So, I know that Michael Moore and the word fat are synonymous but, I can't help but add fugly and fool to the mix.
If it's one character I can't stand on the left, it's Michael Moore. The very mention of his name makes me cringe. I see in front of me a beast of sickening disgust, a hideous creature that whines non-stop, all while laughing his way to the bank. Notice how he doesn't seem to stop at the doors of city hall to leave a larger contribution to the government. After all, he claims we should pay more taxes, why shouldn't he volunteer to do this himself? How much more does Michael Moore send to the government each month on a volunteer basis? This statistic, I would be dying to know!
If his face isn't chewing on some fattening food, it's talking smack about anyone that doesn't agree with his psychotically insane ideology of "fairness" and "tolerance," i.g. communism. He is truly a slime to the highest elevation, exponential value of slime. It's so hard to take a man seriously when he knowingly lies and then has the audacity of accusing others of lying. Not only is he a pure propagandist, he is one of the worst hypocrites our generation has ever witnessed. The awful reality of Moore's influence can be seen every time you find some seemingly intelligent person parroting the words of this utter fool. It's egregious indeed.
The sheer brilliance of Moore is his complete disregard of truth, and yet he somehow manages to find followers. This is further evidence of what a public school education has done for many youth. He walks right past the elephant and picks up a crumb only to declare IT to be the strongest and biggest presence of the room. By doing this, he actually gets poor hapless shells of humans to believe him, as if he were some authoritative figure! The logic is mind bending to say the least.
In his "documentary" entitled, "Sicko" about health care, he actually takes some folks to Cuba. He doesn't go the hospital for the actual people of Cuba, no, no, no, he goes to the hospital that only Castro himself would go to. A fancy, decked out hospital that only the rich may attend. He failed to go to the other part of the island, where the real people of Cuba live but, he probably wasn't allowed to go there. Of course, Michael wouldn't dare tell his audience that fact.
The whole lot of the show was pure, unadulterated lies, along with all of his other "films." He just can't seem to tell the truth.
Here's a video clip I thought was interesting and I wanted to share. This is just one of many, many examples of what this sick coward does to people.
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