
Some More Articles About the Dangerous Ron Paul

When somebody as integral to the progressive movement in America as Ralph Nader embraces the Ron Paul campaign, conservatives would do well to pause…
Libertarians like Ron Paul are on our side on civil liberties. They’re on our side against the military-industrial complex. They’re on our side against Wall Street. They’re on our side for investor rights. That’s a foundational convergence,” he exhorts. It’s not just itty-bitty stuff.

That quote came recently from former Green Party presidential candidate and longtime progressive Ralph Nader. Both Nader and Congressman Ron Paul have spent time together, and it appears the relationship between the two men has grown stronger in recent months. How a self-described libertarian and a man who has spent his life calling for increased government regulation on almost all facets of public life seem now inextricably linked makes for quite a unique and seemingly stark political contradiction. Nader has come out PUBLICLY SUPPORTING the Ron Paul candidacy – though stopping just short of an all out endorsement.

Read the rest of the article here.

The man is supported by George Soros. Wake up!
It seems interesting then that an organization that appears quite hopeful to see Barack Obama re-elected in 2012, and is clearly linked to progressive anti-American globalist George Soros is simultaneously calling for Democrats to register as Republicans and support Ron Paul in the Republican primaries does it not?

When it comes to foreign policy, Ron Paul and his supporters are not conservatives. 
This is important to understand when one realizes that Paul's views are, self-described, "non-interventionist." 
The fact that he has been allowed to get away with pretending to conservatism on this score is merely reflective of journalists who, for whatever reason, are simply unfamiliar with American history. Ironically, it is precisely because the Paul campaign has not been thoroughly covered that no one pays attention to the historical paternity of what the candidate is saying.
Please read this article by Jeffrey Lord is a former Reagan White House political director and author. He writes from Pennsylvania at jlpa1@aol.com. This is a wonderful read that tells the truth about Ron Paul and his deceitful ways.

Why am I on such a kick to go after Ron Paul you might ask? Because I feel he is an absolute DANGER to our country. If I don't speak out -- not matter how small of an influence I have, I will regret it for the rest of my life. Do not allow yourself to be duped by this man. He is a radical leftist sent to divide the right and he is gaining support from those that simply do not understand history and either ignorantly or purposely distort facts and make up erroneous statements in order to defend their radical views.


Robin Koerner said...

I am the person who wrote the article that coined the term Blue Republican. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robin-koerner/blue-republican_b_886650.html. I am therefore the guy who originated the movement. I can assure you that I have nothing to do with Soros, and he has nothing to do with me.

If he were to see the light, however, and become a Blue Republican to work for a Paul presidency, I'd be delighted to count him as an ally and take his money!

You can read any of my articles or check our Facebook group to see where my loyalties lie. They most definitely do not lie with the Democratic (or any other) party. They lie with principles

Tuesday said...

Thank you for your comment.

It simply just proves my point that Ron Paul is NOT receiving support from conservatives but rather liberals and socialists such as yourself (At least based on that link you posted, I am assuming you lean left). Ron Paul is NOT a conservative, therefore I find him to be dangerous. He has most certainly been connected to George Soros, as his ideology is very similar to Soros in so many ways.

Your assertion that Iraq was no danger to us is absurd. That's like saying the sky is not blue. The man was harboring terrorists. He was actively supporting terrorism to occur in Israel and even announced that he would pay "Palestinians" something equivalent to 10k USDs to the families of suicide bombers. Saddam refused to comply with the no-fly zone restrictions set in place from the first war, and he most indeed had WMDs. I'm sorry they were not the stockpiles you imagined.

The serin gas found was reported to have been "not properly stored" but there were no questions asked or answered when it came to the details of this report. There was no analysis of how it was improperly stored, WHEN it became improperly stored - none of these questions were asked because had they been answered, the mainstream media probably would not have liked the answers but, we will never know now, due to the laziness of reporters in the mainstream media.

Please list an American citizen that has had no ties to al-Queda that has had their rights taken from them. Liberties have been suspended before in the name of protecting our nation. Not everything is a damn conspiracy.

Paul is a ruthless, dangerous man.

Tuesday said...

I believe you are like most Americans. You are probably a little left leaning but mostly in the middle - not extreme. You are however most likely tired of the corruption that has clearly been going on for years in Washington and who wouldn't be? It's frustrating for Americans!

History has shown us that when a people become frustrated, they really don't think right and end up voting for someone that is just "different" and their attitude changes to the thought process of "anything but" however, this type of vote gets people in very big trouble as they end up voting for a tyrant they never knew much about. This is who Ron Paul is. He is the one that "seems different" but really he doesn't have a clue as to what he is talking about. He distorts history; he lives in 1930 and believes in a gold standard that all real economists of any political persuasion later changed their mind on supporting a gold standard because it is extremely government intrusive, as well as a proven failure. He believes all intervention is bad but this is not true. Peace comes from strength.

Let me ask, have you ever dealt with a sociopath? I have. There is no bargaining with these people. They do not understand diplomacy. The Middle East is a huge threat, not just to us but many countries.

Ron Paul wants complacency, isolation (in a world with the internet - IMPOSSIBLE), and other countries to dictate our foreign policy. There is nothing that can come of this except a weakening of our country. He is far to rigid, dogmatic, and legalistic. This is not what America needs.

Tuesday said...

For the record, I liked Cain but he's gone now. I have NO idea who I want to win the primary. I feel frustrated with my leaders just like most others but I know a Ron Paul vote is just a hasty vote. People never win elections that way. An election is only won when people are vote FOR someone and not AGAINST the other candidate.

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