
Obama Investigates Bush

This is truly a scary story. Obama wants to question the Bush administration? This has to be a joke. That was my first thought, anyway.

He is going to review every executive order ever given.

This morning, I was listening to the radio, 94.1 FM, here in Omaha. I really couldn't believe my ears when the wimpy and lame Molly was covering this story. She's not terribly bad overall but, when it comes to these heavy political issues, you can pretty much guarantee that her opinion will fall under the feminist, commie, weak-minded, weak-willed, pathetic category.

Molly read the story about Obama investigating the Bush administration and some of the tactics that our CIA used after the 9/11 attacks. Then, she ignorantly said that it was a good idea and that "we" as the United States, should have higher standards and should abide by the Gineva Convention.

First of all, the Gineva Conventions do not apply in this case, as the fundamentalists that we are fighting, do not hail from a particular country. Second of all, these radical towel heads are NOT believers in the Gineva Conventions! Does Molly think that beheading unarmed reporters is somehow "okay" under the Gineva Convention? Of course when she was confronted with these facts, she went on to say, "Oh, but we are the better country," and we should have higher standards. What the hell does she think this is, a playground where the teacher will intervene and give a ribbon to the "bigger" country?

We are fighting an enemy here that has no country, no morals, no values, no respect for human life and she wants to talk about being the "better country"? This is the kind of mentality that just PROVES liberals have a mental disorder, (as the GREAT Michael Savage always says)!

This also reminds me of someone who recently quoted to me, from Benjamin Franklin, "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." This is when he was confronted with the fact that the liberals in this country are hell bent on taking away our freedom.

I had to explain that, by "liberty," Franklin was talking about, "personal responsibility." I just love it when liberals take wonderful quotes and turn their context upside down. It just proves that either they are ignorant and know nothing or, they KNOW they can manipulate the meanings and rely on the ignorant. I'm going with the latter.

I truly believe the person I was speaking with just didn't know better and was told something by someone he trusted, maybe a teacher, and didn't have a clue about the actual message.

Let's take your home, you have a yard that surrounds your home, you have the right to walk everywhere you chose. Now, let's say someone comes on your property that you didn't invite. You feel threatened and your first thought is to go inside your home and grab your gun. Do you first pause and think, "Oh, golly gee, I don't want to give up my "liberty" of walking in my yard, that would give this intruder the power and, I really should just be nice and try and talk with this man, even though he's in a ski mask and, I can tell he has a gun." NO! Only an idiotic liberal would think that! Even then, I don't think my liberal friends are THAT stupid.

I don't care what we do. If it means ONE life being saved by the hands of these scum, it's worth it to me! Keep this crap private.

Oh, and for an administration that is all about being transparent, where the hell is this man's birth certificate? Where are his education records? Why has he yet to appoint his cabinet but, can appoint czars left and right?

This investigation is going to establish quite a president that has never been seen in our country. Obama is stepping on way too many toes. He needs to back off! We are the United States and we are not socialist communists!


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