So, I was thinking to myself, "even a broken clock is right two times per day." Of course for liberals, this is a generous amount and in no way makes up for them being wrong every other minute of the day however, isn't it fair to say that some points might be correct?
I try to be a fair person, contrary to what people may think of me and my passion for politics. However, after careful analysis of the issues I take interest in, I am mostly siding with my friends on the right. There are many issues, more than I care to even admit, that I have no clue about and therefore I typically refrain from even mentioning these issues, since I am probably busy reading and studying about something else.
Some issues I do seem to lean towards liberal thought but in no means do I believe you should ever force your opinion on others using the government.
For example: Helping others with health care, shelter, food, etc. These are wonderful and noble things to help people with. Not all homeless are evil or deserve to be living in their circumstances. If you grow up poor, you will have the mentality of a poor person. I believe you can break out of this --that's what I'm trying to do now. I know you can do it because I did it before, I just did it very foolishly. At a very young age I was quite successful. Taking a big fall and starting over is not recommended and though I have many regrets, I feel extremely grateful for my wonder life! Unfortunately, I have had to swallow my pride the last few years and ask for help. I need help, that's all there is to it. Embarrassing. Absolutely embarrassing but, I know damn well my situation is temporary. It may take a little bit of time but I will not build my castle on sand this time. So thank G-d for the help I have received from so many people! I cannot express the gratitude I have.
So, yes! Helping people is wonderful and maybe there are a few things we can help people with. It makes sense but, when the help from the government becomes a cocoon that inhibits people from growing, and fully takes away the unbelievable feeling people get when they give to someone they know or WANT to help, then we have a little problem. You should give to the needy! We should all give to anyone we can help and we should all learn to ACCEPT help when we need it. That being said, why would anyone want the government to take these things away from us?
If you have given to charity or helped a friend with a few bucks, or even paid for someone's car -- anything--you know the feeling you get when you give. It's such a wonderful feeling. When you receive help from someone you know personally, you also get a warm feeling of happiness. These are powerful emotions that work to help people grow and become better people. How are people supposed to experience these things if the government is busy stripping people of these occurrences? Of course there is nothing that is stopping people from donating now but people need to learn more on how to lean on each other. It's the right thing to do, not just rely on the government. In fact, we could help poor people much more by helping them directly. It gives people more of a sense of obligation, which is a driving force for succeeding.
That brings me to another topic: Why are liberals so damn mean to conservatives for wanting less government and more reliance on each other? Why are we the ones portrayed as the bad guys when all they ever do is support issues that inhibit people to grow and cease the idea of giving people a "push" instead of a handout?
Though liberals may have great intentions and make valid points on some issues, they have such a contrary view of how to go about making those changes. Instead of the flowery environment they strive for, they create a bunch of resentment or the exact opposite of what they imagined, yet they will cling to their ideas and purposely ignore facts and shut down anything and everything anyone says that might be contrary to their fictional belief. It's almost amazing watching people act so stubborn living in a world of delusions. I DO have delusions of grandeur myself and that's exactly why I recognize the behavior in others. I just recognize it for what it is and not try to project that onto to everyone else.
Yes, liberals are right on many things. I just wish they would get their head out of the clouds for a few minutes and just think about things on a deeper level.
There is nothing wrong with living in the clouds a bit, you just have to make sure that you avoid too many risky behaviors. Taking some risks are fine, just try and make them educated risks. Invest in the stock market, just find out how the market works, study the companies you have an interest in, don't just trust some adviser -get involved a bit. Liberals are all about throwing caution to the wind, paying no mind to anyone else around them, just going for whatever they want at all costs, thinking nothing really matters. They are like sociopaths in many ways. Of course it matters what you do! For instance, you cannot be reckless with people's hearts. You should never abuse a person; you should feel obligations; you should feel shame; you should strive to do the right thing; all of these things are necessary. You cannot just go around creating havoc on others for no reason. We ARE "in this together" as many liberals say. We all need to make moral decisions for ourselves and for the people around us. Making moral decisions keeps other people honest. Setting examples for ourselves and others HELPS people. We need more morals. We need more people who are willing to stand up to say and do the right things. Many people will fail and in fact most of us do but that's no excuse to give up and deem common sense and morality as silly or wrong.
Good intentions are just the starting point. We must always strive to look deeper and really pay close attention to the universal laws and how they work. Oftentimes the right thing may appear to be contrary to instinct. By having a strong grasp on the importance of understanding action and reaction, we can better understand what makes a decision right and what makes one wrong. As much as liberals try to find loving solutions, they fail miserably when they negate logic.
Love the post and I have no problem with helping people when they need it...It is when they DEMAND it I have a big problem with it...everyone needs help. If you need foodstamps and medicaid by all means it's ok...It is not ok to be on it for the rest of your life...It should be a temporary relief, not a FOREVER relief...but some are just to damm lazy to better themselves or want to take care of themselves. Government makes it easy and want them to rely on them...(more votes).
Just my random thoughts.
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