
Why I'm An A-Hole To Liberals On Facebook

I know, I know, you're not supposed to argue over the internet. Whatever. I have been arguing on the internet since day one of signing on in '95. That was the original basis of its appeal. So, here is one example of what really irritates me about liberals.

My friend posted a link so that we could listen to Ronald Reagan speak about healthcare. Mostly, just pay attention to the woman that I colored green. The one in red just made some point about how she had to argue with her insurance company and they they too make decisions without consulting you or your family.

So, this exchange reminded me of one that took place between Michael Savage and Charles Barkley (who is one of the biggest idiots I can think of).

One of the biggest problems with liberals is they do not care about the future or the past. They only care about here and in the now and what they want now.

Charles shows his lack of logic skills when he insinuates that there is no problem that 30% of the prison population in America is illegal, while 70% of them are ours. Well...duh!

For those of you that are a little slow like Barkley...

Our prison population should be 100% American. Illegals have NO business being here. 30% of OUR entire population is not illegal. They are clearly over-represented. The percentage of illegals in this country should equal the percentage in the prisons if it is to be considered an accurate representation of the overall population.

At the time this Savage-Barkley exchange took place, our federal prisons, based on legal status, consisted of 30 percent of the overall population were illegal immigrants. These immigrants come from all over and the majority of them are Mexicans. We do have illegals from China, and El Salvador is another group of immigrants that make up a part of the illegals coming here. Keep in mind these are federal prisons, not state facilities. The state records depend entirely on what state you are researching. Obviously California has an influx of illegals, as does Florida, Arizona, and Texas. It is because of the great amount of immigrants that are clearly coming from the Southern border, we know that border is extremely porous.

It's fairly simple to understand, yet the solution seems to be such an extreme labor for liberals. Why is it so hard to accept the reality of what is going on? What is it about wanting to preserve our great county that these crazies cannot grasp? I have come to a point where I feel obligated to argue with these lunatics. Maybe, just maybe I can knock some sense into their tiny little heads.

If only they could understand irony, they would never, ever vote for a liberal again! I have a secret suspicion that many of them know this but they would never know how to live with the guilt they would have for being so ignorant for so long. It's almost as if they are liberal because they have been made to feel guilty. Perhaps it just makes them "feel better" to say what sounds nice to others.

Like the woman I was talking to on Facebook, concern or interest in advice from generations before them do not exist. They only see the sunny side in more legislation, more government control, and more government spending to help all the little groups that are different from white males. However, whenever something goes wrong - which it always does when it comes to government - they are the FIRST to complain and then just blame Bush or the Republicans.

People who are like this woman on Facebook always come across so condescending and just full of themselves. When I returned the favor, what did she do? She conveniently decided that she would not read anything I have to say (nice excuse for being lazy and refusing to view things from another side - real tolerant, hey?), then has the nerve to complain and say that I am the one being snide? Did she even read what she wrote? She told the world that it doesn't matter what someone from the past says, and that someone also happens to have been president of the United States, who is also considered one of the greatest presidents this nation has had.

Oh, he's just outdated according to her. The stupidity of this woman is astounding. How unbelievably disturbing it is that we have a generation of these nimrods who think an older speech has nothing to offer them. How big of an ego do you need to believe it is normal to suggest such a thing, while expecting to not only be taken seriously, but to be treated with some kind of respect? Is that snobbery, ignorance, stupidity, or all of the above?

There is NO wondering why we have been in quite some trouble for quite some time. These people are not fit to run an insane asylum, let alone the country. Is it any wonder that there are people who would like to have some type of preliminary test that should be required before being given permission to vote? One thousand dollars tells me this woman would not be able to immediately list at least 3 Supreme Court justices.

Should I even bother to argue with people the way I have and continue to do so at times? It is fairly obvious that they have no interest in reading anything that differs from their opinion, nor are they willing to offer some type of analysis to explain their way of thinking. Quite simply, the only thing they know how to do is feel and those feelings have nothing to do with the future, nor are they shaped by the past. Their beliefs are exactly what people around them believe and this is why so many of them struggle with being confronted or questioned about why they think a certain way. They never learned HOW to think, only to repeat what they have been told.

Yes, I'm still going to argue with people. It provides me with a little bit of entertainment and of course, I still pray and hope that there is a chance for me to plant a seed, even if I get a little aggressive with my words. Sometimes people really do need a proverbial kick in the ass in order to understand reality.


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