
Unstable Baldwin Apologizes Again

Alec Baldwin has apologized to passengers for delay after he was booted for playing cellphone game. (AP / Peter Kramer)

Just the mention of the words "unstable" and "Baldwin" will automatically conjure the image of Alec in anyone's head. If you've been paying the slightest attention to anything in the last 10 years, you know Alec has a hard time with being stable and controlling his behavior.

Once again, Alec has had to apologize for his inappropriate behavior but this time on an American Airlines' flight.
According to Baldwin, the flight was already half an hour behind schedule at Los Angeles International Airport.
Oh no! A half hour!?!? That alone is reason to fly into a rage, right?

Has this man never flown before? I've had flights delayed for hours. One flight, I had to stay in Chicago because the flight was cancelled due to problems with the plane. Delays are a part of life and this guy is getting upset over 30 minutes?
"We proceeded to sit at the gate for another fifteen minutes," Baldwin wrote. 
Baldwin did what "I nearly always have done," he said. He pulled out his phone, as did other passengers -- an act which had never been questioned by any attendants on previous American Airlines. Yet on this occasion, Baldwin claimed he was singled out by a female flight attendant "in the most unpleasant of tones." 
"The lesson I've learned is to keep my phone off when the 1950's gym teacher is on duty," Baldwin wrote. 
Still, the state of air travel today -- rather that his contrition -- seemed to the bigger concern for Baldwin.
The problem is, Baldwin doesn't think the rules apply to him. He truly believes he is "special" or better than other people. This is exactly why he is always shooting his mouth and being rude to people.

American Airlines responded with a message indicating that people are not allowed to use their cell phones and that Baldwin was rude and calling the staff inappropriate names.
Baldwin's spokesman, Matthew Hiltzik, responded on Wednesday by saying other people on the plane were violating the regulation and that Baldwin was singled out.

"The plane was already delayed half an hour at the gate when Alec was playing 'Words with Friends,"' Hiltzik told The Associated Press. "Other passengers who tweeted flagrantly violated these rules without any repercussions -- proving that they were obviously selectively enforced."

Are you kidding me? What kind of juvenile response is this? "Ugh...other people are doing it!" This is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. The man is a grown adult and this is his excuse?!? He tattles on someone else?!? Unbelievable. What a CHILD!

Of course this being a political blog, I want to point out that this behavior is quite common among outspoken liberals like Baldwin. They actually believe they are superior beings that do not have to follow rules or respect others.

He delays the flight even longer and inconveniences everyone else on that plane, when all he had to do was shut off his phone. What a pathetic man he is.

Alec is always having to apologize for his behavior and it is getting so tiring. Why do people even put up with this man? He needs therapy and medication.


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