, can appoint czars left and right?
This investigation is going to establish quite a president that has never been seen in our country. Obama is stepping on way too many toes. He needs to back off! We are the United States and we are not socialist communists!
He is going to review every executive order ever given.
This morning, I was listening to the radio, 94.1 FM, here in Omaha. I really couldn't believe my ears when the wimpy and lame Molly was covering this story. She's not terribly bad overall but, when it comes to these heavy political issues, you can pretty much guarantee that her opinion will fall under the feminist, commie, weak-minded, weak-willed, pathetic category.
Molly read the story about Obama investigating the Bush administration and some of the tactics that our CIA used after the 9/11 attacks. Then, she ignorantly said that it was a good idea and that "we" as the United States, should have higher standards and should abide by the Gineva Convention.
First of all, the Gineva Conventions do not apply in this case, as the fundamentalists that we are fighting, do not hail from a particular country. Second of all, these radical towel heads are NOT believers in the Gineva Conventions! Does Molly think that beheading unarmed reporters is somehow "okay" under the Gineva Convention? Of course when she was confronted with these facts, she went on to say, "Oh, but we are the better country," and we should have higher standards. What the hell does she think this is, a playground where the teacher will intervene and give a ribbon to the "bigger" country?
We are fighting an enemy here that has no country, no morals, no values, no respect for human life and she wants to talk about being the "better country"? This is the kind of mentality that just PROVES liberals have a mental disorder, (as the GREAT Michael Savage always says)!
This also reminds me of someone who recently quoted to me, from Benjamin Franklin, "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." This is when he was confronted with the fact that the liberals in this country are hell bent on taking away our freedom.
I had to explain that, by "liberty," Franklin was talking about, "personal responsibility." I just love it when liberals take wonderful quotes and turn their context upside down. It just proves that either they are ignorant and know nothing or, they KNOW they can manipulate the meanings and rely on the ignorant. I'm going with the latter.
I truly believe the person I was speaking with just didn't know better and was told something by someone he trusted, maybe a teacher, and didn't have a clue about the actual message.
Let's take your home, you have a yard that surrounds your home, you have the right to walk everywhere you chose. Now, let's say someone comes on your property that you didn't invite. You feel threatened and your first thought is to go inside your home and grab your gun. Do you first pause and think, "Oh, golly gee, I don't want to give up my "liberty" of walking in my yard, that would give this intruder the power and, I really should just be nice and try and talk with this man, even though he's in a ski mask and, I can tell he has a gun." NO! Only an idiotic liberal would think that! Even then, I don't think my liberal friends are THAT stupid.
I don't care what we do. If it means ONE life being saved by the hands of these scum, it's worth it to me! Keep this crap private.
Oh, and for an administration that is all about being transparent, where the hell is this man's birth certificate? Where are his education records? Why has he yet to appoint his cabinet but, can appoint czars left and right?
This investigation is going to establish quite a president that has never been seen in our country. Obama is stepping on way too many toes. He needs to back off! We are the United States and we are not socialist communists!
94.1 Omaha,
Obama investigates Bush,
Posted by
Last Night
Well, I didn't write anything on here because, I went out with a very old friend last night to celebrate her birthday and play "catch up."
Besides, what was there to write about? More health care crap, I suppose. I will be getting back to that, don't worry. I just got a little bored of the issue because, it's so obviously screwed up that we have a president that knows NOTHING of what this country stands for!
Besides, what was there to write about? More health care crap, I suppose. I will be getting back to that, don't worry. I just got a little bored of the issue because, it's so obviously screwed up that we have a president that knows NOTHING of what this country stands for!
health care,
old friend
Posted by
What a Lazy Week It's Been!
I suppose I could go on and on about the health care bill AGAIN but, to me, it's just so obvious about what is right and what is wrong here.
The government needs to stay out of this! Why would anyone want the government to get involved in health care? We've seen what happens over and over and over and over again. NO system is perfect, none. Getting the government even further involved in our health care will only harm it further.
If you don't see it this way, I'm only a blogger, I can't cure your mental disorder.
The government needs to stay out of this! Why would anyone want the government to get involved in health care? We've seen what happens over and over and over and over again. NO system is perfect, none. Getting the government even further involved in our health care will only harm it further.
If you don't see it this way, I'm only a blogger, I can't cure your mental disorder.
free health care,
Posted by
Must See Video About Health Care
Another great video found by The Conservative Monster.
It really is a must watch. If you have liberal friends, you might try and do your best to send this video to them.
It really is a must watch. If you have liberal friends, you might try and do your best to send this video to them.
Barack Obama,
health care,
socialized medicine,
The Conservative Monster
Posted by
Model's teeth, fingers removed in killing
I found this story from a friend on Facebook. Have to give credit to the great people I've met!
This guy was a contestant on the show, "Megan Wants a Millionaire." I love Megan...LOL...yes, I watched "Rock of Love" and "I Love Money" with her in it. She first appeared in the reality show, "Beauty and the Beast" and her and her "beast" won! The show was actually quite decent compared to most reality shows.
Anyway, this story shocked the crap out of me! Click the title for the whole story.
They believe he must have gone to Canada and now, in the state of Washington. Look out for this guy. There are some sick people in this world.
This guy was a contestant on the show, "Megan Wants a Millionaire." I love Megan...LOL...yes, I watched "Rock of Love" and "I Love Money" with her in it. She first appeared in the reality show, "Beauty and the Beast" and her and her "beast" won! The show was actually quite decent compared to most reality shows.
Anyway, this story shocked the crap out of me! Click the title for the whole story.
They believe he must have gone to Canada and now, in the state of Washington. Look out for this guy. There are some sick people in this world.
Megan Wants a Millionaire,
reality show
Posted by
Cash for Clunkers Ends on Monday
Monday at 8 p.m. EDT, the program will end.
I'm actually quite surprised. I figured this would go on for a long time.
I heard on my local news that the dealerships here have yet to be reimbursed. The dealerships are pretty angry about that. I can only imagine.
I'm actually quite surprised. I figured this would go on for a long time.
I heard on my local news that the dealerships here have yet to be reimbursed. The dealerships are pretty angry about that. I can only imagine.
case for clunkers,
Posted by
Lockerbie bomber freed, returns to cheers in Libya
I'll be honest, I've had a lazy week and haven't really been following this story.
Click the title to go to the link for details. All I know is that if you sentence someone to life, than that person should serve that sentence, even if they have cancer.
This is just absurd and ridiculous. To top everything off, he's welcomed with cheers. How nice, how lovely. A terrorist is cheered for. Sickening.
Click the title to go to the link for details. All I know is that if you sentence someone to life, than that person should serve that sentence, even if they have cancer.
This is just absurd and ridiculous. To top everything off, he's welcomed with cheers. How nice, how lovely. A terrorist is cheered for. Sickening.
cheers from Libya,
Posted by
La Raza
The greatest thing about being in Facebook is meeting the most amazing people, who have the greatest videos I might not ever find by myself.
Here's one of a La Raza member getting arrested for being a thug! Wait, it gets better; make sure you watch until the very end.
I'm quite disgusted by this video but, it's important to know and see the truth about what illegals believe. It's one thing to hear it on the news, from a blogger, from a radio talk show host, but it's much more powerful to see this with your own eyes.
Just go ahead and click the title to go to the video, since it was too large for me to post here.
Here's one of a La Raza member getting arrested for being a thug! Wait, it gets better; make sure you watch until the very end.
I'm quite disgusted by this video but, it's important to know and see the truth about what illegals believe. It's one thing to hear it on the news, from a blogger, from a radio talk show host, but it's much more powerful to see this with your own eyes.
Just go ahead and click the title to go to the video, since it was too large for me to post here.
Daily Horoscope
Hello, today you will realize what an idiot you are for reading these stupid things. Horoscopes are fake and totally full of crap. Have a nice life.
Seriously, I read a book on this once and was fascinated by horoscopes for years and years. I don't know that I ever believed that you could predict the future but, I did like the descriptions of the various signs and the compatibility stuff seemed to be accurate.
Millions of dollars are made each year from people that pay attention to this stuff and it's hard not to. It's everywhere!
I don't know...maybe some of the stuff might be true but, predicting things based on when you were born? Total crap. Don't do it. Save your money and your time and don't be an idiot. Besides, G-d says not to. That's all.
Seriously, I read a book on this once and was fascinated by horoscopes for years and years. I don't know that I ever believed that you could predict the future but, I did like the descriptions of the various signs and the compatibility stuff seemed to be accurate.
Millions of dollars are made each year from people that pay attention to this stuff and it's hard not to. It's everywhere!
I don't know...maybe some of the stuff might be true but, predicting things based on when you were born? Total crap. Don't do it. Save your money and your time and don't be an idiot. Besides, G-d says not to. That's all.
daily horoscope,
Posted by
Dane Cook- Atheist
Just wanted to share an old clip from Dane Cook's Vicious Circle concert. He discusses an encounter that he had with an atheist. It's pretty darn funny. If you haven't seen this before, you should watch it. Classic.
Robert Novak dies at 78
Robert Novak died, after a battle with brain cancer, today, 2009Aug18. He was 78 years old.
Robert Novak is probably best known for the more recent issue that occurred when he published the name of CIA employee, Valerie Plame.
click title for full story
Robert Novak,
Robert Novak dies
Posted by
Perhaps There Is Hope?
This is from The Conservative Monster, conservativemonster.com.
I got goosebumps just watching it. It really just thrills me so much to see people who are standing up and finally saying, "NO!" There ARE people that don't want socialist ideas like, health care. They don't want this to be a socialist nation!
I got goosebumps just watching it. It really just thrills me so much to see people who are standing up and finally saying, "NO!" There ARE people that don't want socialist ideas like, health care. They don't want this to be a socialist nation!
Where did you get your name, Tuesday?
From Tuesday Weld of course!
Tuesday Weld
Posted by
Conservatives Outnumber Liberals
According to a recent Gallup Poll, conservatives outnumber liberals in all 50 states. 58, if you go by what Obama thinks. (click title)
While I do believe this may be true, you have to wonder how accurate any of these polls ever are.
It's good news if it's true! So, I thought I would share.
While I do believe this may be true, you have to wonder how accurate any of these polls ever are.
It's good news if it's true! So, I thought I would share.
all 50 states,
Posted by
White House May Drop Public Option?
Click title for full story.
Well, as I've already posted, we already know the democrats and Obama are lying to the public saying that they just want a competitive option for the people. The truth is, they want to get rid of all competition. Again, they ADMIT this.
Now, we have to ask ourselves, "Why, if they have the house and senate, do the democrats want to appear as though they are giving up on passing this bill?"
It's like this, a business must carry insurance. If they don't carry any, they will pay a fine and that fine is much lower than paying for any insurance they would be forced to carry. It's just a matter of economics. Every business wants to save money and cut costs. Especially when the government is going to raising taxes on any business that makes over $250,000 per year. This would force the employee to seek other "options" and the only other option that would be available to them would be the government option!
You'd have to be pretty damn ignorant not to see this and these morons that are on the news that insist that somehow this is good for us and that it wouldn't put the private insurance companies out of business are just plain retarded! I'm sorry but, there's no other explanation, either they are retarded or they think WE are!
There is no reason to believe that any of this is going away. They are doing this in order to prolong things, try and make conservatives look crazy, probably hoping for violence, you name it but, at the end of the day, this isn't going away at all. They want this and will do whatever they can to get what they want.
If you are writing your congressman or senators, you need to keep the pressure on. The second that pressure is relieved, is the second the blood pours out of this open wound.
Well, as I've already posted, we already know the democrats and Obama are lying to the public saying that they just want a competitive option for the people. The truth is, they want to get rid of all competition. Again, they ADMIT this.
Now, we have to ask ourselves, "Why, if they have the house and senate, do the democrats want to appear as though they are giving up on passing this bill?"
It's like this, a business must carry insurance. If they don't carry any, they will pay a fine and that fine is much lower than paying for any insurance they would be forced to carry. It's just a matter of economics. Every business wants to save money and cut costs. Especially when the government is going to raising taxes on any business that makes over $250,000 per year. This would force the employee to seek other "options" and the only other option that would be available to them would be the government option!
You'd have to be pretty damn ignorant not to see this and these morons that are on the news that insist that somehow this is good for us and that it wouldn't put the private insurance companies out of business are just plain retarded! I'm sorry but, there's no other explanation, either they are retarded or they think WE are!
There is no reason to believe that any of this is going away. They are doing this in order to prolong things, try and make conservatives look crazy, probably hoping for violence, you name it but, at the end of the day, this isn't going away at all. They want this and will do whatever they can to get what they want.
If you are writing your congressman or senators, you need to keep the pressure on. The second that pressure is relieved, is the second the blood pours out of this open wound.
Barack Obama,
free health care,
public option
Posted by
Gene Variant Predicts Hepatitis Treatment Success
Scientists have discovered that there is a tiny gene variant that determines how effective treatment for Hepatitis C will be.
From article: (click title)
People with a certain gene variant are far more likely to respond to treatment, and that variant is more common in people with European ancestry than African-Americans, researchers report.
From article: (click title)
People with a certain gene variant are far more likely to respond to treatment, and that variant is more common in people with European ancestry than African-Americans, researchers report.
gene variant,
hepatitis treatment,
sucessful treatment
Posted by
The Difference Between Bush and Obama
So, I ran across this video, again, from someone on Facebook.
I just had to share it. Go ahead and watch.
While this doesn't shock me at all, I am hoping that a few liberals might see this and realize that even though they keep saying they care for the troops and want to bring them home, the liberals and their savior are NOT respected, they are not trusted, and they are not liked by the military for a reason. After all, it is their opinion that counts.
I just had to share it. Go ahead and watch.
While this doesn't shock me at all, I am hoping that a few liberals might see this and realize that even though they keep saying they care for the troops and want to bring them home, the liberals and their savior are NOT respected, they are not trusted, and they are not liked by the military for a reason. After all, it is their opinion that counts.
Bush administration,
Obama administration,
Posted by
Obama Supporter Turns Out To Be A Fake Plant?
This video is a woman who claims to be a doctor, but does not live in Sheila Jackson Lee's district, and seems to be in support of the health care reform. Watch this video.
Dr. Roxana Mayer is her name but, who is she? The poster of this video provides this link to the Lone Star Times.
Excerpt from article:
I’m not sure why, but something didn’t smell right. So my colleagues and I did a little digging, and wouldn’t you know it? Roxana Mayer is, like, totally not a doctor.
But she is an Obama campaign volunteer.
Our own David Jennings secured a phone interview, in which Mayer admitted to impersonating a physician, saying — get this — she thought it would help her credibility. (It didn’t.)
Not only that but, the article goes onto mention the woman that accompanied this Ms. Mayer is none other than another major Obama supporter, Maria Isabel. She also happens to be wearing the same outfit that was captured in a previous story they ran. Just click the title to read more.
I would really like to know why these people insist on doing these types of things? Why are the democrats so eager to push this through? There's something more to this "bill" that we have yet to see. The administration wants this voted on and quickly.
There isn't just smoke, somewhere there is a roaring fire!
Dr. Roxana Mayer is her name but, who is she? The poster of this video provides this link to the Lone Star Times.
Excerpt from article:
I’m not sure why, but something didn’t smell right. So my colleagues and I did a little digging, and wouldn’t you know it? Roxana Mayer is, like, totally not a doctor.
But she is an Obama campaign volunteer.
Our own David Jennings secured a phone interview, in which Mayer admitted to impersonating a physician, saying — get this — she thought it would help her credibility. (It didn’t.)
Not only that but, the article goes onto mention the woman that accompanied this Ms. Mayer is none other than another major Obama supporter, Maria Isabel. She also happens to be wearing the same outfit that was captured in a previous story they ran. Just click the title to read more.
I would really like to know why these people insist on doing these types of things? Why are the democrats so eager to push this through? There's something more to this "bill" that we have yet to see. The administration wants this voted on and quickly.
There isn't just smoke, somewhere there is a roaring fire!
fake doctor,
free health care,
Sheila Jackson Lee
Posted by
Why Obama's Education Records Are Not Released
We all know that Obama will not release any of his records. Forget about the birth certificate(s); he won't release his college transcripts. Why?
I'll tell you why. It's because, he doesn't want the world to have confirmation about how dumb he is but, then again, don't we already know when we watch these stupid comments?
It's fascinating, isn't it? He's pushing a health care bill that is going to be government run and he points to another government run business and tells us, it's the one always having the problems!
Of course this comes from a man that hasn't a clue as to how many states are in this great nation, that he now runs.
I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry. I seem to be feeling that a lot lately.
I'll tell you why. It's because, he doesn't want the world to have confirmation about how dumb he is but, then again, don't we already know when we watch these stupid comments?
It's fascinating, isn't it? He's pushing a health care bill that is going to be government run and he points to another government run business and tells us, it's the one always having the problems!
Of course this comes from a man that hasn't a clue as to how many states are in this great nation, that he now runs.
I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry. I seem to be feeling that a lot lately.
Fed Ex,
Obama's education,
post office,
Posted by
Rep Sheila Jackson Lee
Okay, I think most of us by now have heard of the town hall meeting where, Ms. Jackson Lee took it upon herself to answer her cell phone while a cancer survivor patient was asking her a question.
Her response is mind boggling.
So, she says she was speaking with a hot line? What is this hot line? Can anyone call this line? I sure would like to be able to. I'm just unsure whether to believe this or not. Did you notice how she wouldn't shut the hell up? She just kept rambling on and on about this health care message. Sometimes these liberals just don't seem human to me. They are so focused on their message, their lives, their feelings, their vision...it's ALL about them, ALL the time. She didn't even realize that she was being rude.
Here is the clip from Greta, where the woman who was rudely interrupted, tells her side of the story.
Her response is mind boggling.
So, she says she was speaking with a hot line? What is this hot line? Can anyone call this line? I sure would like to be able to. I'm just unsure whether to believe this or not. Did you notice how she wouldn't shut the hell up? She just kept rambling on and on about this health care message. Sometimes these liberals just don't seem human to me. They are so focused on their message, their lives, their feelings, their vision...it's ALL about them, ALL the time. She didn't even realize that she was being rude.
Here is the clip from Greta, where the woman who was rudely interrupted, tells her side of the story.
cell phone,
Sheila Jackson Lee,
town hall meeting
Posted by
FOX's Glenn Beck Vs. CNN's Rick Sanchez Over Sanchez's Comments
I love youtube. I can find almost anything on here and easily get myself lost in so much footage and audio. It's just like a library only, I don't have to leave my home.
I just found this piece of gold and wanted to share this. Great stuff.
While I love Glenn Beck, I am a HUGE Stu fan!!!! Listen to Stu "go off"! It's pretty damn sexy...not as sexy as Savage but, sexy.
I just found this piece of gold and wanted to share this. Great stuff.
While I love Glenn Beck, I am a HUGE Stu fan!!!! Listen to Stu "go off"! It's pretty damn sexy...not as sexy as Savage but, sexy.
Glenn Beck,
Posted by
Update: From "Nice" to "Jerk" In Just a Short Couple of Days
So, if you haven't read the original story, you'll want to do so first.
The other day, I got another message from my "nice guy" friend...
ZI'm just letting you know that I'm leaving FB for good. If you still want to contact me my e-mail is xxxxxxxx.net or call #######. I would still like to meet you sometime down the road, maybe we go out to dinner sometime.
Forget the spelling and grammar errors...can you believe this? I can't believe he didn't even bother responding to anything I said. Instead, he just acts as if nothing happened.
The other day, I got another message from my "nice guy" friend...
ZI'm just letting you know that I'm leaving FB for good. If you still want to contact me my e-mail is xxxxxxxx.net or call #######. I would still like to meet you sometime down the road, maybe we go out to dinner sometime.
Forget the spelling and grammar errors...can you believe this? I can't believe he didn't even bother responding to anything I said. Instead, he just acts as if nothing happened.
Socialism is the N-word?!?!?!? WTF?!?!?!?
While I could care less about the use of the "N" word, only because, I believe in the old saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones but, words will never hurt me," this video is quite interesting.
It was shared by a friend of mine on Facebook.
It was shared by a friend of mine on Facebook.
Barack Obama,
the n word
Posted by
Gitmo Prisoners May Transfer to Michigan
Prisoners from Gitmo may go to Michigan?
How weird is that? We all know Michigan has a substantial Arab population, so why would the government chose this as a location to transfer known radical terrorists?
I still can't believe that Obama is doing this. I think he truly hates America. I hate to say that but, why would you bring known terrorists here and give them the same rights as an actual citizen of this country?
How weird is that? We all know Michigan has a substantial Arab population, so why would the government chose this as a location to transfer known radical terrorists?
I still can't believe that Obama is doing this. I think he truly hates America. I hate to say that but, why would you bring known terrorists here and give them the same rights as an actual citizen of this country?
Barack Obama,
Posted by
White House Uses E-mail to Counter Health Critics
Excerpt from article:
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's push to revamp health care got a boost Thursday as a new coalition of drug makers, unions, hospitals and others launched a $12 million pro-overhaul ad campaign. Meanwhile, the administration sought to regain control of the health care debate by asking supporters to forward a chain e-mail to counter criticism that's circulating on the Internet.
The e-mail by White House senior adviser David Axelrod offers reasons to support Obama's agenda - and myths to debunk.
Hmmmm...Axelrod...based on this country's history, you pretty much know your dealing with a commie when you hear that name.
Now, as I understand it, I'm not supposed to spam anyone as it's considered illegal and taboo but, the gov't is doing this, encouraging this, and it's okay?
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's push to revamp health care got a boost Thursday as a new coalition of drug makers, unions, hospitals and others launched a $12 million pro-overhaul ad campaign. Meanwhile, the administration sought to regain control of the health care debate by asking supporters to forward a chain e-mail to counter criticism that's circulating on the Internet.
The e-mail by White House senior adviser David Axelrod offers reasons to support Obama's agenda - and myths to debunk.
Hmmmm...Axelrod...based on this country's history, you pretty much know your dealing with a commie when you hear that name.
Now, as I understand it, I'm not supposed to spam anyone as it's considered illegal and taboo but, the gov't is doing this, encouraging this, and it's okay?
Obama heath care
Posted by
Obama and His Birth Certificate
So, if you click on the title, it will take you to this site that is rather interesting.
I sleep with the radio on and the other night, I was half awake, half asleep and this guy, who I believe, runs this site, was talking and said some interesting things about Obama. Evidently, Obama has spent over a million dollars in order to prevent releasing any of his records.
According to this site, Obama's real name is, Barry Soetoro and it appears as if he's never legally changed it. The man on the radio made a point to share this because, whatever documents Obama has signed with the name Barak Obama, could be considered fraud.
I am still reading about this and I can honestly say, I am becoming more and more convinced, this guy was NOT born in the USA.
I sleep with the radio on and the other night, I was half awake, half asleep and this guy, who I believe, runs this site, was talking and said some interesting things about Obama. Evidently, Obama has spent over a million dollars in order to prevent releasing any of his records.
According to this site, Obama's real name is, Barry Soetoro and it appears as if he's never legally changed it. The man on the radio made a point to share this because, whatever documents Obama has signed with the name Barak Obama, could be considered fraud.
I am still reading about this and I can honestly say, I am becoming more and more convinced, this guy was NOT born in the USA.
Barack Obama,
Barak Obama's birth certificate,
Barry Soetoro,
Posted by
Racist and She Doesn't Even Know It
I had the great pleasure of speaking with an Obama supporter this week. She also happened to be black. She's an acquaintance of mine and she decided to bring up Obama.
It all started when she made the comment about how great it is to have a "black man" in office. To which I responded, "Well, he's actually half black and half white." This was completely unacceptable to her. She immediately responded, "Oh, no, he's black, if you half black and half white, you black."
I just shook my head and then she spoke of a friend of hers, who I also know. Of her other friend, she said, "Now, she's half Mexican, half black but, she black too."
So, this got me wondering, "So, what am I? I'm half Mexican, half white." (I'm actually 1/4 Mexican, 1/4 Indian, and 1/2 Polish but, I was just trying to make things simple for her.) Her response, "You white."
So, I really don't know if she realized that she basically just told me, Black trumps White, and White trumps Mexican.
If anything Obama should call himself white. It was his mother who raised him. His black father wasn't around.
If someone is mixed, they are MIXED. It isn't one over the other and the reason why is because, both parents matter.
Oh well, ignorance is bliss I guess and of course, it's totally cool for a black person to be racist and say this crap but, if a white person dare say anything that could even be remotely construed as racist, the whole world must pause!
It all started when she made the comment about how great it is to have a "black man" in office. To which I responded, "Well, he's actually half black and half white." This was completely unacceptable to her. She immediately responded, "Oh, no, he's black, if you half black and half white, you black."
I just shook my head and then she spoke of a friend of hers, who I also know. Of her other friend, she said, "Now, she's half Mexican, half black but, she black too."
So, this got me wondering, "So, what am I? I'm half Mexican, half white." (I'm actually 1/4 Mexican, 1/4 Indian, and 1/2 Polish but, I was just trying to make things simple for her.) Her response, "You white."
So, I really don't know if she realized that she basically just told me, Black trumps White, and White trumps Mexican.
If anything Obama should call himself white. It was his mother who raised him. His black father wasn't around.
If someone is mixed, they are MIXED. It isn't one over the other and the reason why is because, both parents matter.
Oh well, ignorance is bliss I guess and of course, it's totally cool for a black person to be racist and say this crap but, if a white person dare say anything that could even be remotely construed as racist, the whole world must pause!
Petition: Free Our Health Care Now
This is really simple.
Click the title and sign the petition. Easy as brushing your teeth twice a day...'cept you just gotta do this just the one time and only one day.
Click the title and sign the petition. Easy as brushing your teeth twice a day...'cept you just gotta do this just the one time and only one day.
free health care,
free our health care,
Posted by
My Response to Democrats After They Are Done Speaking
Every time I hear Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Clinton (either one), Ted Kennedy, or any other stupid democrat rambling and foaming at the feeder, my only response is....
response to democrats
Posted by
Obama and the Democrats Are Lying to You
What else is new, right?
This story makes me so angry. I am really glad someone brought this to my attention and I am hoping to spread the word about this deception as far and wide as possible.
I am no Obama fan but, this shouldn't even be about Democrats/Republican, or liberal/conservative. This is about a man and a party that is going around this nation and telling the people that they want to initiate a health care program that is based on competition but, instead, it is one that will put private care out of business, and they KNOW it!
Watch the video and cringe for yourself.
This story makes me so angry. I am really glad someone brought this to my attention and I am hoping to spread the word about this deception as far and wide as possible.
I am no Obama fan but, this shouldn't even be about Democrats/Republican, or liberal/conservative. This is about a man and a party that is going around this nation and telling the people that they want to initiate a health care program that is based on competition but, instead, it is one that will put private care out of business, and they KNOW it!
Watch the video and cringe for yourself.
Barack Obama,
free health care,
Posted by
Obama Wants Our Vets to Pay for Their War Injuries, but Illegal Immigrants Get Free Medical Care
I heard about this from a friend of mine on Facebook.
So, this is quite scary and disturbing. I guess what the new administration wants is to have soldiers pay for their own injuries? This just doesn't seem right. I am wondering if this is a joke? Yes? No?
It seems as though nothing really should shock me anymore and just when I think nothing can, a story like this comes along.
Click on title for video.
So, this is quite scary and disturbing. I guess what the new administration wants is to have soldiers pay for their own injuries? This just doesn't seem right. I am wondering if this is a joke? Yes? No?
It seems as though nothing really should shock me anymore and just when I think nothing can, a story like this comes along.
Click on title for video.
free health care,
military pays for injuries
Posted by
From "Nice" to "Jerk" In Just a Short Couple of Days
Being on Facebook is great. It allows me to promote my blog, meet people that have the same interests as me, stalk really hot guys (just kidding, not really), and of course catching up with all my great friends from high school.
Oh, the thrills of running into the people that saw you do the most retarded things while growing up. They were there for the tears, the broken hearts, the school plays/musicals that you performed in, the really embarrassing moments of falling UP the stairs, the ones that held your hair back when you were puking from drinking too much Cisco, the bad hair, the ugly rumors, and of course the time you had a friend call in sick for you to school, only to forget that your dad works with the husband of the woman that works in the attendance office AND, who also went to school with your mother. Yes...I did do some really stupid things in school.
So, I was quite surprised earlier this week when a former classmate of mine had decided to reveal to me that he has had a "crush" on me since the magical junior year of high school. What surprised me most was his timing.
It all started a few weeks back when I accepted his friend request. We had exchanged some very general "how are you doing?," "how've you been?" type messages. During this time, I did explain I was going through a really bad divorce, I'm alone in raising my daughter, and I've found happiness in my blog and business that I've been working on. He then decided to ask me if I would like to go out for drinks. I explained that I really don't do that anymore but, maybe we could go to a place like a restaurant and bar, so that I could bring my daughter. This was acceptable to him.
Great! Well, I couldn't really go out right away. I have been rather busy and then of course, the move was coming up so, I did explain all this to him and then, the day I'm moving, he decides to tell me this gem of information, that he has had a crush on me since junior year and that he would like to date me. He also included at the end a statement that he doesn't mind that I have a daughter, he's okay that I'm a single mom. I didn't know what to say really. I am not at all attracted to this man but, not only that, I felt as though he should really know that I am not interested in dating anyone at this point in my life. I'm going through a divorce and I've had my heart broken one too many times.
So, I felt kind of bad. I mean, he's always seemed to be this really nice person and I didn't want to be mean to him so, I just explained that I'm flattered but, that there was no interest in dating anyone at this time. So, he responds with a rather odd statement. He tells me that he'd still like to go out as friends and "not to worry" because, he's not, "looking for anything serious" and he would, "never get married" or anything like that.
Well, this is sort of odd to me. Why would someone take a perfectly nice plan of going out and being casual, as friends, and then turning around and asking me on a "DATE" if you aren't serious about anything? I was very confused but, I didn't want to jump to any conclusions, just yet.
So, I decided to ask him why he would be interested in dating if, he isn't looking for a relationship? I mean, that's the whole point of dating.
He then tells me that, well...here, I'll just let you read it for yourself...
My whole outlook on dating is like this. I use to listen to ex-empolyees piss and moan about their relationships, whether it was a girlfriend or wife. It made me think that relationships ain't what they seem to be. Why go though with it if all your going to do is fight about STUPID SHIT in the first place it doesn't make since to me. Thats why it don't take things seriously any more.
At this point I am just stewing inside. What if I did accept and go on a date with him? Would it have been at that point he would have told me, all he really wanted was a fling?
My jewel of a response...
So, you asked me out on a date with the intention of what? Getting down my pants? You really think I'm looking for a fling?
Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?
The more I think about this, the more angrier I become.
I cannot believe you would ask me out and then, when I say, I'm not interested in dating, you reveal your true colors, which you are just like every other guy that has dicked with my heart.
Well, isn't that nice?
The worst part is, I really thought you were a nice guy this whole time.
Have a nice day. Really.
I am still livid over this and then, the a$$hole has the nerve to block ME from Facebook?!?! Are you kidding me? So, this is why I decided to post all the sorted details and what an absolute jerk this guy really is, at his core.
You see, this is the guy that goes around saying stuff like, "Oh, nice guys finish last." I have news for these so-called "nice-guys" and I've met many of them..."You don't finish last because, you're nice. You finish last because, deep down at your core, you're a complete a$$hole that deserves what you get!"
I simply cannot believe that even when I'm not looking for a man, one of them has to come along and remind me that all they are looking for is to get down my pants! It's truly annoying. Thank G-d I'm friends with enough men to know that they are all like this...LOL!
*I was going to put the actual name of the person that did this crap but, I ruled against it, seemed more tasteful.
Oh, the thrills of running into the people that saw you do the most retarded things while growing up. They were there for the tears, the broken hearts, the school plays/musicals that you performed in, the really embarrassing moments of falling UP the stairs, the ones that held your hair back when you were puking from drinking too much Cisco, the bad hair, the ugly rumors, and of course the time you had a friend call in sick for you to school, only to forget that your dad works with the husband of the woman that works in the attendance office AND, who also went to school with your mother. Yes...I did do some really stupid things in school.
So, I was quite surprised earlier this week when a former classmate of mine had decided to reveal to me that he has had a "crush" on me since the magical junior year of high school. What surprised me most was his timing.
It all started a few weeks back when I accepted his friend request. We had exchanged some very general "how are you doing?," "how've you been?" type messages. During this time, I did explain I was going through a really bad divorce, I'm alone in raising my daughter, and I've found happiness in my blog and business that I've been working on. He then decided to ask me if I would like to go out for drinks. I explained that I really don't do that anymore but, maybe we could go to a place like a restaurant and bar, so that I could bring my daughter. This was acceptable to him.
Great! Well, I couldn't really go out right away. I have been rather busy and then of course, the move was coming up so, I did explain all this to him and then, the day I'm moving, he decides to tell me this gem of information, that he has had a crush on me since junior year and that he would like to date me. He also included at the end a statement that he doesn't mind that I have a daughter, he's okay that I'm a single mom. I didn't know what to say really. I am not at all attracted to this man but, not only that, I felt as though he should really know that I am not interested in dating anyone at this point in my life. I'm going through a divorce and I've had my heart broken one too many times.
So, I felt kind of bad. I mean, he's always seemed to be this really nice person and I didn't want to be mean to him so, I just explained that I'm flattered but, that there was no interest in dating anyone at this time. So, he responds with a rather odd statement. He tells me that he'd still like to go out as friends and "not to worry" because, he's not, "looking for anything serious" and he would, "never get married" or anything like that.
Well, this is sort of odd to me. Why would someone take a perfectly nice plan of going out and being casual, as friends, and then turning around and asking me on a "DATE" if you aren't serious about anything? I was very confused but, I didn't want to jump to any conclusions, just yet.
So, I decided to ask him why he would be interested in dating if, he isn't looking for a relationship? I mean, that's the whole point of dating.
He then tells me that, well...here, I'll just let you read it for yourself...
My whole outlook on dating is like this. I use to listen to ex-empolyees piss and moan about their relationships, whether it was a girlfriend or wife. It made me think that relationships ain't what they seem to be. Why go though with it if all your going to do is fight about STUPID SHIT in the first place it doesn't make since to me. Thats why it don't take things seriously any more.
At this point I am just stewing inside. What if I did accept and go on a date with him? Would it have been at that point he would have told me, all he really wanted was a fling?
My jewel of a response...
So, you asked me out on a date with the intention of what? Getting down my pants? You really think I'm looking for a fling?
Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?
The more I think about this, the more angrier I become.
I cannot believe you would ask me out and then, when I say, I'm not interested in dating, you reveal your true colors, which you are just like every other guy that has dicked with my heart.
Well, isn't that nice?
The worst part is, I really thought you were a nice guy this whole time.
Have a nice day. Really.
I am still livid over this and then, the a$$hole has the nerve to block ME from Facebook?!?! Are you kidding me? So, this is why I decided to post all the sorted details and what an absolute jerk this guy really is, at his core.
You see, this is the guy that goes around saying stuff like, "Oh, nice guys finish last." I have news for these so-called "nice-guys" and I've met many of them..."You don't finish last because, you're nice. You finish last because, deep down at your core, you're a complete a$$hole that deserves what you get!"
I simply cannot believe that even when I'm not looking for a man, one of them has to come along and remind me that all they are looking for is to get down my pants! It's truly annoying. Thank G-d I'm friends with enough men to know that they are all like this...LOL!
*I was going to put the actual name of the person that did this crap but, I ruled against it, seemed more tasteful.
high school,
nice guy,
Posted by
My Absence
I took the week off because, I had to move. I was hoping to keep up to date in between packing and unpacking and going to storage and taking care of my baby but, it just didn't quite work out that way.
I'm sorry.
I did manage to find plenty-o-drama in my life...so, I will be posting a short story about a person that once held the title of "nice" in my mind to "full blown asshole."
Really...stayed tuned. I think you'll be entertained...well, that's my goal anyway.
I'm sorry.
I did manage to find plenty-o-drama in my life...so, I will be posting a short story about a person that once held the title of "nice" in my mind to "full blown asshole."
Really...stayed tuned. I think you'll be entertained...well, that's my goal anyway.
Obama Joker Poster Popping Up In Los Angeles
Okay...I'm scared.
This is really scary.
Click on title....
This is really scary.
Click on title....
Antidepressant use doubles in US, study finds
Well, we're all depressed.
We've got a commie in the White House.
On a serious note, why is this? Why is everyone so depressed? Why does it seem people are more willing to accept this as a diagnosis?
We've got a commie in the White House.
On a serious note, why is this? Why is everyone so depressed? Why does it seem people are more willing to accept this as a diagnosis?
Posted by
I am sorry to have been gone over the weekend. I had to move.
If ever you need to move, do NOT attempt this task yourself. Hire people.
I can honestly say I am so sore. I have to wait to get my internet connection working at home. I am sitting at Panera bread right now...
...it is truly a blast!
If ever you need to move, do NOT attempt this task yourself. Hire people.
I can honestly say I am so sore. I have to wait to get my internet connection working at home. I am sitting at Panera bread right now...
...it is truly a blast!
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