
Today's Headlines -- Thursday

Funny At 3 AM

So, Obama released his birth certificate but, of course no one really cares because, the issue has more to do with him not being born to American citizens. The part of the Constitution that has to do with describing "natural born citizen" has yet to be officially interpreted by The Supreme Court.

No matter what you think of Obama, this would be a great historic case for the court to hear. I think it would be quite interesting and it might open up many education opportunities. For instance, classrooms would have an opportunity to show students the purpose of The Supreme Court and something like this could really spark some interest in children learning more about the Constitution.

My good friend Mike, who runs The Free World Blog, posted a status on his wall about this whole birth certificate release and an interesting message popped up:

Obviously, I responded. She comes on my friend's wall and insults him? I'm going to say something. What a mean person. I just figured it was done and over with. I mean, she de-friended him, right?

Well, apparently my comment had her so upset that she felt the need to PM me 5 hours later, at 3 AM. I was  actually trying to sleep, when I looked over just for a minute and saw that I had this lovely message from the crazy lady.

Of course, I then went back over to Mike's wall. Just for fun!

Okay, I'm mean but, I couldn't help it. Why is she lurking on his wall anyway? Too funny so, I figured I'd share. It was a little entertaining for me.


Why Conservatives KNOW That Liberals Are NUTS

This is a perfect video that demonstrates how frustrating it is for conservatives to deal with liberals. Even when you go out of your way to present them with sound logic, they stammer and simply repeat what they've been told to say. It's the total brain washing of our society.

Watch how these liberal students cannot articulate their positions but, simply reply that "it's not the same." Well, what's not the same? What do they mean some people only have so many opportunities? What about the kids who don't have to work while they are going to college? Or what about the kids that are able to get better equipment like laptops, calculators, more study guides, etc. Aren't those students at an advantage and should spread their GPA around? Why doesn't the same logic apply for taxes?

Of course people who can think for themselves can see the direct correlation here.

I love the argument about GPA not equaling money. Well, if that's the case, what does it matter if you share your GPA with everyone? Either GPA is more important or less important and if it's less important than money, certainly these students shouldn't be complaining about spreading their good fortune. If it's more important, than they definitely should be spreading their GPAs to less advantaged students. Practice what you preach, liberals.

Today's Headlines -- Thursday


The Far Left Displays Their "Tolerance"

This looks like a bunch of spoiled rotten brats who have never once had to deal with anything bad happening to them.


Feminism Explained

How Islam is Taking Over the World - Terrifying Reality (Islamization)

Today's Headlines -- Sunday


Dennis Miller -- O'Reilly ---Obama's speech

Today's Headlines -- Thursday


Today's Headlines -- Wednesday

The World According To Diane -- Part 3 -- The Conclusion

I had decided to entertain the idea of putting together a final part for this episodic adventure when I had realized that more and more stories were coming in. After comparing notes, and Diane's spastic posting tirade, reminiscent of a teenager with Tourette's, here and here, there was still a need to reveal even more, and I also wanted to provide some good, old-fashioned, jolly laughter. If there is one thing Diane is, it's pure comedy.
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