
Liberal Tactics

It is becoming more and more clear that liberals cannot debate conservatives. For years, we've known this because, they refuse (most of them), to go on any show that may be too challenging. They do horrible in areas like radio, this is because, callers actually call and confront their nonsense. Just look at the great, failed experiment of Air "head" America. Is that even going on still? They have maybe 2 listeners.

I have tried over and over to confront these poor excuses of so-called "men" with facts, statistics, reasoning, logic, ect., practically anything I could think of, to get them to understand how much they've been brainwashed by a culture of disgust and, utter contempt for morality. It doesn't work. I don't even bother debating the woman. They are just filled with utter nonsense and couldn't hold a debate with me, or any conservative if they tried.

If you disagree with Obama in anyway, it's all about you being a big racist. Now, I hate to rehash all this but, it's not going away! There are people that really believe this rhetoric. They are not dropping this argument. They don't want to debate you on any of the issues, they just want to shut the conversation down and that way they don't have to pay attention to your argument, they can simply get away with all that by saying, they don't listen to "racists."

I had the pleasure of trying to debate with a brainless-tard, liberal this early morning, when he, by the second response to me, pulled out the tired ol', "no use in debating with someone so 'closed minded.'" Really?

To which I politely responded:

Oh, and my favorite..."You're so closed minded." Which means what the F#&^ exactly? Liberals like Tim say this when they just have NO facts, NO logic, NO reasoning to back them up and then, they pull out this dimwitted gem. They don't even realize how ironic it is, that's what makes it all the more hilarious.

Gee, Tim, YOU don't grasp logic, YOU are the one that doesn't understand how a conservative thinks, yet, I am the "closed minded" one?!?! LMAO! Then, I guess you're just as "closed minded"!

I have some news for you buddy, I used to be a flaming liberal; I'm a former improv comedian/actress/dancer/director/backstage worker. I've done it all when it comes to performing arts. I know exactly how you think, which isn't thinking at all. I actually went out and got an education, so that's why I am now a conservative.

How you like that foot in your mouth? Does it taste good? You really should get used to the taste if you are going to continue with your sophomoric responses. We're not in junior high school here. You're actually going to get called out on your absurd hyperbole and rhetoric!

It seemed he wasn't happy about this comment I made previously, thus provoking the "open-minded" comment:

It's almost laughable how crappy liberals are and what they believe in. It's very clear that liberalism is a mental disorder. You just have to look at all the things they believe in.

1. They support terrorism by ignoring it or, trying to appease the enemy. Instead of standing up to something that is clearly EVIL, they actually will condemn people for standing up to it, which actually makes them evil. If that doesn't work, they make up ridiculous conspiracies about how everyone is "out to get them." If their conspiracies are confronted with facts, they then change the theory to "fit" the story. It's kind of like watching a child putting a piece in a puzzle that doesn't fit.

2. They know Social Security is going bankrupt, and have for years but, they don't want to reform it or, put the responsibility in the hands of the people! NO NO NO, they want full control to make sure when you get old, you'll have nothing.

3. They rail on and on about the rich but, they just so happen to be the richest people in the country! LOL! Still, the ignorant line up to listen to their tales of woe, like Bill Clinton saying he grew up with nothing, even though they've been proven to be all lies. They could give a crap about the poor. If they really cared about people, they would help them with their own money, not steal from the gov't (the people), by stealing everything in the White House when they leave! It's been proven over and over that Republicans give much more of their money to charities and to the poor.

4. They believe in animals, trees, and rocks, they just don't believe that humans are as good. In Canada, a pet can get better health care than a human and Demoncraps know this, yet, they still want gov't health care.

5. They are the most racist, vile people on the planet. They treat blacks and Mexicans like "pets." We are simply a trophy to the white liberal. "Look, I have a friend that's Mexican!" They simply think they are so much better and wiser whenever they "go to bat" for us minorities. As if we're stupid and need their help. They think we're all dumb and couldn't possibly do as well or better than a white person! We need affirmative action. Well, some of us have caught on that we are just being USED by them! ...and I could go on and on and on...Liberalism is a MENTAL DISORDER!!!

Here's a great video that explains more about liberal tactics and what they are doing to destroy anyone and everyone that doesn't worship at the alter of the big-eared commie.


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