Just this year, a new documentary was released called "An Open Secret" by Amy Berg. As of writing this article, the movie is still in limited theaters across the country and the public has been assured that it will be released in digital format sometime in the near future.
The following clip that discusses the film as well as new legislation recently passed to prevent monsters from continuing to work in the business features Evan Henzi and Anne Henry. Evan was a child actor who was repeatedly abused over a span of four years by Marty Weiss.
Watch for yourself but please keep in mind this material is heavy stuff. Some parts are impossible for me to get though without tears. It's not graphic language; it's knowing what they are talking about. It's flashes of quickly imagining a child being abused in such a horrific way and feeling helpless and having no one to turn to. It's knowing that so many of these children grew up and found they couldn't escape themselves so they drowned out their reality with drugs and booze. It's knowing that some of these children never made it out alive and the ones that did are still haunted by what was done to them by people they should have been able to trust, people that were supposed to love them.
Marty Weiss - BizParentz's Foundation co-founder Ann Henry states in the video that Corey Feldmarn outed Weiss as one of Corey Haim's abusers. It appears that Feldman only did this after Weiss was arrested but, I cannot confirm or deny this timeline.
Henry says that Weiss was long suspected as being a predator but they lacked evidence. The files from BizParent's were given to the film makers of "An Open Secret." These files were used to track down leads and revisit cases.
Former childhood actor Evan Henzi wanted to turn his abuser into authorities but he knew he also needed evidence. He called Weiss and recorded their conversation. This was sent to authorities and Weiss was finally arrested.
Final episode of Season 1 on The Two Coreys, Haim confronts Feldman about the abuse he suffered and even accuses Feldman of doing nothing and remaining friends with one of Haim's abusers.
Corey Haim died March 10, 2010.
"He [Weiss] used to hit on [Corey] Haim all the time," noted Scott Carlson, manager of another former child actor Corey Feldman, who has alleged sexual abuse when he was younger. "Corey [Feldman] and I both knew him."In the end however, justice was not served. Weiss ended up pleading no-contest to charges. He served a year in jail and was released receiving five years probation, and of course had to register as a sex-offender.
“It was the gossip back in the ‘80s. People said, ‘Oh yeah, the Coreys [Feldman, Haim], everyone’s had them.’ People talked about it like it was not a big deal…”
— Alison Arngrim - actress
I cannot find Weiss' current location.Fernando Rivas - Fernando is a Cuban immigrant who attended Julliard School of music. He also worked his way up to becoming a successful composer. He created for Disney and Sesame Street. He was arrested in 2013 and sentenced to 15 years. You can click the link provided as I cannot even begin to write about what this man did.
Jason James Murphy - Jason was first charged with molestation in Edmonds, Washington where he had groomed a 5 year old. He was first arrested but immediately released. In early 1996, he actually dressed as a women to lure the child back to him and took the child to New York with him. FBI eventually caught up with him and he served 5 years behind bars.
After James was released he moved to CA, registered as a sex offender, and changed his name a bit so he could begin a career in Hollywood. Jason James would become a successful child actor casting director. In 2011 he was arrested, since working with children was illegal for him since he was a registered sex-offender.
Officers with the Los Angeles Police Department, on December 9, 2011, arrested Murphy on charges he had violated California's sex offender registry regulations. Violations of these laws are felonies that carry sentences of up to three years in prison.
Roman Polanski - He pleaded guilty to having sex with a 13 year old in 1977 but fled the country to avoid arrest.
Jason Michael Handy - A former production assistant at Nickelodeon studios who in 2004 plead no contest to two felony counts. At least two victims were involved. One count was for lewd acts on a child and the other was for distributing sexually explicit material by e-mail. Also there was a misdemeanor charge for related to child sexual exploitation.In October of 2014 he was arrested again.
Jason Michael Handy, 41, is charged with three counts of felony indecent liberties with a child and two counts of felony sex offender violations.
Deputies say these charges resulted from an investigation into the activities of a juvenile victim. Handy was registered as a Sex Offender in Guilford County due to convictions in 2004 in California, for lewd and lascivious conduct with a juvenile.
Bob Villard - Villard had been monitored by authorities before 1987. In NJ he faced charges of child p*rnography and was convicted yet on appeal the case fell apart. Later he would be accused again in 2001. He was given 3 years probation after pleading no contest to those charges.
Villard moved on to managing the acting careers of young boys.
Throughout this period, Villard touted his work with aspiring young actors, some of whom would later become major Hollywood stars — among them Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio and Danny Nucci. Villard boasted on a company website that as a manager he had "guided the careers of dozens of successful film and television actors."
In 2005, Villard was back in court and pleaded no contest to the felony charge of committing a lewd act on a child. The victim was a 13-year-old boy who sought him out as an acting coach. Villard is serving an eight-year prison sentence.
Ezel Ethan Channel - This scum bag was already on probation for a previous conviction in 2003. He was a registered sex offender and somehow managed to get a job as a production assistant at Nickelodeon Animation Studios. Later in 2005 he would be arrested again for molesting a 14-year old boy. In 2009 he would finally be convicted for a misdemeanor battery count and a felony pornography count. However the felony conviction would later be thrown out on appeal. I can't find where this man is at as of today.
Michael Jackson - Though Corey Feldman insisted the pop-star did not molest him, Michael had been accused at least twice in major lawsuits covered here in the United States. Private investigator Anthony Pellicano had worked for Jackson a short time after the first allegation of pedophilia was made. If you'd like to read the details of this backstory, just click the link.
What I do find interesting is that Pellicano said this about Jackson:
“I quit because I found out some truths … He did something far worse to young boys than molest them.” Pellicano, the father of nine children, refused to elaborate.Please note that there are people that dispute Pellicano who was actually arrested later on for several charges. The man was a private investigator to the stars who can easily be characterized as ruthless. However it should also be noted that he had no reason to lie about Jackson.
Though many claims that have been made over the years, including the claim that Jackson paid off as many as 24 families, there seems to be no other collaborating evidence to support these specific claims.
Wade Robson who first supported Jackson and was even a defense witness at the 2005 trial has since changed his story and claims the pop star had indeed molested him as well, beginning at the age of 7 and running through till the age of 14.
I have LONG believed Jackson was a predator and it seems likely that he himself was also abused as a child.
Michael's first known victim was Jordan Chandler:
In 2009 Jordan's dad, Evan Chandler, had ended his life with a gunshot to the head. Fans of Jackson began to spread rumors claiming the man killed himself because he was consumed with guilt over having lied about Michael Jackson molesting his son. Even worse, people were actually stating (yes you can still find people that actually believe to this day), Jordan took back his claims and admitted he lied. This is completely untrue. Neither ever recanted their story. His father suffered from a genetic disease that caused him to live with constant pain. Even worse was the fact that Jackson-fans made both their lives miserable, eventually even destroying their own father-son relationship, all the way until his suicide.
Jackson's second victim was Gavin Arvizo. This young man was sick with cancer when Jackson began grooming him. Many people are not convinced by Arvizo's claims. It is unfortunate that his mother creates an uneasy feeling when observing her in interviews. Yet, even if she is a stupid mother for allowing her son to be taken in by Jackson (there is no doubt she is), that hardly excuses Jackson's behavior of molesting her son. Jackson was acquitted by the jury in this case which is not a terrible stretch since celebrities are well-known for getting away with murder in California's courtrooms. Literally. Murder.
It should be noted that Arvizo's mother did not sue for money so the claim that Jackson repeatedly tried to claim about them only wanting money was absolutely false. She removed her boy from the home immediately after learning Michael had given her boy alcohol, which was called "Jesus Juice." [See links below for more of this story.]
Another accuser has come forward named Jimmy Safechuck. Jimmy or James met Jackson on the set of a Pepsi commercial. The two would grow closer and closer over a period of a few years. In Jimmy's case, there is a witness of Jackson molesting him. You can read about Jimmy's story in the link I provided.
Jimmy's abuse would span over the years of 1989 to 1991. His story is very detailed and matches many of the other stories children have given. When James became too old for Jackson he was merely cut off and without explanation. Jackson would move on to new, younger boys.
Two new boys enter Jackson's life - Brett Barnes and Omer Bhatti.Omar and his family would be moved out to Neverland Ranch. The parents were given jobs and Omer would soon become a lie - a fourth secret son. His name was changed to Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr. After Omer got older, he moved back to Norway with his parents. There is no confirmation as to Michael violating Omer and he does not seem to accept interviews. One quote from him says this about Michael:
“I don’t wish to say too much about it, but I will say Michael in many ways was very innocent. But you can’t expect everybody to have the same view on everything. […] To him certain things was natural and completely innocent, things that not necessarily all people would view the same way.”No claims so far from Brett Barnes either. The young boy spent many nights alone with Jackson in hotel rooms. His parents seemed to have complied with many of Jackson's wishes. Though he remained outwardly supportive of Jackson, his testimony should be met with high skepticism.
– Omer Bhatti
Jonathan Spence - I'm still looking for more information about him but when Neverland was raided the police found a naked photo of the boy among Michael's p*rnograpy collection.
Jason Francia - Yet another victim of Jackson.
"...the boy who received a 2.4 million dollar payout after alleging he was tickled on the genitals several times by Jackson, who was extremely reticent about his abuse to law enforcement and the court. He wasn’t the only one who expressed displeasure over revelations about being molested."To read trial transcripts from 2005, please click here.
More links to resources below.
Now hold on because it's about to get real crazy...
Marc Collins-Rector - Marc is a business man who founded DEN - Digital Entertainment Network. This was an online streaming video company that eventually failed in the wake of sexual abuse allegations. His lover at the time things went down was a man named Chad Shackley. He took off to Spain and fought extradition charges but eventually was brought back to the US where he pleaded guilty to charges and was required to register as a sex offender.
It turns out that Marc is at the center of an entire ring of pedophiles. Some have been convicted and others have not so, I can only state that the charges are merely unproven allegations. Marc ran his business with Chad and a former child actor Brock Pierce. They lived in a mansion and became known for throwing parties for gay men - like circuit parties. They were well known and lavish and involved Hollywood A-list gay stars.
Introduce Bryan Singer who is a director, writer, and producer and involved in the X-Men movies - he was a regular guest at these parties. Also a guest David Geffen. While looking at his profile I realized that he was one of the people in Hollywood who actually had a falling out with President Clinton for not pardoning Leonard Peltier. If that name doesn't ring a bell, please check out my article about him (UNBELIEVABLE).
These parties would soon turn sinister. Alleged charges of sexual assaults on several boys would first become known when a child actor Michael Egan stepped forward. Marc Collins would skip out and disappear claiming he was scared Geffen had set out to destroy him.
Singer has never been criminally charged and calls the allegations false. Geffen was never named as being an abuser; he appears to have only been a guest at these parties. Yet, I have to say it's not hard to do a search of his name and find that many people do believe him to be a pedophile. It's hard to imagine him being around these types of people and not know what is going on - at least.
In another twist to this story, it turns out Marc is no stranger to child abuse. In 1999 he paid a settlement of 1 million dollars to a boy in New Jersey who claimed Marc had lured him to Michigan and California and sexually abused him. Of course he claims the payout was merely done to protect the company and investors.
In 2000, Collins-Rector, Shackley, and Pierce were in Florida, living on a private island off Miami Beach. Alexander Burton, an 18-year old friend of Pierce was with them. At some point allegations would be made that Burton was some sort of a plant placed by Geffen who was instructed to spy on the group. At first this allegation was firmly made and later it was flat out denied.
Yet there doesn't seem to be any doubt that some type of argument occurred and Burton left. Collins would then contact a private investigator who advised them to take off. This is when they would hop on a plane and go to Spain. A month later...
The month after the three entrepreneurs left for Spain, Burton filed a sexual-assault lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court alleging that Collins-Rector, Shackley, and Pierce had systematically raped and drugged him, even threatening him with a gun. Mark Ryan and Michael Egan, two young men who had worked for DEN, were listed as co-plaintiffs in the complaint. At least four other lawsuits followed in the ensuing months, all alleging sexual abuse by Collins-Rector against adolescent boys. Some of the plaintiffs were awarded default judgments because the defendants failed to respond to the allegations. Burton eventually dropped all charges against Pierce. Ryan settled, apparently without damages. Egan also settled with Pierce, for $21,600. Pierce told BuzzFeed that Egan’s settlement went to legal fees. Pierce denied engaging in any misconduct. Shackley does not appear to have paid any of the outstanding default judgments against him.
Just three months after they were in Spain, New Jersey decides to go after Marc Collins again - this time on 5 counts of transporting minors across state lines for the purposes of sex. Eventually in 2002 authorities in Spain would catch up with Marc Collins. Shackley and Pierce were not charged. Police in Spain would find over 8000 images of child p^rn on Marc Collins' computer.
He spent over a year in prison and in typical sociopath form claimed to have been tortured while in prison. I give zero-f!cks about his deserved torture yet at the same time I don't believe it happened.
Collins was brought back to the US in October of 2003, and had to spend some time in a mental hospital. Finally he would plea guilty to 9 counts of transporting minors for sex. He received credit for his time in Spain but was given three years of probation. Yeah that's it. Abuse a child for sex and serve almost no time. Unbelievable.
At some point, Collins discovered he had a brain tumor and requested time to travel to Europe for a special surgery. He was granted this option because it seemed for quite sometime he was doing well, starting a company and being productive, avoiding trouble. He took off to Europe and due to his illness had to have a live-in assistant. It turns out this assistant was 18 years old and the two fell in love. The US demanded he come back and finish out his probation. As soon as he was finished with his probation period he took off back to Europe renouncing his citizenship to this country, to be with his male teen lover.
The two were in the UK but would move to Belgium and Collins seemed to have had a series of failed business ventures. True to sociopath form, Collins managed to piss off everyone and eventually found himself friendless and jobless. Marc tried writing and starting a YouTube channel. He is said to be living alone in an apartment in Belgium, miserable and handicapped. Couldn't have happened to a better guy.
Okay, so now let's move a bit past this to Seann William Scott.

I go onto his Twitter page and look what I found? Seann with Charlie Sheen. Quaint. Okay, how does Seann tie into all this? Well, here's the story....
It seems Seann was involved in a project at the mansion these Hollywood parties were thrown at. Seann was supposed to be doing a show they were preparing to film for DEN called Chad's World. I just linked the first article that came up but, there are others so be sure to dig a bit yourself and see what else you can find. However there is a ton of gossip about this so, it's impossible to decide what is real and what is just talk.
I have not found anyone suggesting Seann was directly involved in any of these activities concerning child abuse however, it does seem like he may at least know something. Who knows? However there is no mistake he did have connections with these people and attended parties there.
This pedophile ring story is so convoluted and contains so many characters and while there are indeed actual convictions - proof that this stuff occurred, there is still unsettled business and still characters that may be involved who have not been brought to justice. When dealing with stories involving so many different people things become confusing and I don't want to engage in gossip or speculation but it's hard to ignore. What's up with Charlie Sheen? Again, I can't find anything direct about him being involved in this ring however, he sure seems to pop up in these stories in some manner. Is is all gossip? Is it silly conspiracy? It very well could be and I want very much to avoid walking down that path. I guess we can just file it away until more information becomes available.
Getting back to Egan...
Even though other anonymous people have also filed similar civil lawsuits, it appears as of late, it was determined that Egan's accusations were false. Dates of him being in HI could not be confirmed; he also did not have collaborating witnesses. This begs the question - what happened? The accusations made indeed sound outrageous and yet they are so outrageous they sound believable. Why was Bryan Singer willing to settle for $100,000? Why didn't Egan decide to take the deal? Garth Ancier is said to be filing his own lawsuit against Egan for false allegations harming his reputation.
In yet another coincidence, actor Brian Peck, who also worked on X-Men would find himself being charged in separate cases of child abuse. Peck is mentioned in the documentary but his abuser is not named. He was charged with eleven various counts yet in the end only convicted on two. It appears he served a year and went right back to working in Hollywood for Disney and get this - he's great friends with Charlie Sheen. How quaint.
Unfortunately this article only covers some recent cases and cases that have been brought to court. There are certainly more and many predators are still at work but have yet to be exposed since there is either not enough information or there is someone too scared to step forward.
One thing we have to keep in mind in that many children who grow up in Hollywood simply do not understand they are even being abused. This type of behavior is normalized for a time being and when they finally become more aware, the reality of the adults around them betraying them, not taking care of them, allowing abuse can send them on a road some never come back from.
Fortunately we live in different times where these monsters are no longer able to live in the shadows - not for much longer. With the internet more and more people are becoming aware with what has been happening. The awareness will hopefully give people the courage to step forward and talk about what they know or what has been done to them personally. Hollywood can be just like anywhere else - there are good people and there are monsters and the monsters need to be cleansed out off Hollywood.
Links to Resources
If after all this you might be looking for a childhood story that is a bit more humorous and more down to earth, away from the crazy of Tinseltown, check out Chad Bishoff's book.
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