
Jodi Arias -- My Response to the Absurdity

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Anonymous said...

Excellent. I'm in awe how much is over looked by the Jodi ites who are highly uneducated, evil and trolls. The lack of common sense is astounding. They blame everyone which is such a cop out as not one of them followed the case since it was not shown where they live. The main troll did not follow the case and admitted it. They lie day after day and thinks that's going to free the killer. Their latest lie: 2.5 gas cans. blink blink Their ignorance reaches a whole new level of crazy on a day to day basis. I wlll pass this fine piece around for you. Thanks again! oh and do expect the few left to stalk you as the truth is not allowed don't ya know?

PeskyVarmt said...

BOOYAH! I can't wait to read more!

Anonymous said...

Need to edit my post: The Jodi obsessed says "she purchased 2, 2.5 gal gas cans. That's more proof they just make it up as they troll along day after lonely day.

Anonymous said...

From the highly uneducated who lack common sense and 1 brain cell on the gas tank: "a cosmic ray changed the bit" Knowing full well they were debunked over yr ago and caught lying about European numbers. They are still lying about it as if it really matters.

Anonymous said...

Awesome post. Can't wait for the next one about he case.

Anonymous said...

Superb post! THANKS

Tuesday said...

Wow, thank you for the comments. I'm humbled. I have much more coming soon... :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent summation of both Jodi and "the uneducated, unnamed man from another country.".

Tuesday said...

I have heard the latest concerning the 2.5 gal gas cans. I am not sure why anyone who watched the trial would bother to make this claim. It's easily debunked by Jodi and Darryl. This particular supporter I am addressing is a special type of stupid.

"oh and do expect the few left to stalk you as the truth is not allowed don't ya know?" Nah...I don't anticipate any of that nor do I worry about it. I enjoy writing about this case and making observations. Anyone who wants to discuss the case with me or challenge me is more than welcome to! Life is all about learning and growing. :)

Anonymous said...

The JA supporters must have attended the Alyce Laviolette school of lying. They're all so good at it and try and talk in circles just like Jodi and Alyce.
Great job.

Anonymous said...

Why would Jodi need to conceal buying gas in Salt Lake City or after she got out of Arizona? If she bought a bunch of extra gas AFTER she left Arizona that proves nothing related to murder or pre-meditated murder. She wasn't hiding her trip to Ryan Burns. Maybe she bought some gas for a friend? It's also bull shit that Amanda Burns was this "all knowing/all checking" Wal-mart corporate employee. She wasn't. She'd been employed by Wal-mart only a few months. And she checked for GAS cans, not KEROSENE cans. Those two words are different, no matter how Juan might have convinced you all that they were the same. The whole "gas cans' thing came up because Daryl Brewer mentioned it innocently. And Jodi answered about it, innocently. It IS common to take extra gas cans when one drives a route they've never driven before through the desert. Defense didn't cross examine Amanda Webb because the whole thing was ludicrous.

Anonymous said...

If it was ludicrous, the defense would have been all over it. Seriously, George, is that you? Buy gas for a friend?!? What friend?!? The one who didn't testify on her behalf that Jodi gave her gasolline? Or the one who didn't speak on her behalf during the mitigation phase.

SprayCanAnn said...

:) You rock! You have put a tremendous amount of time into your research and in putting this together. WELL DONE!

Tuesday said...

Thank you SprayCanAnn! Much luv to ya!

Edie Morse said...

Very well written. A "must read" for those who want to see how a real "thinker" is able to "connect-the-dots" about a killer who can't keep her ludicrous lies straight, and her hapless supporters who are grasping at straws, even contradicting themselves and the killer's lies. (Y)

Edie Morse said...

P.S. I put "thinker" in quotations to emphasize it... because there are so few around these days. Excellent article, Tuesday Money.

Tuesday said...

To the "anonymous" poster who questions Amanda Webb...

Amanda is Amanda Webb, not Burns. At the time of her testimony she had worked for Walmart for FIVE years, not a few months.

Look, if you want to critique my opinion, by all means do so - but please make sure you are stating FACTS to support your claims. You might want to watch the trial.

The reports clearly go by item numbers, not names like "gas cans" or kerosene." Please watch the trial again. They both [Martinez and Webb] make this VERY clear. They look for NUMBERS assigned to items. Jodi has her receipt and the NUMBER for the item is listed on that receipt. Furthermore, you cannot obtain a refund without signing something. Walmart marks the original receipt and makes clear that the item was returned. Jodi admits she never signed anything and her receipt does not reflect any markings -- again she's lying about the gas cans. Why lie about all of this if you have nothing to hide?

This issue did not just come out from trial when Darryl mentioned gas cans, "innocently." LOL! This was a HUGE issue and always was a huge issue, hence Martinez's preparation and research.

Jodi is stupid. You obviously keep forgetting. She had no idea she was going to lie about this gas can because she never thought she was going to get caught in her lies. She honestly thought she was going to walk away murdering Travis.

Tuesday said...

Edie, thank you so much!!! Much luv!

Anonymous said...

Just my thought on the license plate.
I don't think it got flip around until she got to Utah. She wanted to get pulled over... proving she was in Utah and not Arizona adding more to her alibi.

Unknown said...

I loved this!! I will never understand how anybody could think Arias is innocent. She can have 50 trials and she will be found guilty in every one.

Anonymous said...

FACT: Not one of the beggers on JAII watched one minute of the trial. They just go by the lies fed to them by their con-artist leader. They are the most ignorant and vile lot on the planet. They do not reside in the US and certainly don't get our laws or their own. Their excuses are a joke and as always never make sense.

Anonymous said...

This was a great read and very informative,but, when a Jodi supporter reads this.. they will have an answer for everything mentioned. That is the sociopathic way her supporters think. The supporter you are mentioning only has seen what he wanted to see, and obviously he only heard Jodi's side while on trial and was maybe eating crumpets and drinking his tea during the time the facts and evidence given in this case were being presented. He has also convinced others of his delusional theories, theories that make a real abused woman look bad. Look at all his groups and the murderers he supports.. non of which are as transparent as this case. A lot of the ones he supports are people that have been in the penal system decades, when the technology was just not enough, now that technology is much greater some do get exonerated, and released. None of the the people he supports has ever had some much hard evidence against them,most of which have claimed innocense since day one. This is not the case with Jodi, her lies after lie, after lie, ultimately fell apart to where she had to come up with a master plan of self defense. lol What a genius sociopath she is not. I really think she is such the manipulator that she believes her own lies, and therefore can convince anyone of her nonsense,until she met Det. Flores, and ultimately Juan Martinez, someone she had no clue could unravel her lies time after time after time.. I have faith in the justice system in this case, I do believe without certainty that if this jury can not come with a verdict, that judge will sentence her to Life Without Parole.- Lisa Spake..

Anonymous said...

George, you are making it all up. What you post is all bs. Go get educated already as you DID NOT NOR WILL EVER GET THIS CASE. LOL@bought gas for a friend. So where is this imaginary friend you made up in that bald head of yours? You are sadly pathetic. Keep oozing bull tripe because it won't free Jodi. You're lying and you know it. We all know it.

Anonymous said...

George admitted he did not follow the case nor any other he obsesses over in the UK. He only has hard ons for female American killers. He is a troll and nothing more. He can only fool ignorants that are just like him and don't live in the US either. Oh on the gas tank where once again his lies were debunked "a cosmic ray" must have changed the size. His creepy obsession with Jodi has gotten him so out of control that he has no idea what he's saying and he is secretly stalking those who are well away he is a very sad & weak minded man. psst, psst, they all know it is you George. You are that obvious.

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, you are trying to talk sense to the senseless. They are deliberately deceptive and tell bold faced lies. He's been lying about Amanda by saying she lied on the stand. He lies about Walmart and their return system that does not understand. He lies and says Jodi returned the gas can. He found a Walmart that did even exist at the location it is currently at now in 2008. He thinks won't notice he out right lies either. LIke he did on HLN. According to him, the trial was all fluffery". Oh my! He doesn't understand anything but telling lies. He's a willful ignorant. In short, he still hasn't gotten the fact that she's been found guilty and none of his lies won't free her.

Anonymous said...

So now YOU, unnamed person, is asking for MONEY? Ads and ads all over this page and a paypal button for donations??? Donations to a blogger? For what? Yes you have a right to ask and do what you want, but now you want to get PAID for bunting George Barwood and a few others around? Is your last name Sorenson by any chance?

C said...

It just shows that this Simon Johansson oooops is not interested in facts
Just jodis lies He's not even an American citizen He is just capitalizing on a high profile murder trial hmm his other website was Casey Anthony is innocent Sound familiar? And r the was also a pathological liar Excellent article Tuesday So nice to read a thinking persons evaluation on this case Kudos

C said...

So nice to read an article that is well done and well researched but I'm sure it's not going to change the minds of Jodi Arias followers because they aren't interested in the truth Simon Johansson ooops He also had a website called Casey Anthony is innocent His ignorance us appalling kudos Tuesday a must read for thinking persons

Anonymous said...

A Friday funny for you Tuesday! Weird dude stuttering alert!


Anonymous said...

I'll give the blogger money if I want to. You jealous now anon? George deserves to be exposed for all this lies. Heck, he did a fairly good job exposing himself on this blog. Bravo to him! Sandra Webber is that you again daring to be George's guard dog? How about how much money you make for blog hits?

Anonymous said...

"Look, if you want to critique my opinion, by all means do so - but please make sure you are stating FACTS to support your claims."

Funny how you get to state "opinion", but anyone supporting even parts of Jodi's testimony need to "make sure" we are stating facts. Oh well, it's your blog.

Yeah, Webb, not Burns. HUGE mistake, huh? Yes 5 years for WM, but did not asked nor did Juan asked how long as an asset manager. And five months at the store she is currently in, which common sense would suggest her promotion and relocation reflect the same 5 months.

At 6:37 even Webb states "I would say no, but there is human error".

I could go on and on but it's clear you won't answer questions that don't support your agenda. Or concede to any FACT that doesn't support your agenda. But I might keep trying to show your errors, time permitting and all.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Simon is a wanted criminal here in the US. Now we is Aunt Sue daring to scam for money with that criminal & vile hater? You'd have to a complete moron to send money to a P.O. Box. There is no bank & no account number. Screams fraud. I'm sure Aunt Sue will be investigated and all roads will lead back to Simon Hill which is another name he uses.

Anonymous said...

George go back to spamming youtube all morning. You pick and chose what you wanted to hear. I watched you with my own eyes. You have zero credibility. NONE!

Anonymous said...

"The fact that Jodi had that DVD player is absolute proof she took the gun as well."

"that" DVD player? Really, Ms. Blogger? Show me that PROOF or string together some testimony! This is garbage that's been rumored with no proof by anybody or even strong support since the trial!

Look GB has some big holes in his logic I think from him trying to think out loud and not realizing how stupid it makes him look. BUT, the logic I have seen in just a brief scan here is non-existent!

Shit, and so you forget the bullets were different than were said by the grandfather to have been in the gun? Hollow points, he said, remember that? Sure, she could have changed 'em, but I say not likely, in my OPINION. "consistent" robberies? Really? Only "four rooms"? What is the NORM on small town house robberies? Got stats?

Anonymous said...

"we are stating facts" per the anon supporter who does not live in the US and missed the case. Not on your life. I've seen the ignorant lies you fruit loops post day after day after day. You guys are still behind on the forged letters Jodi tried to get in. It had nothing to do with Juan keeping them out. Jodi herself without a lawyer tried to. They were analysed by and expert and the Judge and were proven forged. Her mother dared to to sell those forged letters to the National Enquirer and they exposed the both of them for their sick behavior. You want to talk facts yet all you do is post lies. You might want to get that jealous chip off your shoulder. It might help facts sink in, but I doubt it. You people are real slooooooooooooooooooooow when it comes to reality.

Anonymous said...

"I am not an expert in Psychology. I did do exceptionally well in an undergraduate Psychology course. While I do not have any experience in testing or doing evaluations, I am trained in the area of science. "

Oh shit again! Last one. "trained in the area of science"??? A little broad there lady (or man, maybe this is the famous Brad!) Hell, at least Barwood put his ACTUAL records up which I'm damn sure is EXCEPTIONALLY better than yours or anyone who reads or posts on this page!

Fuck. I gotta get to work.

Anonymous said...

Wow anon, how come you were not there to prove Jodi innocent? Glaring holes in your failed logic. Poor thing, You always that miserable? You appear to lack common sense and want it all spelled out for you. Give it up. You are missing the glaring fact that none of that you post matters nor will it in her sentencing phase. She's been found guilty. Shouldn't you be out begging for Jodi? a poorly made you tube video rife with lies and deception aren't going to get her a penny. Now get and stop being a miserable mench.

Anonymous said...

haha, George put his photo shopped Bachelor of Arts degree up? He took music classes. Piano man is his new name. He's been lying to you and you're easily fooled. We did our research on that fired IT guy. You're just one of his cult members easily fooled by a fool. Love it! You did not follow the case and that's all you proved.

Anonymous said...

How trashy the supporters are. They can't not cuss on a blog. No class ever. They are threatened by the truth. they were proven wrong and got their giant panties in a wad. Figures! Jodi ids work? since when? Well, better give Jodi your money instead of begging for it via you tube. That was the most foolish idea ever. I see Jeff, the 42 yr old virgin made the music? That the worse music ever.

Anonymous said...

That's all you got no class troll? Geesh, you are one pathetic SOS. Go back to JAII where you will complain in your not so secret room we can all see. Troll! Bet you're the Russian rat everyone is talking about. Cyber stalker alert. Tuesday would be wise to block your IP in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Anonymous said...

Daryl innocently mentioned gas cans? What? LMAO OMG, I'm peeing my pants how those Jodi trolls did not even follow his testimony nor get the fact that the amount of gas was a huge point in the case.. Hello? Do they not understand what "premeditation" means? Guess not. Take your nasty self back to your kind. There are only 8 of you fools left who don't reside here. Stupid lies don't work here and they won't free the killer, Jodi Arias.

Anonymous said...

LOL...Sandra Webber? If you hadn't noticed, she took her blog down and all and seems to have disappeared. Been gone awhile. I doubt she made more than a quarter for her ads! You people who send your money to this anonymous blogger show your TRUE ignorance, not to mention through your desperate comments. I don't support all of what George says! Life and this debate are not all or nothing. Sorry.

If what supporters say can't make a difference, then why SO UPSET when one does speak out and debunk a lie from this page or others? Bet you won't answer that, will you? Or if you do it will be more diatribe from the depths of your own psychosis. I took several psychology courses in college, too. Made all A's. Is that "exceptionally well"? LOL...Yeah, I'm working and responding to your nonsense. Get used to it.

Anonymous said...

This a great blog as well. Debunks their junk. Because the real haters fear the truth, the writer is being harassed via his fb account while the harasser has hundreds of fb pages and many twitter accounts. Rules don't apply to them at all. He's emotionally abusing his cult followers big times. Holds them hostage and if you dare tell the truth. Poof. http://justdatruth2012.blogspot.com/2014/06/jodi-arias-supporters-put-together.html

Anonymous said...

Sandra is back. Guess you are still in that coma you'll stay in for another 50 yrs. Why upset? Wow, you're blind too? clearly you can't see reality. I'm mocking and laughing at your ignorance. Wake up windbag. Go back to spewing hate and lies on JAII. No one believes your crap here since you did not follow the case. You're the one upset and angry all the time. Geesh, all that hate you have only hurts you. While you wallow in it. We got Jodi just where she belongs. Rotting in prison until they kill her. Jodi attracts some pretty sick tickets. The lowest of the low. Thanks for proving that again. You going to talk all day hater. Trust me, you are no threat. You're a laughing stock.

Anonymous said...

anon, With the miserable attitude who's posting pure nonsense. You'll just keep getting debunked and laughed at. Get used to it. Why aren't you out begging for money? You hypocrite. What about those Greek ghouls? They aren't out there either. That video is pure non-sense. Pandora the pig obviously had a lot to do with it. You foul losers don't live in reality. I'll keep exposing you trolls for what you are. GET USED TO IT!

Anonymous said...

Just another example of how deluded the Jodi trolls are. This is why Jodi trolls are laughed at. No one one but them buy this junk.

'Edgar Longenecker
Bullets do not cause damage to brains, when those bullets, are not capable of penetrating the skull... Has anybody told you geniuses, that, there have been more than a dozen, bullet related home invasion robberies, in, Mesa, while, Jodi was locked up, that, she couldn't have done either...??? How many of those bullets came from the gun, Jodi is accused of shooting, when, the states own forensics, proves, she never fired a gun...??? Afrter such a precision kill, we're to believe that, the hysterics, then degenerated, into the "set Jodi up," stabfest, days, after the kill, as evidenced , that the body was long deceased, and, was incapable of bleeding; so, she supposedly did such a surgical; kill, then, got hysterical, enough to sit there for four or five days, to, kill him again; when, anyone coiuld have come in...??? Did she need four or five days to figure out how to set herself up, when, she could have just driven away...??? Then, while evading detection, she removed her front license plate, and, turned the rear one, upside down... WHY....

Tuesday said...

Okay, first of all, I have had this blog since 2008 I believe...it's been quite some time. I have always run ads because one of the purposes of having a professional blog is to make a few bucks. I pay for an domain name, a small fee. You are NOT required to click on the ads. Furthermore, yes - of course I have a donation button! It's been there for years. Again, most serious blogs do have donation buttons. There is absolutely nothing I am doing that is somehow out of the norm. So I make a few bucks from my blog? There is no crime or shame in making money from putting forth something of value, something created using great effort so please spare me your sanctimony. Again, people are NOT required to donate. In fact they are free to take whatever they like from my blog.

"Yes you have a right to ask and do what you want, but now you want to get PAID for bunting George Barwood and a few others around? Is your last name Sorenson by any chance?"

Again, I have had this blog for years. I write about all kinds of different topics, many cultural and political. This is one of hundreds of articles. No, my last name is Prichard.

Again, Webb was employed at Walmart for 5 years. YOU are the one who came on here and tried suggesting she had only been there for a few months in total. Yes, it appears she had not been in her current [time of trial], position for very long but you honestly believe she was there that entire time and was oblivious to what her current duties are? No. When someone gets promoted, it's because they have demonstrated their interest and abilities to perform in that position.

The gas can or kerosene can that you like to now label was checked through their NUMBERS. These numbers are listed plainly on the Walmart receipts. Again, you are the one who claims to have facts yet you obviously did not bother to watch the trial. Webb specifically makes mention of using the SKU number found directly from that receipt, as does Martninez and you are suggesting some other scenario entirely. You sound a lot like Jodi in assuming that everyone is stupid yet you're making yourself look foolish. Jodi never returned the third gas can.

I went to the University of Nebraska at Omaha and studied Chemistry. I am embarrassed that I did not finish; I was very close to completing. I fell in love, got married, moved to Baltimore, had a baby, came back home, got divorced. Domestic violence is a situation I am quite familiar with, hence one of the reasons I take interest in this trial. Jodi infuriates me when she claims DV -- not even married, no baby, no pregnancy, not even a lease was shared among these two and she wants to claim DV? It's insulting.

I am not here to attack this pro-Jodi supporter on a personal level or make fun of his silly assertions that he went to Cambridge for math and physics and then only showed some certificate for music. I am very lost on all of that but, it does not matter. Many intelligent people come from all over the spectrum. My issue with this person is that they are putting information out via the internet that is simply NOT true. Falsehoods that are easily debunked but there are people who do not go out and do their own research and they are being misled by a very irresponsible person.

The DVD remote control was brought up at trial during both Darryl's and Jodi's testimony. The full picture was not painted because of prejudice and it would require her grandparent's to testify against Jodi. Honestly, this is not information really needed to prove Jodi was the one who robbed the home. A few simple healthy synapses firing in a brain should have already determined this fact by the rest of the story. It's not rocket science. Jodi stole the gun and used it on Travis.

I specifically wrote about the bullets. I guess you pick and choose what you want to read and make assumptions, which is exactly WHY your conclusion is wrong.


sillyhaha said...

Anon stated: If what supporters say can't make a difference, then why SO UPSET when one does speak out and debunk a lie from this page or others? Bet you won't answer that, will you? Or if you do it will be more diatribe from the depths of your own psychosis. I took several psychology courses in college, too. Made all A's. Is that "exceptionally well"? LOL...Yeah, I'm working and responding to your nonsense. Get used to it."

1. Supporters like you have yet to debunk anything. Y'all keep getting caught with your pants down.
2. I don't see those who believe Jodi is guilty getting all upset when you Jodiites spew your lies. Instead, we laugh and giggle at you. We get mad when you lie and scam. Basically, we see you like we see glue-eating 4 year old nose-pickers.
3. You poor, ignorant schmuck.

Anonymous said...

All the lies and tall tales have been debunked for a long time. They just ignore it. They missed the case way before it even started in a court. They even missed Jodi getting caught with her pants down about everything. 3 gas cans...etc. Watch and learn! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7anECy6Tyo&feature=youtu.be

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, you'd probably be more entertained talking to a wall. They do not listen for one second. It's to the point that if they watched her slaughter Travis, they'd still deny it. Give them a hard fact...nope it gets denied. They are on the short bus to no where day after day. No matter, it won't free the killer, Jodi Arias.

Tuesday said...

Pinky! LOL!!! I love it and you are so right; it's not even funny.

I do believe that many of them seem to actually believe that murder is okay. What Jodi did seems to be perfectly fine with them so they will try and use any and every excuse they can to come up with in order justify their position. It's very disturbing.

The chances of all these occurrences happening and Jodi being innocent? Near impossible -- .000000000001% probability. I don't think a murder case in this entire country has offered up more proof of who did it. Just short of a confession, Jodi might as well be wearing a sign to her forehead declaring she did it! It's amazing. I can only assume these folks also were held back in kindergarten ....like Jodi was.

Anonymous said...

Most excellent summation, Tuesday. Looking forward to reading your additional insights into the trial. I appreciate that you have successfully labored to break all of the elements of this case down into common sense vs. nonsense! Well done!

Anonymous said...

Typical George who is a well known coward on and off the net sends in his top rabid dog troll who only repeats his lies. Good little doggy! Whipped and brainwashed. Just how Jodi likes them. How come you trolls never bring up Jodi trying to sneak out "secrets" to Matt in a magazine because he told the truth about her and she wanted him to lie? She was busted again after the forged letters.

Tuesday said...

Pinky, great video; it truly captures Jodi's deception. Watch for that tongue! Her body language gives her away!

Anonymous said...

Yup, the lap dogs controlled by George missed it. Nope,keep your head firmly placed up your behinds or else. Great job you are doing. Thank you very much. FYI, they are sneaky and will try to bring your blog down. Make sure you copy it. They are that evil in trying to control the truth which was already told in court.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding analysis, could not stop reading and watched both videos ( again for 10th time ) all way through. Fascinating case ..still.

Anonymous said...

So are we to believe it is some 1 in a million chance of human error no return for an amount even close to the amount of Jodi's gas can was found in Walmart's records and some weird mystery as to what Jodi did with the extra gallons of gas she purchased. All while believing its a freak coincidence she had to return to Daryl's to give him a DVD remote but it wasn't for a DVD player she just gave him that she stole while stealing the gun. Plus several other coincidence that just so happened along the trip. If you believe that I have a get out of jail card you can buy to free Jodi with...

Anonymous said...

GREAT read! Wonderfully written!


Anonymous said...

The nasty anon goes by the of Journee on JAII. What a sneaky little troll she is who got all hot & bothered by facts She goes back there to whine. Waaaaaah, they hit me with cold hard facts and all I did was tell stupid lies because like everyone else over there, we never followed the case. We are not smart enough. We'd rather spew hate and be vile 24/7 online. Yeah that's going to help the killer, Jodi Arias..NEVER!!

Tuesday said...

:D Big smiles!!!! You are all wonderful. Thank you for the comments. Pinky, you're a hoot!!! LOL!!! Loves it!

I really don't understand her supporters. I just ... I can understand her family supporting her. I mean, sometimes when things are that close to us, it's impossible to see the bigger picture. I get it. I think her family was rude in that courtroom but, at the same time, I do feel bad for them. Jodi really has put them through so much and they are just trying to keep it together. We really don't know what goes on behind closed doors.

For others out there supporting Jodi....I just can't comprehend what they are thinking. This case is so obvious. She is so cold, so lacking in real emotion. No human with feelings behaves the way she has. I guess supporters just support murder in general.

Anonymous said...

I read your follow up to this blog. Excellent. For some reason I can't post. Jouree is the name of the troll who totally missed the fact that Jodi was acting as her own attorney and was not looking up the right court records. She's dumb as a stump and has zero knowledge about the law nor much else. She's jealous and unhinged from reality like the rest of her trash group.

gbouwman said...

It is real simple. Jodi is now a convicted felon. She will live the rest of her life in Perryville Prison. She will not be freed. There. Now JAII may as well close their website down because there is nothing more to say. Great blog!

Tuesday said...

Okay, I think you're referring to my posts prior. I am writing a book on this case and these articles are just prequels ...just to get a gauge on whether anyone is still interested or not. I'm wanting to get this out before her sentencing phase. Everything will be posted on the web....so it'll be free to read but of course I won't mind a few bucks being tossed my way so I can get some Pop Rocks...*wink wink* LMAO!!

Anonymous said...

Aww, thanks Tuesday. Loving your spot on info. Yes, her creepy supporters love killers. They lust for them. They are extremely uneducated, jobless and don't seem to function in society ever. They are sick & evil. The few left don't even live in the US so they know nothing about our laws nor how a court room operates. I've spared with that jobless Journee. She takes one thing and runs with it. The lack of comprehension & common sense is astounding. She must have started obsessing over Jodi just recently because she has no clue what Jodi was doing before the trial? Ignorance is not bliss in this case. I already told that angry troll what the facts are regarding the forged letters and the link. Typical, they ignored it. Blows my mind. Of course you give them the right info and they get all upset and says "it's lies". Court docs don't mean jack squat in their feeble minds..LOL They already said on JAII that nothing was going to change their minds. They stand by the skank. The day you try to figure these losers out is the day you need your head checked.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add that they have no clue she's a convicted felon who is not getting a new trial so she can't bring "forged" anything in. So why they are trying to lie and say they were not forged just proves how stupid they are. When will they understand what a penalty phase is? I'm betting the day Jodi is put the death. Oh and the really, really have no clue what an appeal is and how it works, which 99% of the time don't free kills. Jodi won't even win on appeal. It's not a remote possibility and they don't know that either.

Tuesday said...

That's basically what I am getting from them. I haven't bothered to even go over there. I have read their sites, only to make sure I am covering information that needs to be debunked and/or explained.

What just kills me is how they infer information that has never even been brought up by either side. The person here you say is Jouree, saying that Jodi bought gas for a friend? What friend? She has no friends. Not to mention the fact that Jodi herself NEVER mentioned anything about this. It's as if they are just so desperate to make their story work, they are willing to just make up facts to support their case. It's absolutely frightening.

They use quotes from Travis' texts to Jodi to make him sound horrible but those are all from ONE time frame just before he was murdered. He had every right to be mad and angry with her! They never ONCE address her actions toward him. Never. It's very one-sided.

Anonymous said...

Journee, you should quit your pretend to be a researcher job because you are really, really bad at it. I bet you missed the fact that Jodi & her mother tired to con the National Enquirer and they did not fall for her forgeries either. Some facts you intentionally left out:

“Defendant further argues that she can authenticate the handwriting in the letters through a forensic document examiner pursuant to Rule 901. However, defendant has indicated that she does not have the original letters and received copies of the letters electronically”

“She has thus far failed to disclose the whereabouts of the originals and who sent the electronic transmission. Rule 1002 requires an original document unless otherwise provided by the rules. Rule 1003 states that a duplicate is admissible unless (1) a genuine question is raised as to the authenticity of the original or (2) in the circumstances it would be unfair to admit the duplicate in lieu of the original. In this case, a genuine question is raised as to authenticity, because of the possibility that the originals were forged, photoshopped, cut-and-pasted or otherwise altered before being electronically transmitted. In addition, because the State cannot have an expert examine the originals, admission of duplicates would be unfair. Therefore, duplicates would not be admissible under Rule 1003.”

“Lastly, defendant argues that she will not receive a fair trial unless all ten letters are admitted. The letters she has disclosed are letters she selected and are of questionable origin. We do not know if the victim wrote dozens of letters or none at all. Defendant has produced only those letters that show her in a good light and disparage the victim. They are irrelevant, cumulative and hearsay.”

Tuesday said...

Yes, indeed. They are completely unaware of the appeals process. They seem to think she is entitled to a new trial. No no no no. It does not work that way. This murder was so cold-blooded and obviously planned, there is nobody I can think of who deserves the death penalty more. I have more empathy for the Mafia -hitman- Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski ...at least he admitted his crimes!

Timeshare said...

Why is it so easy to say Travis had a gun, when there is absolutely no evidence of it, but there is plenty of evidence to say Jodi brought the gun with her?

There is NO PROOF Travis had a gun. Jodi told Flores Travis did not own a gun. Then when she changed her story to self defense, she needed Travis to have a gun.

Some Jodi supporters will say the gun was given to him by his mother, and that's the proof. If you read Travis's blog, he tells us that it was a revolver.

From Travis Blog:
"I remember my mother emptying a revolver on the car my father was driving and my father subsequently taking an axe to my mother’s belongings and destroying them."

No where in the blog does it mention that revolver was ever given to him by his mother. So this is all we have to prove Travis might owned a gun, and the WORDS of Jodi.

Some Jodi supporters will continue to say, but the stolen ammunition does not match the recovered bullet. so for them there is no possible way Jodi used the grandparent gun to shoot Travis.

I would guess she would want to try out the gun, do some target practice, there goes all the hollow point bullets.

It's possible to buy ammo right? Jodi was very capable of buying ammo.

Search warrant executed at the home of Arias' parents. Box of .25 caliber ammunition was found during search.

Search warrant on the Chevy Cobalt executed, also A box of 9mm ammunition was found in her rental car, later found a 9mm hand gun, so she was very capable of buying ammunition.

But what do we have that shows Jodi more than likely brought the gun.

Interesting FACTS

1. Jodi's grandparents home was broken into May 28, 2008, just a few days before Alexander was killed.

2. The door that was broken into, used a bar latch.

3. Grandparents left the house at 10:00 am

4. Jodi was the last one in the house before the robbery she says she left the house at 1:00 pm

5. The grand parents came back at 3:00 found house had been broken into police arrived at 3:40 pm

6. A few items were taken. items missing $20 bill, $10 bill from Jodi's dresser, 25 CAL AUTOMATIC PISTOL, MAGNOVOX DVD PLAYER, cd player

7. No one was ever arrested for the robbery.

8. Jodi arrives at Darryl Brewer on the morning of June 3, 2008 to get gas cans.

9. Jodi never returned the gas cans.

10. Jodi leaves. Jodi returned to the home of Darryl's around 10:00 o’clock on the morning of June 3, 2008, and gives Darryl the remote she left in the car for DVD player.

11. Travis Alexander was shot with a 25 CAL AUTOMATIC PISTOL.

MY INTERPRETATION of FACTS don't get excited, just my opinion.

So, Jodi fakes a robbery on May 28, 2008, just a few days before Alexander was killed. Jodi needed a few items from her grandparents house . Jodi didn't want her grandparents to know she took those items. Jodi couldn't just walked off with those items. The grandparents would suspect her because Jodi was living there, so Jodi had to stage the fake robbery

According to the police report grandparents left the house at 10:00 am. Jodi was the last one in the house before the robbery. She says she left the house at 1:00 pm. Plenty of time to stage the fake robbery, before the grandparent returned at 3:00 pm

The door use a bar latch for a lock, not a dead bolt lock, very easy to break into. any adult could kick down a door with that type of lock.

No one was ever arrested for the robbery, If some one else was arrested for the crime, Jodi would definitely be off the hook for this crime.

Items taken from the house :

25 CAL AUTOMATIC PISTOL, She used this item to shoot Travis.

MAGNOVOX DVD PLAYER, She brought the DVD PLAYER to Darryl Brewer in her rental car. After she left she realized she forgot to give him the remote for the DVD PLAYER. DVD PLAYER's in this country are almost impossible to operate with out the remote, so he needed to have it, or the DVD PLAYER was worthless. Jodi possibly traded the DVD PLAYER for gas cans. Jodi never returned the gas cans, so most likely traded the DVD PLAYER for the gas cans.

Timeshare said...

Jodi and the gas cans

Tesoro, Jodi's filling pattern

Jodi definitely lied on the stand, There is no way to have purchase all the gas at Tesoro without a third gas can. She never mentioned that she acquired another gas can somewhere else.

This all makes logical sense, when Jodi likes to use a separate transaction for each gas container and the cars gas tank. It doesn't make sense, but that's what she does. She also did this in Pasadena.
These are the facts, You don't have to spend days thinking about it, or twisting the facts every which can.

Jodi buys 10.672 gallons gasoline, for car, swipe at the pump, Time is 3:57am, for her 13.5 gallon gas tank, no way the next transaction will fit in the car.

Hangs up the pump, starts new transaction,

Buys 5.091 gallons gasoline, first can, swipe at the pump, Time is 4:01.
Hangs up the pump, tries to do another transaction, but triggers something on the pump to not allow her to use the pump for the 3rd credit cart swipe at the pump, There is testimony saying that did happen, that the pump refused to accept another card swipe, so she has to pay inside for the second and third gas can. which, she does in one transaction.

Buys 9.583 gallons gasoline. Time is 4:05:32 At register.
For some reason Jodi felt she needed to make a new transaction to fill the car and each gas container.

Jodi testified to this filling pattern,

ARIAS: The only part I remember as far as sequence is I put the gas in the gas cans, and then so I didn't leave the hose laying on the floor or the ground, the concrete, I hung it up. That ends the transaction. That's all I know.

In Pasadena she made 3 gas transactions.

8 gallons, car
9.59 gallons, 2 gas cans
2.77 gallons, one gas can, could have already had some gas in the 3rd can.

Now she is on the road to Mesa with a full tank of gas and 3 gas cans full of gas, going off the grid into the secret zone.

Not sure what the exact gas mileage of the car, so will go with 33 mpg, could be shifted a little bit one way or the other.

380 miles to Mesa, lets say at 33 mpg, she would use about 11.5 gallons of gas. There would be about 2 gallons left in tank when she arrives in Mesa.

She puts the 2 five gallon cans in the gas tank before she leaves Mesa after the killing.

She wouldn't be able to put all the gas from the cans in at one time. so she still has a one full can of gas in the trunk.

Now she heads for Mesquite with a full tank of gas, and one full gas can in the trunk.

390 miles to Mesquite, at 33mpg she would use about 11.8 gallons of gas. Again there would be about a couple of gallons left in the gas tank when she arrives in Mesquite.

Back on the grid out of the secret territory, at Mesquite she puts the last gas can of gas in the car and tops the rest of the cars tank at the pump, pays cash. She now leaves Mesquite with a full tank of gas and three empty gas cans in the trunk.

She heads for Salt lake city, 330 miles, at 33 mpg she would use about 10 gallons of gas. She arrives there with about 3 gallons in the gas tank, and three empty gas cans in the trunk.

So you can see the amount of gas she used from Mesquite to Tesoro is about the same as one of the gas transactions of 10.672

Tesoro, She made 3 gas transactions.

10.672 gallons, car
5.091 gallons, one gas can
9.583 gallons, 2 gas cans
Total 25.346 gallons

So the 5.091 gallons transaction and 10.672 gallon transaction would not fit in the car with a 13.5 gallon tank, one reason there needs to be a 3rd gas can. Even if she pushed her car into the station with an empty gas tank, those two gas transactions would still not fit in the gas tank.

She could have stopped anywhere along the way in Arizona for gas, but didn't, She used the gas from those 3 cans even though there was no emergency. She really didn't need the gas cans at all, but to get through Arizona with out purchasing gas she needed them.

Tuesday said...

Brilliant break down!!! Thank you!!! It's rather odd that people still don't seem to be able to understand that Jodi indeed thought out what she was going to do. Her narcissism led her to believe she really could out-smart everyone but unfortunately she IS stupid. Very stupid.

Anonymous said...

Excellent break down once again. Jodi bots ignore reality for the sake of staying ignorant and miserable 24/7.

Timeshare said...

Yes, Travis could have kicked Jodi's ass, but he didn't lay a hand on Jodi did he? Jodi had no injuries, just a few small cuts on her had from the knife she was holding.

How can this happen, Travis receiving 27 stab wounds, slashed throat, and a gun shot to the head, and Jodi receives no injuries?

It was a surprise attack.

Jodi thought the first wound would be enough, When Travis didn't stay down and went to the sink, Jodi was on Travis, like swarm of bees, and didn't stop until Travis was dead.

Lets forget about Jodi and Travis for a moment.
Imagine this, YOU are with your significant other right now in your home , your taking pictures, having a good time, standing close together looking at pictures on a camera, With out any warning, in a split second, all of a sudden your boyfriend/ girlfriend stabs you right in the heart, or shoots you in the head, right out of the blue. There is no way you would be expecting that to happen, or be ready for a surprise attack like that, Right? Think about it, you would never dream that, that could happen. You would be shocked.

That's how Jodi took down a 190 pound healthy, physically fit man and did not receive one injury. Her only injury was self inflicted.

Anonymous said...

The blog was really good, and in the comments lots of articulate discussion of why it isn't rocket science - it baffles me too that these people just can't, won't or don't want to concede. It's weird why they would defend this person. On a personal note, someone very close to me was horribly abused physically and mentally - even to the point of being institutionalized until she complied - I have found this case a total mockery of domestic violence. That random people who don't even know this killer go on and on about it is sickening. By the way, my friend made it out without killing her abuser and rebuilt her life. I have no patience for these people.

Anonymous said...

Journee who was the nasty troll here has no idea that being stabbed in the chest multiple times & having your throat slit from ear to ear makes you bleed to death. How embarsssing!

Anonymous said...

Great breakdown of everything. Keep up the good work, can't wait to read more. Justice for Travis!

Anonymous said...

Sadly our justice systems rely heavily on reasonable doubt and although this is perhaps the best system that exists, reasonable doubt is very vague and may be different for each individual because of education (or lack of) and life experiences. I haven't been to the supporters site for some time and have no desire to join a cult but it's obvious that those in the supporters group are the worst possible jurors you can have in any trial. These people will find a doubt with any piece of evidence, whether important or not, and then equate this with reasonable doubt, very dangerous. This supporters group beliefs reminds me of that whole 'If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?' question. Well scientifically speaking of course it does but how do you know, you weren't there to hear it or not. I was once a juror on a murder case and we had a juror who caused us to be in deliberations for about 6 days more days we really needed to be because she could find a 'doubt' for anything. The kicker was the excuse that she couldn't get beyond the belief that the accused were good citizens because they happened to be respectful thugs. They are currently serving life in prison.

To sum up what I see from the supporters group, we have the Anon poster who's intellect allowed him/her to post this:"Yes 5 years for WM, but did not asked nor did Juan asked how long as an asset manager. And five months at the store she is currently in, which common sense would suggest her promotion and relocation reflect the same 5 months." So since no one asked how long she was a Cashier or greeter at a WM we automatically can assume anything we want? Also we must assume that since she has just been at this WM for 5mths, this is when she was promoted to asset manager? Hell I'm almost certain that she's one of the Walton kin and she was actually demoted to asset manager. We also have " even Webb states "I would say no, but there is human error"." Wow, humans make errors and since someone who was originally not very beneficial to us has now said this, and somehow my amoeba brain has decided that this lady is now allowed in the cult sandbox. Yayyyyyyy.

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