The story behind this concerns Florida and they are currently trying to purge votes from people who have not proven they are citizens. I'm not sure what Holder feels about illegals voting but, having a proper ID is a rational way to separate the illegal vote from the LEGAL US voter. Why should illegals be allowed to vote if their votes may cancel out citizen votes? Doesn't it make more sense to protect the vote of both the minority and majority by requiring everyone to prove they are eligible to vote?
“The right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy and every eligible citizen deserves an opportunity to participate,” said Judith Browne Dianis, co director of Advancement Project, a civil rights organization that works to protect voting rights. “Overly broad purges during election years are dangerous in that they can wrongfully deny access to the ballot to large numbers of American citizens who are eligible voters. This process unfairly targets Latino voters and must end immediately.
In Florida, “there’s a history of preventing eligible citizens from voting in presidential election years,” Dianis said. “In 2000 and 2004, the state used a flawed method to come up with a listing of people believed to be ineligible to vote due to past felony convictions and sought to purge them from the rolls. Tens of thousands of voters were illegitimately disenfranchised including those listed who had been granted clemency and had their rights fully restored.”
Okay first of all, we don't live in a democracy. We live in a representative republic and if this person knew anything about this country and its history, they would know at least that much so, pretty much everything this Dianis says afterwards cannot be taken seriously. This is just plain stupidity. Convicts are not allowed to vote and these idiots need to stop with the lies about the 2000 election. Bush won in all counts. It's amazing the lies that continue to be told even after they have been repeatedly addressed and proven to be wrong.
Attorney General Eric Holder told a council of African American church leaders Wednesday that the "sacred" right to vote is under assault nationwide, with federal lawsuits and at least a dozen state laws that could hinder - or block – minorities’ access to the ballot box this fall.
"In my travels across this country, I’ve heard a consistent drumbeat of concern from citizens, who – often for the first time in their lives – now have reason to believe that we are failing to live up to one of our nation’s most noble ideals,” Holder said in a speech before the Council of Black Churches. The threats of legal assaults and lingering discrimination, he added, means that “some of the achievements that defined the civil rights movement now hang in the balance.”
As if to underscore the point, however, a voting rights group is worried that Holder and the Justice Department aren’t acting quickly enough to stop Florida’s Republican governor from continuing a purge of registered voters from the state’s rolls because they lack proof of U.S. citizenship.
Something tells me if a poll were taken today that shows illegals support Romney 3 to 1, Holder would be singing a whole new tune but, that's just speculation.
Finally, why is there even reference to a "minority vote"? When are we going to move past this divisive rhetoric and change the dialogue to reflect the idea that votes are EQUAL? Minority/majority vote -- they are equal and should be equally protected. Illegals do not have voting rights so when they are allowed to vote, it takes away from all of us, not just certain groups or categories that liberals love to put people in.
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