O'Mara Speaks -- Corrupt Prosecution
Now that the trial is over, everyone is reflecting on the events that eventually led up to the trial. The fact is, this trial should have never occurred. The arrest of Zimmerman should not have occurred.
The prosecution deliberately hid evidence, which was confirmed by Ben Kruidbos who testified that the state was aware of cell phone information back in January. The defense did not become privy to this evidence until June.
Judge Nelson was equally disturbing in her repeated refusal to allow the defense a continuance in order to have time to make sense of the information that was withheld. This is unheard of and prejudicial. Perhaps she knew the state did not have a case to begin with and her actions were merely for show to allow the public to believe she was supporting the prosecution -- just acting out the PC narrative. This doesn't excuse her outrageous behavior but it might explain it.
Angela Corey bypassed a grand jury in order to arrest Zimmerman and prosecute him. Now, how is it we still have people who think this action was justified in anyway? If this had been an action against a black person, these same Zimmerman haters would be screaming from the rooftops about how unfair and corrupt the prosecution was. Yet, in the eyes of Zimmerman haters, this action is welcomed with full approval. In fact, there is an undertone that seems to be telling Americans that blacks should be given extra or special rights. The government should be more lenient towards blacks in general, while simultaneously being hostile towards whites or Hispanics. It is the bigotry found in low expectations that the liberal ideology has created a black culture that feels above the law and now supports government action that reflects racial supremacy.
Without a doubt many blacks have taken great efforts into ignoring this trial, ignoring the facts that were revealed, and have refused to accept that George is actually telling the truth. They identify with Trayvon because he reflects their inner attitude that it does not matter what a black person does; it should be perfectly legal to attack a white person and how dare anyone defend themselves from said attack. They might not admit this outright but the fact is they are still repeating lies and by now many have to realize how wrong they are however, the collective mind and ego that is rooted in hateful emotion refuses to reconcile the facts of this case. If they can just continue to pretend that George is a liar by hanging onto every little word and displaying their hyper-literal thought process than surly they can continue to convince themselves he is guilty.
No reasonable person looking at this case objectively can possibly arrive at the conclusion that George acted in an inappropriate way.
Angela Corey,
Ben Kruidbos,
Bernie de la Rionda,
Don West,
George Zimmerman,
Judge Nelson,
Mark O'Mara,
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The Alternative Conservative
You are so right, they aren't being reasonable or objective.
I watched every day of trial on my computer at work (I can Photoshop on one screen and watch/listen on another screen :))...The Judge was very obvious about siding with the Prosecution from the get go and all the way through. Every witness the Prosecutors brought to the stand only served to help the Defense. And I just about lost it when that Prosecutor was going off on the jurors throughout his closing statement. What's he trying to do? Intimidate/bully those women? If I was one of those jurors I would have raised my hand to interrupt him and said "Please stop yelling at us Mr. De La Rionda - there is no need to treat us like this" - talk about acting inappropriate, the Prosecutors were the ones who were inappropriate throughout the entirety of the case to the Defense then to the jury.
O'Mara did a great job both in trial and post trial. He is good. I typically never find myself supporting the Defense in trials, mainly because my Dad was a Homicide Detective, but this is one case that I most certainly did support the Defense and if my dad were alive he would too.
It is just a big racial political mess. People are angry at life or whatever and it just gives them a cause to rally around and vent that anger. That's the only thing that makes sense to me when I see the outrage, rally's, march's, rioting of the Trayvon supporters.
And what's with the President getting involved? Can you imagine being George Zimmerman going "Oh great, the President of the United States is against me". Zimmerman's family and friends and that jury will forever be looking over their shoulders because of the lunatics out there. If I was Trayvon's mom and I saw the rioting and marches and all that I would make a public statement calling for all that to stop and that I do not support those actions.
Two people lost their jobs over trying to do the right and legal thing. What the heck?? This trial exposes a lot of corruption but it seems media is focused more on peoples displays of outrage giving it more power through air time. Just crazy.
I absolutely agree.
The more we have learned about this case, the more corruption has been exposed. It's sad, truly sad. We have been yet again divided.
I started writing about this case because it immediately occurred to me -- I could be George Zimmerman. Anyone of us could be targeted the way Zimmerman was.
Angela Corey made a decision to bypass a grand jury, which should have sent red flags up for everyone but for some reason it did not. Do these folks not realize that this type of seemingly approved action could turn around and bite them in the ass, should they be put in an equivalent position?
I am most always on the prosecutor's side myself! More often than not, states do not fund cases they know they cannot prove. This case was quite the anomaly.
As for Obama, it is a shock but considering he has deliberately injected himself into the case in Boston, Michael Vick, and now Zimmerman, I guess we should not be shocked. Bottom line, he really needs to be more concerned about issues that pertain to the federal government, not states, not the courts.
Crazy is about the best word I can think of as well.
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